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Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ICST
HMT Zurich
The Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ICST of the Zurich School of Music, Drama and Dance (Hochschule Musik und Theater Zürich HMT) came into being in January 2005. The ICST was the idea of Daniel Fueter, Rector of the HMT. It is divided into two departments, Computer Music and Sound Technology. Its primary function is to carry out research with particular emphasis on projects involving collaboration between these two domains. Student, teachers and researchers are welcome at the Institute to work on their projects. The Institute also invites composers to do research or to realize pieces in its studio. In addition, the ICST organizes several series of public events during the school year, including the ICSTalk lectures, monthly concerts in the Kleiner Saal in the Florhofgasse and the “Generator” concert series for student compositions. A close relationship to the degree programs of the HMT is assured. The “Tonmeister” program, parts of the Composition Degree with Specialization in Computer Music, the Post-Graduate Course in Computer Music and most of the individual Computer Music courses are given by staff member of the Institute. Staff members assist students and faculty where appropriate and encourage them to develop research projects to be realized at the ICST. In January 2006 the ICST presented a workshop on ambisonics at Forum Neues Musiktheater.