From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #208 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 1 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 208 Kraftwerk unplugged - The joke Re: musique concrete Summarise Last Six Months? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 10:47:15 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: Kraftwerk unplugged - The joke Really-From: Lars Nellemann When this ridicoulus unplugged thing started a few years back - a danish group called Gangway, did Autobahn unplugged at a Danish TV-show, It was meant purely as a Joke - they played it with the use of accustic guitar and a cardboard box as percussion. - -- ***************************************** * Lars Nellemann * * University of Copenhagen * * Copenhagen, Denmark * * * * FAX: +45 3532 6120 * ***************************************** ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 11:34:06 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: musique concrete Really-From: Kevin Busby Interesting stuff from (l'affaire wolfram), who wrote:- > After the 1950s the Groupe did not really produce anything anymore. I am > not sure whether it stopped to exist or they just went in-active. After GRM is still very active, not just with compositions but with related fields such as software (e.g. GRMTools). > Nowadays, there are some composers (especially in and around France) who > feel inspired by the old Musique Concrete. Most of their music is > unfortunately rather dull, but there are also a few good contemporary > composers on Musique Conrete. Luc Ferrari is an example of someone who has > brought the original ideas of Musique Concrete to a higher level. The modern-day direct descendant of MC is Acousmatic Music, described by composer Francis Dhomont as "a way of organising a duration with sonic elements, the audible reflections of an imaginary realm, regardless of the nature of these elements and independently from the sources that generate them". The analogue technology of MC has been largely superseded by AM's computer processing of sounds (hence GRMTools). > Maybe you could get some information via the IRCAM institute in Paris. > They're somewhere on the WWW. Kevin ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 14:00:46 -0500 (EST) Subject: Summarise Last Six Months? Really-From: Al Crawford I unsubscribed from the list last September, prior to emigrating to the US, and have only just resubscribed. Could anyone summarise (in one paragraph, preferably) what's gone on Kraftwerk-wise over that time? At about the time I dropped out, there was some talk of how _Mix 2_ was going to be out Real Soon Now (hehehe), and some debate over the morality of buying Germanofon's bootlegs of the early albums. So what's happened since? Al - -- Al Crawford - "Art/Empire/Industry" ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #208 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #209 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Monday, 3 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 209 Date: 01 Apr 1995 13:29:36 GMT KW Rereleases ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 01 Apr 1995 13:29:36 GMT Subject: Date: 01 Apr 1995 13:29:36 GMT Really-From: (Gert Jalass) help index kraftwerk-digest which kraftwerk-digest - --- OffRoad 1.0 registered to Gert Jalass ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 14:44:18 +0100 (BST) Subject: KW Rereleases ? Really-From: Richard Ingram Hi ! Just seen that there will be four KW CDs rereleased by EMI : ComputerWorld RadioActivity Man Machine The Mix ? The mix seems s strange to rerelease does it not ? Does anyone know if they are SBM or remastered ? Could this be done so when a new album is released people will go out and buy the older ones ? They will be out 18-4-95 in the UK. Bye, Richard. ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #209 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #210 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 4 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 210 RE: KW Rereleases ? Neu on CD Re-release Thoughts/Audio Fault Language Versions re: Neu on CD Toccata Electronica What's the Deal? (KW re-releases) Re: What's the Deal? (KW re-releases) E-music on the net home page ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 09:04:18 BST Subject: RE: KW Rereleases ? Really-From: Shane J Wims >The mix seems s strange to rerelease does it not ? >Does anyone know if they are SBM or remastered ? >Could this be done so when a new album is released people will go out and >buy the older ones ? >They will be out 18-4-95 in the UK. I don't know if this is significant, but the catalogue number of the relrelease The Mix is the same as the original ... On another note ... the Elektra issue of Computer World seems to be lacking 'bass' sounds. Is it supposed to be like this?? - -shane ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 11:25:25 MET+100 Subject: Neu on CD Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" The first two Neu LP's have been "re-released" as CD-bootlegs. Klaus Zaepke ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 3 APR 95 08:20:58 EDT Subject: Re-release Thoughts/Audio Fault Really-From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA Maybe the record companies hope to gain indirect sales of older Kraftwerk when(if) a new CD is released too. New interests by people who only recently discovered KW (or soon to discover) may be the intended market. If for instance a MIX 2 is released with "The Model", new listeners may buy the Man Machine by mistake! or by older material out of interest. On my Computer World CD, there is a high frequency drop out on the voice at 59sec into the song "Computer Love". It sounds like a bad punch in when recording or Digitizing to CD from a dammaged tape master. Can anyone verify this for me. I'm very curious. Ideally an comparison to a LP source should determine the fault. Philip Pilgrim ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 11:58:19 +0100 (BST) Subject: Language Versions Really-From: Richard Ingram I know this is probably an FAQ but are all KW releases available in German and English ? It looks as though I'll be getting the new low priced re release of Radio Activity as I have the German language version. Also in the ad it mentions that Computer World is on CD for the first time, I suspect this means that it is a proper UK release not a US/German Import, Anyone noticed that the German/US language versions have slightly different timings on some tracks ? We have the mag Q at work, if I can get to a scanner I'll try and get the add and the reviews scanned. I'll see what I can do. Bye, Rich ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 8:18:14 -0400 (EDT) Subject: re: Neu on CD Really-From: >Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" >The first two Neu LP's have been "re-released" as CD-bootlegs. So has the third album. Sound quality is excellent to my ears. No audible surface noise as with the Kraftwerk bonus cuts issues. I did pick up the first two Kraftwerk albums without the bonus cuts, and the sound is much better than the bonus cuts issues. No surface noise, which was especially bothersome on _Kraftwerk 2_ (bonus cut issue). John McIntyre Physics - Astronomy Domine Dept Michigan State University ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 15:30:53 MET+100 Subject: Toccata Electronica Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" The bootleggers seem to have changed their tactics. On this new "Toccata Electronica" bootleg they don't sell an old CD bootleg with a new package, but they try to sell old tracks under different titles. What is called "Computer World (Robotron-Mix)" is already known as "Computer World (Klick Mix)". What is called "Tour de France (Orig. 1983 Kevorkian Ext. 12" Remix)" is in fact the 1984 remix. What is called "Die Roboter (demo, special German Kling-Klang-Remix)" is the normal 1991 single edit. What is called "Les Mannequins (Orig. 1978 Ext. French-Remix)" is neither extended nor remixed nor from 1978. It is the normal 1977 LP version. What is called "Dentaku (Orig. 1981 Ext.-Remix)" is also neither extended nor remixed, but the normal LP version. What is called "Tour de France (Orig. 1983 German Kling-Klang- Version)" is in fact the 12" French-language version from 1984. What is called "Stratovarius (Live Bremen 21.6.71)" is also known as "Live Koeln 12.6.71". I don't know which date is the correct one, but I doubt that Kraftwerk did a concert in Bremen in June 1971. The track "Zehn kleine Negerlein" is not by Kraftwerk. The only relevance to Kraftwerk are a few samples. Klaus Zaepke ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 11:21:02 +0800 (U) Subject: What's the Deal? (KW re-releases) Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." So, Are these KW re-releases actually re-masters from EMI due on April 18th? Are they recently available Bootlegs mastered on somebody's basemant equipment? Or both? (In which case I'll wait for the EMI product) Lon ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 17:43:36 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: What's the Deal? (KW re-releases) Really-From: Richard Ingram > > Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." > > So, > > Are these KW re-releases actually re-masters from EMI due on April 18th? > > Are they recently available Bootlegs mastered on somebody's basemant > equipment? > > Or both? (In which case I'll wait for the EMI product) Proper EMI releases, not sure about the techy details though - ie SBM or what. Bye, Rich. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 03 Apr 15 18:57:00 -0500 Subject: E-music on the net home page Really-From: (Edy Braun) K> If you know about information on the net concerning electronic music, K> please E-mail me the URL of that info. Check out "The Electro-Body Cafe": They also have samples of music from their label, and contain links to KRAFTWERK! I checked out the KRAFTWERK page, it was great! - --- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare - -- | Fidonet : Edy Braun 1:250/664.25 | Internet: ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #210 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #211 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, 5 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 211 Techno mailing-lists? Re: Re-release Thoughts/Audio Fault Re: Language Versions Re: kraftwerk-digest V2 #210 unsubscribe Re: Summarise Last Six Months? Techno mailing-lists? In Your Language Re: Toccata Electronica Something I found... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 10:10:53 +0200 Subject: Techno mailing-lists? Really-From: (Henrik "The Great Dane" Nedergaard) Hi everybody! I've been searching for several techno mailing-lists. Especially for any Depeche Mode, Yazoo, Camouflage & Cause & Effect lists. If you (or one of Your friends) know where I possibly could find some (or all) of these lists, I would be grateful if You would mail the addresses to me. _______________________________________________________________________________ GREETINGS FROM | | |\ | "Interactive media are not for wimps" GREETINGS FROM | | | \ | HN, march 1995 GREETINGS FROM |-----| | \ | GREETINGS FROM | | | \ | GREETINGS FROM | |enrik | \|edergaard "The Great Dane" _______________________________________________________________________________ Depeche Mode, Camouflage, Cause & Effect, Yazoo, New Order, The Grid....TECHNO! ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 04:37:16 -0400 Subject: Re: Re-release Thoughts/Audio Fault Really-From: >On my Computer World CD, there is a high frequency drop out on the >voice at 59sec into the song "Computer Love". It sounds like a bad >punch in when recording or Digitizing to CD from a dammaged tape >master. Can anyone verify this for me. I'm very curious. Ideally an >comparison to a LP source should determine the fault. Well I just dragged out my old Warner Brothers U.S. release of Computer Love and there is no high frequency dropout throught the song. I would gather that either the analog master is damaged somehow, there was a problem when it was digitally mastered, or there was a problem at the manufacturing plant when the glass master was made for the pressing. Terry Bradshaw ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 13:35:33 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: Re: Language Versions Really-From: (ir D. Barth) > > Really-From: Richard Ingram > > I know this is probably an FAQ but are all KW releases available in > German and English ? >From TEE until The Mix, all albums are both in German and in English. > It looks as though I'll be getting the new low > priced re release of Radio Activity as I have the German language version. Radio-activity and Radio-activit/"at are the same! > Also in the ad it mentions that Computer World is on CD for the first time, > I suspect this means that it is a proper UK release not a US/German Import, > Anyone noticed that the German/US language versions have slightly different > timings on some tracks ? We have the mag Q at work, if I can get to a Yes I noticed. > scanner I'll try and get the add and the reviews scanned. I'll see what I > can do. Please mail it to me (but don't put it into this list to save some bandwidth). > > Bye, > > Rich > > Erik Barth ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 08:33:19 -0400 Subject: Re: kraftwerk-digest V2 #210 Really-From: (Martyn Kerluk) - ------------------------------ > >Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" >>Version)" is in fact the 12" French-language version from 1984. >What is called "Stratovarius (Live Bremen 21.6.71)" is also known as >"Live Koeln 12.6.71". I don't know which date is the correct one, but >I doubt that Kraftwerk did a concert in Bremen in June 1971. >The track "Zehn kleine Negerlein" is not by Kraftwerk. The only >relevance to Kraftwerk are a few samples. > > Klaus Zaepke > >------------------------------ MK> This is definately from Jun 1971. Ruckzuck and Stratovarius are both from this concert. Its actually a tv broadcast. Its now up to you to source the video portion :) Oh yeah, Michael Rother plays on those live tracks. Martyn Kerluk ( I own a copy of Organisation. He he, sorry just had to....) Neu on CD, yippee....have you heard Harmonia on CD? Martyn Kerluk **** "I come to free the words" **** **************Brion Gysin*********** ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 07:23:03 PDT Subject: unsubscribe Really-From: Please remove me from the kraftwerk distribution list! Thank you! ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 16:41:42 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Summarise Last Six Months? Really-From: Kevin Busby Al Crawford wrote:- >Summarise Last Six Months? No news is bad news. Anyhow, welcome back - I just wanted to mention that the next item in my mail spool after reading this was an advert for the following:- :On Saturday, April 8, Larry Polansky will introduce the West Coast premiere :of his epic solo piano work, "Lonesome Road (The Crawford Variations)," an Now there's a coincidence. Kevin ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 10:07:50 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Techno mailing-lists? Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > I've been searching for several techno mailing-lists. Especially for > any Depeche Mode, Yazoo, Camouflage & Cause & Effect lists. The following files is also available for ftp from in users/lazlo or via my web page at - -- clip and save -- List Of Synthpop-Related Mailing Lists Last change: 23 Feb 1995 This file describes all known synthpop-related mailing lists and how to subscribe to them. If you have additions, deletions, or corrections to this list, please email them to The majority of these mailing lists are maintained by the 'majordomo' list processing software. To join a list whose subscription address is a 'majordomo' server, send email to the subscription address with a line in the body of the message that reads "subscribe ", as in: subscribe vincent-clarke subscribe beloved etc. Some of these lists (marked with a "(+d)" after the listname in the table below) are known to also have digest versions available. Digest versions send you postings in daily or size-based collections instead of sending you each posting as it arrives at the server. To subscribe to the digest version of a list, use "-digest" in the subscribe request, as in: subscribe orb-digest etc. For most non-majordomo lists, sending a message to the subscription address with "subscribe " or "subscribe" in the body of the message will usually do the trick. Again, if you know this information to be incorrect, email Subject (listname; +digest?) subscription address ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- a-ha (a-ha) Alphaville (alphaville) The Beloved (beloved) Book Of Love (lullaby) Depeche Mode (bong; +d) Thomas Dolby (dolby) Duran Duran (tiger-list; +d) Enigma (enigma; +d) Erasure + related (vincent-clarke) Factory Records Joy Division (atmosphere) KLF + related (klf; +d) [No Orb] Kraftwerk + related (kraftwerk) Men Without Hats (hats) New Order (ceremony) Gary Numan (numanews) [Digest Only] On-U Sound Orb/System 7 + related (orb; +d) Orbital (orbital) Orch. Manouevres In The Dark (+d) Pet Shop Boys (introspective; +d) Simple Minds [SUBSCRIBE in subject] Tears For Fears Yello (yello) Yellow Magic Orchestra (jwgrote_ymo) Zang Tuum Tumb (ztt; +d) [see below] The Zang Tuum Tumb list includes discussion of all bands signed to and appearing on Trevor Horn's record label ZTT. This includes Art of Noise, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, 808 State, Propaganda, Seal, and others. The complete List Of Musical Mailing Lists is maintained by Myra Wong . It can be retrieved from the following locations: finger - -- Lazlo ( ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 04 Apr 1995 21:16:11 GMT Subject: In Your Language Really-From: (Martin Rundqvist) Hey.. I Just thought about some KW Lyrics.. They've done lyrics in German, English, French and Japanese... (maybe other.. Don't know).. I just wondering if you (friends) out there could try to translate some of the texts into your language and send 'em to me.. It would be cool.. And if you're interested I could send them back when I've got a bunch of them (I'll make a textfile with some of the best).. Get your Brain in work.. Trancel8 'em.. Send to Don't forget writing what language it is translated into.. (can be difficult to see).. Ex. Robotarna/The Robots (Swedish) - ---------------------------------- Vi laddar varat batteri Nu ar jag full av energi Vi ar robotarna Vi ar robotarna Vi ar robotarna Vi ar robotarna Vi Arbetar automatiskt Och nu dansar vi mekaniskt Vi ar robotarna Vi ar robotarna Vi ar robotarna Vi ar robotarna And so on.. - -:(Important!):- Please don't post them into the Mailing-List.. If too many does it, it will end up in chaos! /Martin ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 16:45:23 -0500 Subject: Re: Toccata Electronica Really-From: Gregor B Rochow > Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" > > The bootleggers seem to have changed their tactics. On this new > "Toccata Electronica" bootleg they don't sell an old CD bootleg with > a new package, but they try to sell old tracks under different titles. > > What is called "Dentaku (Orig. 1981 Ext.-Remix)" is also neither > extended nor remixed, but the normal LP version. >From 1981? I thought Dentaku was only on The Mix and on the B side of a Computerwelt single. - -gbr ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 16:29:31 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Something I found... Really-From: rbcIII Hello out there! I found something interesting in a vintage shop this last week while on vacation. A US 8track Autobahn. Is this thing worth anything? Now if I only had an 8track player to listen to it... It's like brand new with a cardboard case and everything! Well it'll look cool with my Dentaku 7". - -robert ______________________________________________*AudioElectronic*_____ "UFO: Starting with the MG Frequency knob at 0, sonic explorers \ as you turn up the knob, \ the UFO will sound like it is taking off." -> MS-20 manual ____\ ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #211 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #212 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Thursday, 6 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 212 Dentaku 1971 TV Appearance(s) Re: Dentaku Re: Dentaku unsubscribe Re: Dentaku ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 13:21:56 MET+100 Subject: Dentaku Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" > > What is called "Dentaku (Orig. 1981 Ext.-Remix)" is also neither > > extended nor remixed, but the normal LP version. > > From 1981? I thought Dentaku was only on The Mix and on the > B side of a Computerwelt single. > - -gbr Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that it was also on the Japanese edition of the "Computerwelt" LP. Klaus Zaepke ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 13:33:26 MET+100 Subject: 1971 TV Appearance(s) Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" > >What is called "Stratovarius (Live Bremen 21.6.71)" is also known > >as "Live Koeln 12.6.71". I don't know which date is the correct > >one, but I doubt that Kraftwerk did a concert in Bremen in June > >1971. > > Klaus Zaepke > > MK> This is definately from Jun 1971. Certainly! The question is whether it is Koeln, 12.06.1971 or Bremen, 21.06.1971. > Ruckzuck and Stratovarius are both > from this concert. Its actually a tv broadcast. > Martyn Kerluk Are you sure? I know only one 1971 TV appearance, the "Beat Club" appearance with "Rueckstoss Gondoliere" from May 1971, and this is a different recording. I doubt that Kraftwerk did more TV appearances in 1971. What is your source? Klaus Zaepke ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 13:24:31 GMT+0 Subject: Re: Dentaku Really-From: "C.M.WEBER" > Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" > Requests for add/removal from this list to > > > > What is called "Dentaku (Orig. 1981 Ext.-Remix)" is also neither > > > extended nor remixed, but the normal LP version. > > > > From 1981? I thought Dentaku was only on The Mix and on the > > B side of a Computerwelt single. > > - -gbr > > Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that it was also on the > Japanese edition of the "Computerwelt" LP. > > Klaus Zaepke It's also on the b-side of the Pocket Calculator 7" if my memory serves me correctly. Chris ;^) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 13:33:32 -0500 Subject: Re: Dentaku Really-From: Gregor B Rochow > > > > What is called "Dentaku (Orig. 1981 Ext.-Remix)" is also neither > > > extended nor remixed, but the normal LP version. > > > > From 1981? I thought Dentaku was only on The Mix and on the > > B side of a Computerwelt single. > > - -gbr > > Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that it was also on the > Japanese edition of the "Computerwelt" LP. > > Klaus Zaepke > Aha. I didn't know that. BTW: Is the Kling-Klang Studio address in Duesseldorf known, or are they incognito so as not to be bothered by fans and reporters? - -gbr ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 12:37:03 PDT Subject: unsubscribe Really-From: ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 01:29:28 +0200 Subject: Re: Dentaku Really-From: (mw) >BTW: Is the Kling-Klang Studio address in Duesseldorf known, or > are they incognito so as not to be bothered by fans and reporters? There's no way of finding it - and I've tried, mind you! :-) I read in the book that it's "in a yello building close to the central railway station, next to a turkish grocery store overlooking a cheapish hotel" You wouldn't belive how many buildings in Duesseldorf fit that description :-) (mw) ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #212 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #213 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 8 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 213 Re: Dentaku re:Midi files Kling Klang Blasphemous Re: Kling Klang RE: Blasphemous Blasphemous Re: Kling Klang re: Blasphemous ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 11:54:16 +0200 (DFT) Subject: Re: Dentaku Really-From: > > Really-From: (mw) > > >BTW: Is the Kling-Klang Studio address in Duesseldorf known, or > > are they incognito so as not to be bothered by fans and reporters? > > There's no way of finding it - and I've tried, mind you! :-) > > I read in the book that it's "in a yello building close to the central railway > station, next to a turkish grocery store overlooking a cheapish hotel" > > You wouldn't belive how many buildings in Duesseldorf fit that description :-) > > (mw) > Forget the description in Man, Machine & Music. I've been to Kling Klang, the description is wrong. /anders - -- *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: * "I program my Home-computer, * * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* feel myself into the future" * * Sweden * * -Florian Schneider, 1981 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 6 APR 95 09:21:32 EDT Subject: re:Midi files Really-From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA Did you get my last Email? Philip ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 14:40:57 MET+100 Subject: Kling Klang Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" > > I read in the book that it's "in a yello building close to the > > central railway station, next to a turkish grocery store > > overlooking a cheapish hotel" > > Forget the description in Man, Machine & Music. I've been to Kling > Klang, the description is wrong. > /anders Excuse me, Anders, there may be more interesting things to discuss, but what exactly is wrong with this description? It's in a yellow building, it's close to the central railway station (if 5 minutes footwalk can be called "close") and on the other side of the street are a foreign grocery store and a hotel. Could you please explain this? Klaus Zaepke ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 6 APR 95 12:43:28 EDT Subject: Blasphemous Really-From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA I just listened to the RadioActivity Remix single from 1991 for the first time. It was terrible to listen to such mutilated versions of a great song. I wonder why Kraftwerk painstakingly take the time and effort to make such a good song and then hand it over to a third party for distruction. It is quite evident that for the most part, this CD is more than a Remix. Clearly new sounds were layers on top of the KW version but more frightful seems to be the fact that some of the sounds are new varients that seem to have been created using KW's synths and processors. It seems that the remixers actually used KW synths and/or the master tapes. For the most part, most of the "new" sounds and melodies are dull and out of place. They often do not interact very well with the original KW melodies, However the Orbit Remix, which seems to use KW synths and/or master tapes is technically interesting but sounds quite unbalanced and again melodies are forced. Why would Kraftwerk labour so hard for so long then give the two DJ's? Carte Blanc? Instead I would think that KW are quite capable of doing their own remixes. Let the DJ's remix for their discos. I want to buy 100% KW product from the record stores. Also, why do KW seem to chase this Disco dance floor crowd. Their music is clearly not for this (except TDF and the Mix stuff). I am certain that with their abilities and equipment, KW could easily churn out 10 monotonous rave trance songs every day if they really wanted to persue that avenue. I always fell that KW were true musicians breaking new barriers. Philip Pilgrim ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 10:05:20 -0500 Subject: Re: Kling Klang Really-From: Gregor B Rochow > > Excuse me, Anders, there may be more interesting things to discuss, > but what exactly is wrong with this description? > It's in a yellow building, it's close to the central railway station > (if 5 minutes footwalk can be called "close") and on the other side of > the street are a foreign grocery store and a hotel. > Could you please explain this? > > Klaus Zaepke > So - you did find it? - -gbr ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 11:39:12 +0800 (U) Subject: RE: Blasphemous Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." >Also, why do KW seem to chase this Disco dance floor crowd. Their music is >clearly not for this (except TDF and the Mix stuff). I am certain that with >their abilities and equipment, KW could easily churn out 10 monotonous rave >trance songs every day if they really wanted to persue that avenue. I always >fell that KW were true musicians breaking new barriers. >Philip Pilgrim Philip, I agree that most remixes of KW tunes are real hack jobs. But as far as KW catering to a dance crowd, it's a matter of interpretation. KW has repeatedly shown off their abilities and creativity with a 'dance beat' as the underlying engine to their tunes. I personally love the rythms that they come up with and you'll never get me onto a dance floor. I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they create their style of music simply because they like it. If others like it also, including the 'Dance' crowd, then that's nice too. I'll go as far as to say that KW has set the standard for rythms and sounds for most of the 'Techno, Trance, Rave, Ambient' crap that's out there. (not all of it is crap, most artists just don't know how to put their songs together intelligently and in an interesting manner). KW certainly has the ability to continue to break new musical barriers. The question seems to be if they still have the desire to do so. Lon ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 10:03:29 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Blasphemous Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > I just listened to the RadioActivity Remix single from 1991 for the first > time. It was terrible to listen to such mutilated versions of a great song. I'd love to take it off your hands. I've been looking for the CD-single since it came out. > Clearly new sounds were layers on top of the KW version but more > frightful seems to be the fact that some of the sounds are new varients > that seem to have been created using KW's synths and processors. It > seems that the remixers actually used KW synths and/or the master tapes. Well, yes -- it's rather difficult to do a proper remix *without* the master tapes. What's so "frightful" about this? > Why would Kraftwerk labour so hard for so long then give the two > DJ's? Carte Blanc? William Orbit is not a DJ, and as far as I know, neither is Francois Kevorkian. Orbit is a very talented synthesist and bassist in his own right, and has well over a half-dozen albums under his belt as well as dozens of remixes for other artists. Kraftwerk had him remix their remix of "Radioactivity" because they wanted to see what he could do with the material. > I want to buy 100% KW product from the record stores. It's best to avoid their remix singles, then. Kevorkian's been remixing Kraftwerk since "Tour de France," if not longer. > Also, why do KW seem to chase this Disco dance floor crowd. Their music > is clearly not for this (except TDF and the Mix stuff). Good luck explaining that to the "dance floor crowd", who first embraced Kraftwerk in the late 1970s. KW have been an *enormous* influence on dance music over the last fifteen years or so, as anyone with the remotest familiarity with dance music would have no choice but to acknowledge. - -- Lazlo ( ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 95 17:03:32 GMT-3:00 Subject: Re: Kling Klang Really-From: Eduardo Marcel Macan > > Forget the description in Man, Machine & Music. I've been to Kling > > Klang, the description is wrong. > > /anders > but what exactly is wrong with this description? > It's in a yellow building, it's close to the central railway station > (if 5 minutes footwalk can be called "close") and on the other side of > the street are a foreign grocery store and a hotel. > Could you please explain this? > > Klaus Zaepke If everybody has been to Kling Klang, would one mind giving me the exact postal address??? :) Eduardo Macan. "I log in, therefore I am!" ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 6 APR 95 16:31:33 EDT Subject: re: Blasphemous Really-From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA I guess the best way to put the Radioactivity single into perspective is: Remember when you first bought Electric Music's CD hoping for "Son of Kraftwerk" or better. Then got OMD!!!! If Kraftwerk collaborate then they should consider someone with similiar styles like Vince Clark, Dave Stuart or Martin Rushent. (sp?) These people are tasteful, creative, melodic and damn good synthesists. I'm glad that Barney does not remix songs. Philip Pilgrim ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #213 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #214 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Sunday, 9 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 214 Re: Blasphemous Re: Blasphemous kraftwerk re-mixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 13:05:58 +0100 Subject: Re: Blasphemous Really-From: (Tommie =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6nsson?= ) Hi there, maybe it's kinda heavy, but I felt I had to write something about this "blasphemous" thing going on. PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA: > I just listened to the RadioActivity Remix single from 1991 for the first > time. It was terrible to listen to such mutilated versions of a great song. > I wonder why Kraftwerk painstakingly take the time and effort to make > such a good song and then hand it over to a third party for distruction. Well...I felt like that at first too. You know, it is like a "standard dance remix", but that means you have to look at (and listen to) the stuff for what it is. I mean, if its a dance track, it can be interesting to listen to it, but the meaning of it is to make people move their butts on a dancefloor. Which means, the "listening value" is often reduced. > Also, why do KW seem to chase this Disco dance floor crowd. Their music is > clearly not for this (except TDF and the Mix stuff). >... I always fell that KW were true musicians breaking new barriers. Why they seem to chase the Disco dance floor crowd? Their music is clearly not for that purpose? Eh...I've always looked at KW like they make some kind of very minimalistic, very stylized electronic funk or disco (hey, don't label me as a heretic yet!). I mean, the monotony and the repetitive beats is the cornerstones of most of their music, and, infact, all modern dance music. I don't think it's good to consider KW just as "listening music" or just as "synth music" - the connection between KW, the House/Techno/Ambient scene, the various incarnations of disco and even old school hip-hop is too obvious to be denied. I think you miss something if you don't recognize the rythmic dimension of the Kling-Klang workers. I think their way of breaking new barriers was to combine the electronic music (Which was arty-sound-abstractions-for-arty-people-that-couldn't-dance before KW) with the beats of the rising disco scene, and later, the hip-hop scene. They weren't, like the DJs of today, what we consider as "real musicians", they invented a new way of making music. I think we should update our way of listening to music in conjunction to that - otherwise it's no use with the evolution of (pop-)music. ________________________________Tommie Joensson ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 8 APR 95 22:07:27 EDT Subject: Re: Blasphemous Really-From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA I think that the fact that KW songs are danceable is a nice by-product, but formost I think that they are songs first. I am certain that the songs from the early 80s were not "hey Ralph lets make a record that will influence the new hip hop scene or future rave scene!". Kw were just ahead of their time and very creative. Many people stole their styles and ideas that contributed to the evolution of the present dance scene and even video game sounds/songs. I think that the Radioactivity Remix is kw clearly pursuing an attempt to FORCEFULLY make a dance CD. "hey Ralph lets make a dance remix with some dance remix experts!" And this is what I do not like. KW should be KW. In comparison, the remix of the Robots is a dance thing too but it is done by KW and sounds like kw. The remixes of Radioactivity are also dance-ish yet the KW is smothered by third parties and sounds forced. I do not feel that the songs are valid. Besides the dance scene, many successful musicians now compose for video acrcade games or even TV commercials. I hope KW don't follow this path. Philip ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sun, 09 Apr 1995 01:01:46 -0500 (EST) Subject: kraftwerk re-mixes Really-From: I find that remixes can, in the right hands, bring a new perspective to an original. I'm thinking here of the YMO remix album released last year. I disagree with Philip Pilgrim on his suggestion that Vince Clarke and Martin Rushent would be suitable collaborators for KW - Clarke composes most of his songs initially on an acoustic guitar, and I'm not sure that Rushent has produced anything worth listening to since 1983. But that's just my opinion. On the address of Kling Klang - I'd like to know it too..I might be in Dusseldorf sometime soon, and it would be neat to walk past the studio ! Subrata ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #214 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #215 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 11 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 215 Re: Anders, What does your father do? add ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 15:35:20 +0200 (DFT) Subject: Re: Anders, What does your father do? Really-From: > > Really-From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA > > > Read the title please > > > Philip Pilgrim > > He has a computer consultant / computer engineering company. At that time he was doing a job for the Swedish government developing instruments and methods for measuring noise. Florians company had some interesting instruments for sound-datacollection. /anders - -- *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: * "I program my Home-computer, * * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* feel myself into the future" * * Sweden * * -Florian Schneider, 1981 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 19:36:52 -0400 (EDT) Subject: add Really-From: charlotte leire hi i would be glad to join your list. thanks! Erik Leire ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #215 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #216 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, 12 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 216 Re: Something I found... Re: Dentaku Re: Sv: Re: *ding* early KW discs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 01:39:45 -0400 Subject: Re: Something I found... Really-From: Speaking of 8-tracks, not only do I have a sealed 8-track of "Autobahn," I also have a sealed 8-track of "Ralf And Florian!" The latter must be impossibly rare! I got them in a garage sale two years ago for 25 cents each! Needless to say, I will not part with them for anything.... ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 22:00:15 -0400 Subject: Re: Dentaku Really-From: Yes, "Dentaku" is on the B side of the "Pocket Calculator" single (at least on the Japanese pressing yellow-green version I have). ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 22:00:26 -0400 Subject: Re: Sv: Re: *ding* Really-From: Thanks for the info, but I can't get in anyway...I found out that America Online cannot, as of now, access http sites! A good reason to go to Prodigy, or Compuserve, or Delphi.... ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 15:38:48 -0500 (CDT) Subject: early KW discs Really-From: "W. Keenan" found a place that has the first four albums on CD (must be boots), my question is - being a student with a low-level income that is going to force me to buy them one at a time, which CD should i get first, Tone Float, KW1, Ralf and..., or KW2?? any opinions are welcome... also, i found the German version of Computerwelt (EMI CDP 564 7 46138 2) for only $11 US - are the German CD versions usually hard to come by in the States? thanks (and apologies if the simple-ness of these questions appeared grating to some)... ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #216 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #217 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Thursday, 13 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 217 Re: early KW discs Re: early KW discs kraftwerk-digest V2 #216 -Reply Re: early KW discs Early KW releases ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 10:52:11 +0100 Subject: Re: early KW discs Really-From: (Tommie =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6nsson?= ) If you ask me, I'd say the first one you should by is KW 1. It's kind of hard listening to the first ten or twenty times, although "Ruckzuck" has got some "hit-feel". I find "Stratovarius" very nice to. It's progressive as in prog rock - lots of changes in tempo, lots of noice, and somewhere in the middle tou'll find a wonderful slow part with distorted guitar =E0 la Swervedriver or something else like that. KW2 Is somewhat more ambient - more "easy listening", although quite interesting. Ralf and Florian is the one with most KW-feel in it. The advanced excesses from the earlier albums is excluded. Not much of tempo or Beats-per-bar changes. more later... ________________________________Tommie Joensson ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 08:30:16 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: early KW discs Really-From: David Bass Based on what I've listened to, my vote would be for Ralf & Florian. It's always been one of my favorite KW discs - interesting textures and sounds. In general, the disc has the same easygoing feel as "Autobahn", as well as the same mix of electronics and acoustics. I can't really say much about the others, though. I've never heard Tone Float or KW1, but I just bought KW2. Let's just say it's going to take some getting used to, and even then it probably won't be one of my favorites. It has the feeling of experimentation to it, but to my ears the results are only occasionally interesting. These are only my opinions - I would be interested in hearing an opinion from someone who is familiar with all four early KW releases. David - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Bass | SAS Institute, Documentation Development | Walk by faith | not by sight. (919) 677-8000, ext. 5682 | - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 09:20:00 -0600 Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #216 -Reply Really-From: Mike Henderson > "W. Keenan" said... >...also, i found the German version of Computerwelt (EMI >CDP 564 7 46138 2) for only $11 US - are the German CD >versions usually hard to come by in the States? They're not hard to come by, but they're usually quite a bit more expensive than the English versions. For $11 you should nab it -- I really enjoy listening to the German versions vs. the English. Mike ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 18:31:37 +0100 Subject: Re: early KW discs Really-From: (Tommie =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6nsson?= ) ...I'm back! Got interrupted by a lecture in our computerlab (Damned teachers!) Early KW...Ralf and Florian has, like David wrote, the same easy-going feel like Autobahn. It's really nice listening to, and I find it being the most varied of the early KW albums, but I miss the experimental atmosphere from the earlier ones though. Well ,that was my opinions of the early KW recordings. Tone Float I've heard only once, so I havent really had the chance to form an opinion yet. You could always say it's er... interesting. This may be a corny subject, but since I read that Anders have had lunch with Florian, I'd like to know if Ralf and Florian still are vegetarians, as mentioned in P. Bussy's book. I came to think of it when a friend of a friend of mine (haven't heard that expression before, eh?) told me about leaving the venue of KW's gig in Stockholm (1991), went to a hot-dog-stand, and there were...the Kraftwerkers and some roadie eating hot dogs! OK it's odd, but in my little world it was a big issue. Somebody who knows about it, write! Anders...? ________________________________Tommie Joensson ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 21:32:56 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Early KW releases Really-From: Christopher Robin Zimmerman Just thought I'd once again throw out that I'll dub any of my vinyl to anyone who's on a budget and can't afford (or find even) those expensive boots. I've got all the pre-Autobahn KW releases (although I stil don't have Tone Float... any traders?) as well as TdF and some other 12" singles. Of course if you reply to the list and not to me, you won't get squat. ;-) Christopher Robin Zimmerman ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #217 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #218 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Friday, 14 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 218 Re: early KW discs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 21:30:58 -0400 Subject: Re: early KW discs Really-From: Does anyone know where to get a copy of the Tone Float CD in the Long Island/New York area? ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #218 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #219 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 15 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 219 unsubscribe unsubscribe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 16:20:18 +0200 Subject: unsubscribe Really-From: (Erik van Renselaar) Please unsubscribe the user from your mailing list, because this user does not exist anymore !!!!! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik van Renselaar TextLithoGroep Technical Support Dorpsstraat 207-209, 6741 AH Lunteren P.O. Box 76, 6740 AB Lunteren The Netherlands Phone (+31) 8388 9300 Fax (+31) 8388 9333 Internet AppleLink HOL0154 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 17:23:40 +0200 Subject: unsubscribe Really-From: (Erik van Renselaar) Please unsubscribe the user from your mailing list, because this user does not exist anymore !!!!! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik van Renselaar TextLithoGroep Technical Support Dorpsstraat 207-209, 6741 AH Lunteren P.O. Box 76, 6740 AB Lunteren The Netherlands Phone (+31) 8388 9300 Fax (+31) 8388 9333 Internet AppleLink HOL0154 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #219 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #220 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 18 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 220 Undeliverable mail Re: early KW discs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 01:51:37 PDT Subject: Undeliverable mail [Deleted; bounce of Number 218] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 11:10:55 +0100 Subject: Re: early KW discs Really-From: Erik Knain >Based on what I've listened to, my vote would be for Ralf & Florian. >It's always been one of my favorite KW discs - interesting textures and >sounds. In general, the disc has the same easygoing feel as "Autobahn", >as well as the same mix of electronics and acoustics. I think that KW, KW2, and Ralf & Florian show that they (KW) are great musicians, too, not only engineers. The recordings (especially KW and KW2) are made with simple equipment by todays standard, but they were making interesting music anyway. This is how it should be. However, I think much of KW and KW2 also is the results of experimenting with sounds. Clearly they were trying to find out what the new technology could do. Therefore, although some of the sounds and styles of Ralf and Florian can be found on Autobahn, I think Autobahn has a style and feeling about it that is distinctively different than the previous recordings. Autobahn and the following recordings sounds basically *Kraftwerk* in a way that the earlier recordings don't. This might explain why they are not re-released, but of course it is a shame. - -Erik ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #220 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #221 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, 19 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 221 KW re-issues? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 12:30:58 +0800 (U) Subject: KW re-issues? Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." Well, Today is supposed to be the day for the re-issues. Anybody seen anything? Lon ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #221 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #222 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Thursday, 20 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 222 FW: Returned mail: Cannot send message for 12 hours ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 19 Apr 95 14:45:39 BST Subject: FW: Returned mail: Cannot send message for 12 hours Really-From: Jonathan Dunne (WPGI) (Softrans) I was wondering has anybody come across this American band from 1966. They were one of the first bands to use electronics. I haven't heard any of there stuff but if this is the case then they precede KW by 4-5 years. Jonathan ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #222 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #223 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Friday, 21 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 223 Subscribe XocaToma'95 - Music Festival lookin' for bands! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 03:18:42 -0400 Subject: Subscribe Really-From: Subscribe digest mode Art Agunod ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 13:18:32 -0400 Subject: XocaToma'95 - Music Festival lookin' for bands! Really-From: XocaToma'95 - The Music Festival Noon - Midnight, July 22, 1995 Greencastle, PA An Emerson Scott Production co-sponsored by WQCM 96.7FM, Hagerstown, MD This is an all-day, outdoor event that will feature seven bands and a variety of vendors/craftspeople. Last year's festival had nine bands and about 500 people in attendance. We expect a much larger crowd this year. As of 4/20/95 two bands are committed: Unity - nine piece reggae band from Balt/D.C. area Ryan - alternative band from Hagerstown, MD We are looking for a few more bands that can play on 7/22/95 in south central PA. Permanant covered stage and a great field for the dancing crowd. If you are interested in playing at this year's event, please send your demo and press kit to: XocaToma95 - The Music Festival 122 Madison Avenue, Suite B Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 762-4058 (717) 762-0913 fax Vendors: contact above for more information. Ticket Sales: also contact above for mail order. ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #223 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #224 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 22 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 224 Welcome to kraftwerk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 19:34:11 -0500 Subject: Welcome to kraftwerk Really-From: Majordomo - -- Welcome to the kraftwerk mailing list! If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can send mail to "Majordomo" with the following command in the body of your email message: unsubscribe kraftwerk kraftwerk Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to, in case you don't already have it: I would like to welcome you to the mailing list "kraftwerk". It is a forum for discussions about Kraftwerk and other related German Electronic artists. The discussions are not moderated. Archives for kraftwerk are available via ftp from ( in the pub/music/artists/k/kraftwerk directory, they are also available via e-mail request from the sender of this mail. (Other things in the archives include kraftwerk GIFs and the discography.) You have been added to the interactive or "bounce" version of the list. What this means is all mail sent to the list is sent to you as soon as our machine receives it. A digest version of the list is also available. It is the same messages only they are sent out once a day as a digest. If you would like to change your subscription to the digest version, reply to this message with a message that says: unsubscribe kraftwerk subscribe kraftwerk-digest The Kraftwerk mailing list and Digest is brought to you by: Datta Production and Development 905 97th Street Kenosha, WI 53143 Distribution is made possible via: University of Wisconsin-Parkside Wood Road Kenosha, WI 53141 THE KRAFTWERK FAQ LIST V. 1.4 8th November 1994 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Kraftwerk prepared by Kevin Busby for the Kraftwerk mailing list. Many thanks to Jose Garcia for suggestions and corrections. Please send any corrections to % % [Changes since V. 1.0 are marked "%"] CONTENTS {} Introduction {} What subjects may be discussed on the list? {} What recordings have Kraftwerk made? {} What are the best Kraftwerk albums? {} How can I get copies of Kraftwerk's early albums? {} Is 'Tour de France' available on CD? {} Are the Francois Kervorkian and William Orbit remixes of 'Radioactivity' available on CD? {} Has Kraftwerk broken up? {} When will Kraftwerk release new material? I heard there was a new album coming out. {} Why did Fluer and Bartos leave Kraftwerk? What are they doing now? {} Who are 'Elektric Music'? {} Where can I find out more about Kraftwerk and Elektric Music? {} What are the ordering details for the Kraftwerk book? {} What is 'Aktivitaet'? Where can I obtain copies? {} I heard a version of a Kraftwerk song played on classical instruments; who was it by? {} What other cover versions are there of Kraftwerk songs? {} What equipment is used by Kraftwerk? {} How good are Kraftwerk bootlegs? {} What are the politics of Kraftwerk members? {} Was Kraftwerk's Florian Schneider involved with the musical projects 'Alice in Wonderland' or 'Solaria'? {} Were Ralf and Florian behind the group 'Die Dominas'? {} What Kraftwerk videos have been made? {} Concert reviews. {} What other groups are of interest to Kraftwerk fans, or have had links with Kraftwerk? {} How do I unsubscribe from the list? % {} Miscellaneous subjects. {} Introduction Here are some answers to questions which are often asked about Kraftwerk. Please read the answers before mailing to the email list, in order to avoid repeating questions unnecessarily. However, don't be afraid to discuss old topics if you have something new to add. The answers are kept brief, but if you want to read past discussions for further information, these are indicated by the volume number followed by the issue number, so that, for example, "2.008" means digest volume 2, number 8. If you are a new member of the Kraftwerk email list, you may also find it worth your while to read back-issues of the digests, particularly those which have been posted after the date of this version of the FAQ list. Remember that back-issues and other interesting items % can be obtained via anonymous FTP from the site; just type % "cd kraftwerk" to get to the main Kraftwerk directory. % {} What subjects may be discussed on the list? List maintainer Dave Datta originally suggested that the list be "a forum for discussions about Kraftwerk and other German Electronic artists." However, the general consensus was that discussion should be limited to matters relating to Kraftwerk. Of course, that still leaves many things we can discuss, and there is in addition much discussion about groups with members in common with Kraftwerk, notably Elektric Music. Every bit as important as what you discuss is how you discuss it. Flame wars have been thankfully rare in the list, but those which have occurred have not been helpful to anyone. {} What recordings have Kraftwerk made? See the Kraftwerk discography for an extensive list of Kraftwerk releases. The discography was started by Dave Datta but is now maintained by Lazlo Nibble . It is available by anonymous FTP from the site, in the directory /pub/users/lazlo or from the site, in the directory /pub/artists/kraftwerk (if you need help with anonymous FTP, consult your local documentation or support staff). There are gaps in the discography; if you have additional information, please email them to Lazlo. {} What are the best Kraftwerk albums? A poll conducted by Lars Nellemann in digest 1.204 indicated that as at November 1993 the favourite album among list members was 'The Man-Machine', followed by 'Computer World'. This result was in accordance with a poll conducted by Jose Garcia eight months earlier (digest 1.037). Opinions about Kraftwerk's best work differ, of course: a minority of list members prefer the sound of Kraftwerk as heard on their first few albums, and opinions as to the worth of Kraftwerk's most recent two albums, 'Electric Cafe' and 'The Mix', vary greatly. Note also that the sound quality of Kraftwerk releases are of variable quality across the record companies on which they have appeared. The rerelease of Kraftwerk recordings on the Cleopatra label gave rise to discussion in digests 2.008, 2.009, 2.012, 2.014 and 2.018. Past digests have contained reviews, recommendations, comments on sound quality and other information about the following official Kraftwerk releases:- 'Autobahn' album 1.132, 1.329 'Computer World' 1.305. 1.306, 1.307 'Electric Cafe' 1.149 'Kraftwerk 1' 2.016 'Kraftwerk 2' 2.016 'Radio-Activity' 1.006 'Radio-Activity' 1.079 'The Best of Kraftwerk' 1.284 'The Man Machine' album 1.134, 2.009, 2.018 'The Model' 1.358, 1.359, 2.009 'The Model - Retrospective 1975 - 1978' album 1.063, 1.251 {} How can I get copies of Kraftwerk's early albums? The first three albums by Kraftwerk, 'Kraftwerk 1', 'Kraftwerk 2' and 'Ralf & Florian' are out of print, as is 'Tone Float', the album which Huetter and Schneider recorded as part of the group 'Organisation' (digest 1.06 and 1.100). Huetter and Schneider have allegedly talked about seeing these albums released (digest 1.007), but have certainly not rushed to do so. Possibly this is because the image and sound of these albums is very different from the Kraftwerk material which followed. You may be lucky enough to find copies from usual second-hand sources, such as second-hand record shops, record fairs and record collecting magazines. Bootleg CD's of 'Kraftwerk 1', 'Kraftwerk 2', 'Ralf & Florian' and % 'Tone Float' appeared during 1994. See digests 1.354, 1.360, 1.365, 1.366, 2.023, 2.025 and 2.085 for discussions about these releases. These % issues are of course illegal and no proceeds will reach anybody involved in the making of the original recordings; see digests 1.143, 1.328, 1.329 for discussions on the morality of bootlegging. {} Is 'Tour de France' available on CD? The single track 'Tour de France' was scheduled to appear on the Kraftwerk album 'Technopop'. However, this album was cancelled. Some material from 'Technopop' was reworked and appeared on the album 'Electric Cafe', but 'Tour de France' was not among them. The track was later used in the film 'Breakin'' (aka 'Breakdance'), but the CD soundtrack of the % film contains a cover version of the track, Kraftwerk having decided to release a remix of their song as a single (digest 1.084). However, besides appearing in various forms on bootleg remix CD's, the track is now available on the compilation CD 'DJ's Best', catalogue number 261281-222, distributed by BMG in Germany (digest 1.245). {} Are the Francois Kervorkian and William Orbit remixes of 'Radioactivity' available on CD? Kervorkian and Orbit remixes were issued on CD single releases in the UK and Germany, but there was no CD single release for the USA. Furthermore, some Wiliam Orbit mixes are available only on vinyl. Radioactivity is available in the USA as a 12" single; this release contains the 'William Orbit Hardcore Remix' which is unavailable elsewhere. Another unique mix is the 'William Orbit 7" Remix', which is available only on the German 7" release. See the Kraftwerk discography for more information on releases of this song. {} Has Kraftwerk broken up? No. Members Karl Bartos and Wolfgang Fluer left the group, which continues primarily as a duo of original members Ralf Huetter and Florian Schneider plus additional musicians they see fit to employ. There are occasional indicators that Kraftwerk is to continue as a group, such as news of planned live appearances and a new album. {} When will Kraftwerk release new material? I heard there was a new album coming out. There are persistent reports of a new Kraftwerk album. See for example digests 1.211, 1.212, 1.280, 1.365 and 1.366. The attitude of seasoned Kraftwerk fans to such reports is "Interesting, but I'll believe it when I see it!" {} Why did Fluer and Bartos leave Kraftwerk? What are they doing now? It appears that Wolfgang Fluer and Karl Bartos were frustrated by the slow pace of work within Kraftwerk and their enforced decline of participation within the group's activities (see Claude Bussy's book 'Kraftwerk: Man, Machine and Music' and digest 1.156). Karl Bartos now works with Lothar Manteuffel as Elektric Music. Wolfgang Fluer's activities have not been so well documented; there was even a widespread rumour that he had died (digest 1.079). In reality, he had returned to working as a graphic designer. He is now also working with a new musical project called "Jamo" (digest 1.311). {} Who are 'Elektric Music'? Elektric Music are Karl Bartos (formerly of Kraftwerk) and Lothar Manteuffel. The sound of the group is very much in the mould of Kraftwerk, but how well Elektric Music compares to Kraftwerk is a matter of personal opinion. Given the continued low profile of Kraftwerk and the enthusiasm of Karl Bartos to work with other artists, discussion of Elektric Music has become increasingly prominent in the list. Discussion has taken place about the following Elektric Music's releases:- 'Crosstalk' CDS digests 1.001, 1.013, 1.016, 1.028 'Esperanto' CD digests 1.089, 1.079, 1.164, 1.171 'Lifestyle' CDEP digest 1.204 'TV' single digests 1.025, 1.041 {} Where can I find out more about Kraftwerk and Elektric Music? A discography, past issues of the email list digest, pictures and other material relating to Kraftwerk are available by anonymous FTP from the site, in the directory /pub/artists/kraftwerk (if you need help with anonymous FTP, consult your local documentation or support staff) Anders Wilhelm has constructed some extensive pages for the World Wide Web available at the following URL:- % These can be accessed using Mosaic or, for terminals without graphic capability, lynx. If you do not understand what is meant by terms such as "URL", "Mosaic" and "lynx", consult your local documentation or support staff. A Kraftwerk and Elektric Music convention takes place annually in the UK (digests 1.003 and 1.028) and there is also a Kraftwerk fanzine, 'Aktivitaet', which is highly regarded by Kraftwerk fans (digests 1.010, 1.028, 1.140, 2.024). For a book on Kraftwerk, read Pascal Bussy's 'Kraftwerk: Man, Machine and Music' (digests 1.110 and 1.118). This book contains many suppositions and also some inaccuracies but is nevertheless to be recommended as essential reading for the Kraftwerk enthusiast. {} What are the ordering details for the Kraftwerk book? Pascal Bussy's 'Kraftwerk: Man, Machine and Music' should be obtainable through any good bookshop. Failing this, it can be ordered direct from the publishers:- SAF Publishing Ltd. 12 Conway Gardens Wembley Middlesex HA9 8TR England The ISBN number of the book is 0 946719 09 8. {} What is 'Aktivitaet'? Where can I obtain copies? 'Aktivitaet' is a consistently well-produced magazine about Kraftwerk and Elektric Music, edited by Ian Calder. It is available from the editor at the following address:- Ian Calder 108 Cummings Park Crescent Northfield Aberdeen AB2 7AR Scotland Remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope (SAE) if writing to enquire from within the UK, and an International Reply Coupon (IRC) from elsewhere. Aktivitaet is available within Germany and Spain from the following national distributors (remember to enclose an SAE when enquiring):- G. Poecker Jose Garcia Corral % Maerkerwaldstr. 3 Apartado 108 % 64625 08202 Sabadell % Bensheim Barcelona % GERMANY SPAIN % (email % {} I heard a version of a Kraftwerk song played on classical instruments; who was it by? The Balanescu Quartet recorded five Kraftwerk songs ('The Robots', 'The Model', 'Autobahn' 'Computer Love' and 'Pocket Calculator'), arranged for string quartet, as part of their album 'Possessed'. The album is on the Mute label and can be obtained via any good record shop, in the UK and USA at least. The catalogue number of the CD is Mute 61421-2 for the US release and CD STUMM 111 for the UK release. See digests 1.058, 1.063 and 2.023 for discussions. {} What other cover versions are there of Kraftwerk songs? Besides The Balanescu Quartet, there have been many acts who have recorded cover versions of Kraftwerk songs. 'The Model' has been a particularly popular song to cover (see for example digest 1.12). Recently there has been much discussion of the album 'Trans Slovenia Express', a collection of Kraftwerk cover versions by Slovenian bands. This album, which was originally scheduled for release (with some different tracks) under the title 'Kraftwerk Through the Looking Glass' % is available on the Mute label. See digests 1.192, 1.211, 2.015, 2.024, 2.026 and 2.048 for discussions. % A discography of Kraftwerk cover versions appeared in digest 2.073. % The latest version will be available from the Kraftwerk archives at % in the near future. % {} What equipment is used by Kraftwerk? Information about Kraftwerk's equipment appears in digests 1.10, 1.12 and 2.005 (various), 1.013 (UK tour, early stuff) and 1.156 (Computer World tour). More information is always welcomed on the list. {} How good are Kraftwerk bootlegs? There are many, many Kraftwerk bootlegs available; the Kraftwerk discography aims to list these as well as official Kraftwerk releases. The contents of bootleg recordings of Kraftwerk material range from concert recordings to unsanctioned dance remixes. The sound quality varies enormously. Past digests have contained reviews, recommendations, track listings or other information about the following bootleg releases:- Computers in Love 1.034, 1.037 Computer World (Live in London) 2.055 % Heute Abend 1.012, 1.013, 1.094, 1.161, 2.026, % 2.027 Hyper Cerebral Machine 1.162 Koeln 12.6.1971 1.041 Koeln 71 1.067 Kraftwerk 1 (bootleg rerelease) 1.354, 1.360, 1.365, 1.366, 2.023 Kraftwerk 2 (bootleg rerelease) 1.354, 1.360, 1.365, 1.366, 2.023 Live Koeln 71 1.034, 1.070 Live at PhilpsHalle 1.272 Live in Belgium 1.162 Live in Cologne 1975 1.044 Machine 1.068 The Man-Machine Re-Created 2.015 N1 to Zurich 1.021, 1.056, 1.066, 1.132, 1.171 Nippon Numbers - see 'Numbers', of which this is a rerelease. Numbers (aka 'Nippon Numbers', 'Virtu Ex Machina') 1.034, 1.053, 1.056, 1.075, 1.093, 1.119, 1.173, 1.054, 1.056, 1.093, 1.098, 1.171, 1.058 Ralf & Florian (bootleg rerelease) 2.023, 2.026 % Rebuilt in '92 1.014, 1.034, 1.056, 1.066, 1.068, 1.240 The Remix 1.098, 2.023, 2.024, 2.025 Return of The Mensch-Maschine/ 20th Anniversary Tour 1.048 Rimini Rimini 1.034, 1.075 Tone Float (bootleg rerelease) 2.020, 2.023, 2.025 Traffic Jam on Autobahn 1.240 Ultra Rare Tracks 1.218 Virtu ex Machina - see 'Numbers', of which this is a rerelease. {} What are the politics of Kraftwerk members? Kraftwerk are not known to have adopted any party political stance. It has been suggested occasionally that their concentration on machines reflects Nazi or otherwise fascist views. There is no evidence to support such speculation. Regrettably discussion of this subject on the digest was badly handled by some participants and degenerated quickly into a flame war (digest 1.149 onwards. An earlier, flippant discussion took place in digest 1.003). It has been suggested that confusion may have occurred with the band Stoerkraft (digests 1.204, 1.205). Many of Kraftwerk's songs show an interest in the ramifications of technology, but issues are normally dealt with in an ambivalent fashion. The one notable exception to this has been the new version of 'Radio-Activity' and Kraftwerk's subsequent appearance at a benefit opposing the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant (digest 1.081). {} Was Kraftwerk's Florian Schneider involved with the musical projects 'Alice in Wonderland' or 'Solaria'? No, that was another Florian (digest 1.125). {} Were Ralf and Florian behind the group 'Die Dominas'? No, but they did inspire the 10" mini-LP 'Ich bin a Domina', for which they wrote two chords and designed the sleeve! Here's part of a magazine interview with Ash Ra Temple's Manuel Gottsching (taken from 'Dreams % World', issue 11). You can read more about this release in digest 1.130, % and descriptions of the music can be found in digests 1.003 and 1.083. 'Die Dominas' were two old friends of mine. They are my long time friend Rosi, who also performed on some Ash Ra Tempel records (...) and Claudia Skoda for whose fashion shows I have been composing and performing most of the music since 1976. They knew KW from Duesseldorf because they often went there together for fashion fairs. Ralf H. and Karl B. wrote down two special chords for them on a piece of paper: the "sub Domina" and the "Domina seven" (Domina = dominant) chords. Later in Berlin they were asking me to show them how these chords sounded. So, one evening when we were doing a nice long session together in my studio, I played them these chords. I explained a little about the instruments in the studio, and they started experimenting with them, without knowing that I was already recording the session! It was really a hilarious session, and the voices sounded like we were having a party. The next day, I started re-mixing the material, and finally got three titles out of it! Claudia and Rosi were so impressed with the result they played it to Ralf and Karl. They were so taken by the recording they offered to make the cover for the album. It turned out to be a very nice cover that looked like a silhouette in black and yellow." {} What Kraftwerk videos have been made? Descriptions of Kraftwerk's promotional videos can be found in digests 1.016, 1.018, 1.076 and 1.139. Despite strong interest from fans, these have never been officially released. The only officially available video appearance of Kraftwerk is on 'Stop Sellafield - The Concert'. This includes footage of Kraftwerk performing 'Radio-Activity' and 'The Robots' live, but both extracts are incomplete and interrupted by propaganda. (Digests 1.079 and 1.323) {} Concert reviews. Reviews have been written for the following concerts:- Balanescu Quartet, 19th April 1993, Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1.69) Elektric Music - 5th May 1994, Stockholm, Sweden (1.319) Elektric Music - May 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark (1.320, 1.322) Kraftwerk - 17th July 1991, The Edinburgh Playhouse, Edinburgh Scotland (1.025) Kraftwerk - 8th Nov. 1991, sala Zeleste, Barcelona, Spain (1.024) Kraftwerk - 26th May, 1993 Groningen, The Netherlands (1.087, 1.094) {} What other groups are of interest to Kraftwerk fans, or have had links with Kraftwerk? There is no one group which finds favour with all Kraftwerk fans (not even Elektric Music!). A discussion of groups that arguably sound like Kraftwerk appeared in digests 1.381, 1.383 and 1.384. But the only thing that can be generally agreed upon is that Kraftwerk has been a massive influence upon contemporary music. Here's a list of some of the artists which have been discussed in the digests. Some have historical or anecdotal links with Kraftwerk, but most have no relation. Air Liquide 1.084 Aphex Twin 1.384 Autechre 2.018, 2.020, 2.021, 2.023 Aviador Dro 1.386 David Bowie 1.057, 2.018, 2.031, 2.084 % Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft 1.383, 1.384 Die Dominas 1.003, 1.083, 1.130 La Dusseldorf 1.005 Electronic (planned work with Karl Bartos) 1.156, 1.207, 2.083 % Manuel Gottsching 1.130 Information Society 1.140, 1.142, 1.205, 1.207 Michael Jackson 1.156 Joy Division 1.269 LFO 1.055, 1.207 New Order 1.269 Klaus Nomi 2.018 Laibach 1.192, 2.024, 2.048 % Mobile Homes (work with Karl Bartos) 1.244 Neu! 1.003, 1.005, 1.067, 1.070, 1.143 The Nits 1.327 Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark 1.193 Recoil 1.147 Rheingold 1.016 Wolfgang Riechmann 1.171 Michael Rother 1.139, 1.143, 1.171 Sinus (Karl Bartos + Bodo Staiger) 1.016 Spacelab 1.384 Spirit of Sound 1.149, 1.171 Tangerine Dream 1.384, 2.046 % Technocrats 1.237 Tin Machine 2.031 % Trauma 1.235 UB40 1.079 Yellow Magic Orchestra 1.383, 1.384 {} How do I unsubscribe from the list? % % If you receive the list as direct mail, rather than in digests:- % % Send email to with no subject line and just the % following as the message:- % % unsubscribe kraftwerk
% % For example, if the address at which you receive the list is % "", you would send the following message:- % % unsubscribe kraftwerk % % If you receive the list in the form of digests, not as direct mail:- % % Send email to with no subject line and just the % following as the message:- % % unsubscribe kraftwerk-digest
% % For example:- % % unsubscribe kraftwerk-digest % % Do NOT send subscription requests to the Kraftwerk list itself; they will % not be responded to positively. % {} Miscellaneous subjects. The following subjects have arisen in past digests, with varying degrees of relevance. Fernando Abrantes 1.016 Ages of Kraftwerk members 1.164, 1.169, 1.170, 1.84 Karl Bartos 1.066 - role in KW 1.156, 1.161 - appearance at drum workshop 1.351 Cars driven by Kraftwerk members 1.354, 1.355, 2.083, % 2.085 % Cancelled 1991 US tour 1.374, 1.375 'Dentaku' (song) 1.144 'Die Roboter' (single) 2.020 Experience (cancelled appearance, England) 1.294, 1.311 First meeting of Huetter and Schneider 1.070 Fritz Hilpert 1.016 Ralf Huetter (interview) 2.005 Influences on Kraftwerk 2.048 % 'Information' (song, version planned by Elektric Music with LFO) 1.055, 1.207 Kling-Klang studio 2.005 El Lissitzky 1.095 Machines, Kraftwerk's attitudes towards 2.005 Membership statistics 1.028, 1.037, 1.111 Merchandise 1.025 MOD files 2.006, 2.017 Muzak 2.005 'Radioaktivitaet' (single) 2.020, 2.023 'Radioactivity' (single) 2.023 Remixes by Elektric Music 1.045, 1.057 Removing stickers 1.065 Rights to Kraftwerk recordings 1.007, 1.066, 2.014 'Rueckstoss Gondelero' (Kraftwerk track) 1.139, 1.143, 1.147, 2.026 % Florian Schneider 1.079 - interview 2.048 % Emil Schult 1.156 Sex, Kraftwerk's attitude towards 1.083 Solidarity (Polish union) 2.005 'Technopop' (cancelled Kraftwerk album) 1.125, 2.024 'The Telephone Call' (12") 'Truckstop Gondelero' (Kraftwerk track) % - See 'Rueckstoss Gondelero' % Vocoders 1.020 -oO Fin Oo- ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #224 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #225 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 25 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 225 Quality of GERMANOFON CD's "Tour de Trance" Bootleg "Robocop II" Soundtrack Germanfon R&F,1&2 RE: Germanfon R&F,1&2 RE: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Re: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's Re: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's unsubscribe Re: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 09:18:23 MET+100 Subject: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" I am one of the unfortunate buyers of these poor "Kraftwerk", Kraftwerk 2" and "Ralf und Florian" CD counterfeits (versions with bonus cuts). It seems that the GERMANOFON versions are of better quality, but it's a bit unclear to me how much better they are. Some people say that they are only slightly better, others say that they are almost perfect. I would be grateful for any more opinions from people who have listened to both versions. Thank you in advance, Klaus Zaepke ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 09:21:23 MET+100 Subject: "Tour de Trance" Bootleg Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" I've seen a "new" Kraftwerk bootleg recently: "Tour de Trance", once again a compilation of unofficial DJ mixes. The booklet claims that "all mixes of this compilation are never released on any Kraftwerk CD". ROF,L!!! Most of the mixes are well known from several old bootleg CD's. Klaus Zaepke ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 09:24:10 MET+100 Subject: "Robocop II" Soundtrack Really-From: "ZAEPKE.KLAUS" One of the tracks on this "Tour de Trance" bootleg is a DMC remix of the "Robocop II" soundtrack, that was pretendedly composed by Wolfgang Fluer. I've heard this rumour a couple of years before, but it seems to be quite clear that it is a false rumour. Does anyone know the reason why it was rumoured that Fluer is the composer of the soundtrack? Klaus Zaepke ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 24 APR 95 09:12:24 EDT Subject: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Really-From: PPilgrim@Teleglobe.CA I have the Germanfon Ralph and Florian on CD. The sound quality is not at all offensive however I do not have an actual LP for comparison. I do not like the content very much except for a few synth passages. Also I have heard 1&2 on my friends double album with the oscilloscope waveforms on the cover. Again, I did not like most of the music but if I do buy a CD. I can compare the quality. The only CD flaw that I have heard is on the Computer World CD. 1 min into Computer Love some thing unusual happens. It sounds like a bad punch in or a tape drop out fix. How about the UK KW Convention? I read about it last year in Sound on Sound magazine. Did they have one this year? Has anyone gone? Philip Pilgrim ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 13:37:25 BST Subject: RE: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Really-From: SHANE sorry for the misleading subject header.... >The only CD flaw that I have heard is on the Computer World CD. 1 min into >Computer Love some thing unusual happens. It sounds like a bad punch in >or a tape drop out fix. Yes, I noticed this too on the Elektra verion of the Computer world CD. Is it on the new EMI reissue? Also I notice the colours on the EMI Computer World cover are different to the Elektra CD. Which colours were used on the original LP artwork? - -SJ ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 10:17:25 +0800 (U) Subject: RE: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." >Really-From: SHANE >Yes, I noticed this too on the Elektra verion of the Computer world CD. >Is it on the new EMI reissue? >Also I notice the colours on the EMI Computer >World cover are different to the Elektra CD. Which colours were used on the >original LP artwork? >-SJ Have those KW CD's been re-released?! How do they sound? Are they in English only or have the German versions been re-released as well? Lon ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 09:36:15 CdT Subject: Re: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's Really-From: andrewm >I am one of the unfortunate buyers of these poor "Kraftwerk", >Kraftwerk 2" and "Ralf und Florian" CD counterfeits (versions with >bonus cuts). It seems that the GERMANOFON versions are of better >quality, but it's a bit unclear to me how much better they are. Some >people say that they are only slightly better, others say that they >are almost perfect. I spent close to $100US for my copies of KW1, 2, & R&F (on Germanophon) and I have to say it was well worth it. If it's been remastered from vinyl or some poor source, I can't tell at all. To me it sounds like it was digitally remastered. No hiss, no pop, nothing but Kraftwerk. These three have pretty much become my favorite KW CDs now... >I would be grateful for any more opinions from people who have >listened to both versions. I haven't listened to the versions with the bonus tracks so I wouldn't be a very good judge, but maybe someone else had... st. andrew, ksc ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:53:48 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's Really-From: >Really-From: andrewm >>I am one of the unfortunate buyers of these poor "Kraftwerk", >>Kraftwerk 2" and "Ralf und Florian" CD counterfeits (versions with >>bonus cuts). It seems that the GERMANOFON versions are of better >>quality, but it's a bit unclear to me how much better they are. Some >>people say that they are only slightly better, others say that they >>are almost perfect. > I spent close to $100US for my copies of KW1, 2, & R&F (on >Germanophon) and I have to say it was well worth it. If it's been >remastered from vinyl or some poor source, I can't tell at all. To >me it sounds like it was digitally remastered. No hiss, no pop, >nothing but Kraftwerk. These three have pretty much become my >favorite KW CDs now... >>I would be grateful for any more opinions from people who have >>listened to both versions. > I haven't listened to the versions with the bonus tracks so I > wouldn't be a very good judge, but maybe someone else had... > st. andrew, ksc I first bought the versions with the bonus cuts. While I was grateful to have them on CD, I was disappointed with the surface noise, especially on _Kraftwerk 2_. I have since bought the versions without the bonus cuts and agree with St. Andrew's assessment. I heard no surface noise. Much bettet ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 12:25:47 -0600 Subject: unsubscribe Really-From: Derek Jordan unscribe ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 03:27:57 +0200 Subject: Re: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's Really-From: (mw) Actually I enjoy the surface noise on my bonus CDs a lot. It gives me that analog vintage feeling and makes me think I'm listening to my original records which also contain a good portion of noise... :-) (mw) ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #225 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #226 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, 26 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 226 Re Kraftwerk convention RE: Re Kraftwerk convention Re: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's Unsubscribe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 09:26:41 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re Kraftwerk convention Really-From: Kevin Busby > How about the UK KW Convention? I read about it last year in Sound on Sound > magazine. Did they have one this year? Has anyone gone? > > Philip Pilgrim I've seen no mention of a subsequent convention in the UK press (yet). Kevin ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 10:26:00 UTC Subject: RE: Re Kraftwerk convention Really-From: Mahamud Ahmad I dont believe there will be a KW convention this year. Next one in '96 mahamud ---------- From: kraftwerk-request To: kraftwerk Subject: Re Kraftwerk convention Date: 25 April 1995 09:26 Really-From: Kevin Busby > How about the UK KW Convention? I read about it last year in Sound on Sound > magazine. Did they have one this year? Has anyone gone? > > Philip Pilgrim I've seen no mention of a subsequent convention in the UK press (yet). Kevin ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 18:56:57 +0100 Subject: Re: Quality of GERMANOFON CD's Really-From: (Tommie =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6nsson?= ) I haven't heard the versions with the bonus cuts either, but I found the germanophon CD's very good. No surface noise, no pops... I was pretty sure that those recordings wasn't remastered from vinyl until I was listening to Ruckzuck (on KW1) really carefully. In between the two closing crescendos, there is a noise that is really similar to that of a needle on a spinning record. It is the first and only time I found it on the disc, but I'm not sure. Has anyone else heard that noise? ________________________________Tommie Joensson ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 25 Apr 95 16:49:13 EDT Subject: Unsubscribe Really-From: Will Lawless <> unsubscribe kraftwerk-digest ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #226 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #227 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Thursday, 27 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 227 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 20:02:49 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Really-From: gjb unsubscribe ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #227 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #228 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Friday, 28 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 228 Re: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Re: RE: Germanfon R&F,1&2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 20:25:21 -0400 Subject: Re: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Really-From: The original Ralf and Florian LP, on a good system, is quite good. I'll have to listen to it again to refresh my memory; it's been some months (though I listen to Computerwelt, Electric Cafe, The Mix, and The Man Machine constantly). ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 20:25:20 -0400 Subject: Re: RE: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Really-From: The original LP had a greenish-yellow cover, with a more yellowish color to the inner sleeve. Both the cover and jacket were duotone- color and black. ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #228 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #229 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 29 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 229 Undeliverable mail ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 02:02:58 PDT Subject: Undeliverable mail [A bounce of Number 226 took up the rest of this digest.] ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #229 ******************************* From: kraftwerk To: kraftwerk-digest Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #230 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Sunday, 30 April 1995 Volume 02 : Number 230 Change mode RE: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Tour De France on CD? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sat, 29 Apr 95 15:49:10 PDT Subject: Change mode Really-From: unsubscribe kraftwerk subscribe kraftwerk-digest ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 12:16:47 GMT Subject: RE: Germanfon R&F,1&2 Really-From: > Also I notice the colours on the EMI Computer > World cover are different to the Elektra CD. Which colours were used on the > original LP artwork? Mine is in yellow and grey. J. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 19:53:45 -0400 Subject: Tour De France on CD? Really-From: Does anyone know if Tour De France has ever been put on CD anywhere other than bootlegs? Perhaps released in some foreign country or something? If not, does anyone who knows Kraftwerk personaly have a DAT master of it? Also, does anyone have a copy of their unreleased album "techno-pop" on Vynle DAT or CD? Please respond to me directly on this: Thanks!!! ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #230 *******************************