-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits- And on the evening of November 23, 1993: "Calling all Orbanauts, this is Flight Sergeant Aardvark with an urgent message from home base. I have just awakened and been informed that The Orb _Live 93_ has been delayed until further notice. My dearest Earthling contacts have informed home base that Fluffy has been kidnapped by the Evil Bro in Leicester - on this eve of November 25, 1993 at the stroke of midnight during one of the final Orb live sets of 93. This is a serious matter, and we must treat this matter with all precautions. Orbservers claim that the Orb have cancelled the show and will not go on stage until Fluffy is returned. One Orbserver said: "...Fluffy was just shaking his booty to the Orblisful [sic] groove, and next thing you know, he was gone." As the music halted, reports claimed that the dissapointment on all Orbient groovers cannot be described: They are in such a state of distOrbance. This is truly a catastrophe - Orblivioun has taken over the world. Meanwhile... a ranson [sic] note from the space tower comes in: TO: FLIGHT SERGEANT AARDVARK: GREETINGS, WE ARE FROM THE PLANET EVIL, THE 39TH PLANET IN THE GALAXY. WE DO NOT WANT TO CAUSE HARM UNLESS WE MUST. WE ARE ONLY DESPARATE. UNLIKE YOU, WE DO NOT HAVE THE PLEASURE OF HEARING SUCH BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS AS YOU DO WITH THE ORB _LIVE 93_. THIS SOUND HAS REMAINED UNCHARTED TERRITORY FOR US EVILINGS AND WE ONLY WANT 1.5 MILLION COPIES OF THE ORB _LIVE 93_ FOR OUR PLANET TO INDULGE. ONCE YOU HAVE DELIVERED THE GOODS, FLUFFY WILL BE RETURNED. BUT YOU, FLIGHT SERGEANT AARDVARK MUST COME TO HIS RESCUE. INSTRUCTIONS ARE ON THEIR WAY. THIS HAS BEEN YOUR ONLY AND FINAL WARNING. A very brave yet anxious Flight Sergeant Aardvark is awaiting his mothership. As the mothership prepares for lift-off, Flight Sergeant Aardvark humbly climbs into the capsule and begins his voyeuristic journey into the sanctuary of the land of Evil. A new age will dawn by the time he reaches the entrance. A solemn moon sets adrift on Flight Sergeant Aardvark. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FLIGHT SERGEANT AARDVARK: WARNING: You will not be flying in real time. The reality engine will be your life supporter as you enter the land of Evil. A stimulation like no other, entering the land of Evil is a voyeuristic sanctuary. You must remain passionate at all times. You must prepare your senses for this visual and mental excursion. Experience a vivid, dramatic trip that will consistently change with every motion as you enter realities, dimensions, perspectives, worlds, movement...The first step is reaching the *Plateau.* You must avoid all obstacles that confront you, obstacles that will try to take you off the path of control. Remember, you are the commander, you have the capability of breaking all gravitational limits. A fusion of ambient powers will be on your side, but the rest is up to you. Keep your vision intact, interact with no one. You are at a point of no return. As you surpass reality you find yourself slipping into another dimension. It is at this point you accelerate into *Out Of Body Experience.* The fantastical voyage of evil will now take you through the intrinsic detail of the exotic *Litttle Fluffy Clouds*, newly illustrated in rhythmic details, and lustful three dimensional landscapes which will titillate you to an Orbgasmic stimulation. The fantastical voyage now takes you through the entrance of the galaxy of *Star 6 & 7 8 9.* Your real time response mechanism will integrate with the powers of forceful electronic beams. Do not be intimidated. You will experience mind-bending loops and stratospheric sensualities as you enter the *Towers of Dub* where blissfulness will take over your soul. Spacedog Otto is at your side, but may only be in your mind. Maneuvering past the illustrious textures of dubful delight, you must now push through the boundaries until everything becomes transparent blueness. You have now discovered your path into the *Blue Room.* This is not your imagination. You must follow the transparent path through the glowing warmth and incredible display of echoes. Remain on the lookout for treacherous canyons. As you soar through the obscurities of the *Valley*, strap yourself in tight - it is not a long time before the *Perpetual Dawn* is upon you. This is where you must meet the fire breathing Evil Bro, who is assigned to be your *Assassin*. You must escape his path by taking the excursion into the Outlands. The Evil Bro has met his match. You can feel the heat of his beating energy. Not too far ahead in the distance you notice a lurking tower of presence. This is it. This is where Fluffy is being kept hostage in a secret alley on the dark and haunting outskirts of the *Spanish Castles in Space*. A sense of x-tacy warms your body as the Evil Bro sporadically swims into your dimension pumping the adrenaline through your veins, preparing you for your syncho-energistic joining of the forces which make you and the Evil Bro one. The vision of the Evil Bro evaporates as your guardian life supporters emanate from within. Their forceful release of emotion will drive you into the pulse of a *Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From The Center of the Ultraworld*. You have now reached Evil 39. Congratulations. Fluffy is waiting for your arrival. You both may now return home. Flight Sergeant Aardvark immediately contacts home base with the news and once again the earthlings seethed into a heavenly Orblissful state. Two days later, a message appears in Flight Sergeant Aardvark's mind: I would like to sincerely thank you for turning our planet *Live 93* once again. Enclosed is your very own import copy of _Live 93_ - indulge! On a collision course to a planet near you: _U.F.Orb_ will be available in its original format - never head before, plus the reissue of _Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld_, both heading your way in 94 on the Island Red label. _Live 93_ release date: January 24, 1994 -orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-orb-bits-