
  Stefan Röttig

Born in Saarbrücken in 1967. Private vocal studies with Prof. Anneliese Schlosshauer (Mozarteum Salzburg and the MHS Saarbrücken), George-Emile Crasnaru (Musikhochschule Düsseldorf), and Brigitta Seidler-Winkler. Dance training with Kristine Keil (Staatsoper Wien, Nationaltheater München, Volksbühne Berlin). Master classes with Prof. Claudia Eder, Romeo Alavi Kia, Cornelius L. Reid, and Alberto Zedda. In 1994 he was active at the Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg. Guest performances at the Hamburgische Staatsoper in 1995, at the Kammeroper im Rathaushof, Constance, in 1996, the Festival Mozart in Schönbrunn, Vienna, in in 1999, and at the Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival in 2000. In 1998 he was semifinalist in the Sixth International Sylvia Geszty Singing Competition in Luxembourg. In 1998 he was awarded a prize at the thirteenth Robert-Stolz-Gesangswettbewerb in Hamburg. In 1999 he was a semifinalist in the Internationaler Gesangswettbewerb Belvedere in Vienna. In 2000 he was a prizewinner at the third Internationaler Wagnerstimmenwettbewerb in Saarbrücken. He is active in Germany and abroad as a singer of lieder and oratorios. Various radio and television performances and CD productions. In 2004 he participated in Voyeur at the Forum Neues Musiktheater.