From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #1 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Monday, 1 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: datta (David Datta) Date: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 21:20:38 -0500 Subject: Hi folks You are currently on the kraftwerk mailing list. As on right now, I have processed all requests in the queue for adds/removals. I have just switched the software that runs the list to the program "majordomo". This program makes the operation of the list automatic. If you ever want to remove yourself from the mailing list, you can send mail to "" with the following command in the body of your email message: unsubscribe kraftwerk If you are on the digest list and want to be on the interactive list, send a message that says: unsubscribe kraftwerk-digest subscribe kraftwerk Similarly, if you want to switch to the daily digest, send: unsubscribe kraftwerk subscribe kraftwerk-digest - -- ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #1 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #2 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 2 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Erik Knain Date: Mon, 1 Aug 94 9:28:10 MET Subject: Re: ESPERANTO FOR SALE ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #2 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #3 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Thursday, 4 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jose Garcia) Date: Wed, 03 Aug 1994 11:13:39 +0000 Subject: KW & T.Dream > Really-From: (Niklas Pivic) > > Actually, I remember an interview with Ralf Hutter where he says he's been > influenced by Tangerine Dream. KW may have been influenced by T.Dream. Maybe if you compare very early records from the two bands you find some similarity, and I still doubt it. Anyway, can you name any track showing an influence from T.Dream? The influence may be reflected in other ways than the final produkt. Jose ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #3 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #4 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 6 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ORDER & method) Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 16:20:13 -0400 Subject: KW Box Set -- a disappointment in the making? Well, I am not really sure. I found this on alt.goth. My guess is that it is just Radio-Activity/TEE/Man-Machine. May be they will add versions of singles that appeared on the Model CD. That is why they will include a book, to bait the people that already have the CDs. A dissapointment in the making? begin of quote: _______________ Upcoming new releases of interest to fans of Electronic, Industrial, Alternative, Ambient, Techno and Gothic music genres. This post from ( CLEOPATRA RECORDS ( Release Date/Artist-Band/Title/Selection # 10/4/94 Electric Hellfire Club Satan's Little Helpers (EP) 9418 10/4/94 Leather Strip Serenade For the Dead (Inst) 9502 10/18/94 Kraftwerk/Capitol Yrs 3 CD boxed set with book 9416 10/18/94 V/A Space Daze 7616 10/25/94 Various Artists Trance Hardcore at 200 BPM 9501 10/25/94 Various Artists VIrtualizer (Ambient from UK) 9503 11/1/94 Various Artists Torture Tech Overdrive Ltd. Ed. 9499 11/8/94 Various Artists Ambient Mind Journey 9504 _________________ later, fernando - ---- "ORDER & method" for information on & Also the Trees :: e-mail to fernando at ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #4 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #5 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 9 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Anders Wilhelm) Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 11:55:59 +0200 (DFT) Subject: Kraftwerk hypermedia area Kraftwerk on the Infobahn Has been re-organized a bit the last week, so why not visit Sweden at your next click... /anders - -- *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: * "I program my Home-computer, * * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* feel myself into the future" * * Sweden * * -Florian Schneider, 1981 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: (Jose Garcia) Date: Mon, 08 Aug 1994 13:41:51 +0000 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk hypermedia area > Really-From: (Anders Wilhelm) > > Kraftwerk on the Infobahn > > Has been re-organized a bit the last week, so > why not visit Sweden at your next click... > > What is all this? Can you explain? Jose ------------------------------ From: (Edy Braun) Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 08:52:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk hypermedia area If you want a good Kraftwerk S3M sound file, check out the file "CAFEMIX" in the alt.binaries section (under sound, or'll find it) in the USENET mail area. It is fairly huge, and none of my S3M players can fit it all in memory. The module is a mix of the Kraftwerk album "Electric Cafe"... it has samples from Boing Boom Tschak, Techno Pop, Musique Non Stop, The Telephone, Sex Object and Electric Cafe. It is a really GOOD module (compared to what I've heard before). Does anyone know where I can get more Kraftwerk sound modules? MOD, S3M ? - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ From: Johann Visagie Date: Mon, 8 Aug 94 18:52:01 SAST Subject: Kraftwerk Interview Here, finally, is the Kraftwerk interview I've been promising to type in for ages. It appeared in the December 1992 issue of _The Music Technology Magazine_, and not the April '93 issue which the original posting referred to. The Kraftwerk interview is the cover feature of this issue of the magazine - the cover shows the group in concert and proclaims in big letters: "Kraftwerk - The Ralf Hu"tter Interview" _Music Technology is a British magazine catering to gearheads for the most part, it would seem. If anybody is interested in possibly ordering this back issue or something, the following info appears on the contents page: MUSIC TECHNOLOGY (ISSN 0957-6606) is published by Music Technology (Publications) Ltd, a subsidiary of Music Maker Publications (Holdings) plc, Alexander House, Forehill, Cambs CB7 4AF. Tel: 0353 665577 (all departments). FAX: 0353 662489 The following article is Copyright 1992 Music Technology (Publications) Limited, so the copy you're reading isn't exactly legal. ;) Okay... on to the article and interview: * * * * arts & KRAFTS - -- Phil Ward - -- Interview by Mark Sinker Few bands demand a genuinely multi-cultural following; none do on the same scale as Kraftwerk. The name was once synonymous with a kind of Teutonic caricature: robotic, efficiently industrial, and nicely ironic to an English-speaking audience who would hear it and imagine patchwork quilts, see it and come face to face with the chimneys of the Ruhr valley. The vapid automata suggested by this caricature represented the very antithesis of soul, and yet the name Kraftwerk is now revered among house, rap and funk aficionados from Chicago to Sheffield. The key word in unravelling this conundrum is, of course, technology. Anyone who shares an interest in its musical applications ultimately is led back to the pioneering ideas of Ralf Hu"tter and Florian Schneider, heirs to the Stockhausen legacy and co-founders in 1968 of Organisation - an electronic music duo later to evolve into Kraftwerk. British pop groups of the late '70s and early '80s could thus draw on seminal albums like _Autobahn_ (1974), _Radio-Activity_ (1975), _Trans-Europe Express_ (1977) and _The Man Machine_ (1978), as economic changes brought synthesisers within their reach, while the more syncopated rhythms of the single 'Tour De France' (1983) and the album _Electric Cafe_ (1986) served a similar purpose for a new generation of dance acts. Whatever the style, in using musical technology it always seemed that Kraftwerk provided the model. But there is a consistency to their music which also explains their wide appeal. Unlike contemporaries like Tangerine Dream, they write melodies - 'ditties' even - they program strong beats, and they always have done. The shuffling beat of 'Autobahn' offers an early hint; and it was a track from as early an album as _Trans-Europe Express_ that Afrika Bambaataa used to such historic effect on 'Planet Rock'. Meanwhile, any no-nonsense pop audience in the world can appreciate the lilting tunes and lyrical simplicity of songs like 'Neon Lights' and 'The Model'. Through it all, Kraftwerk have stuck to their task. From analogue synthesis to digital (and back again); from tape loops to sampling; from CV/gate to MIDI; through progressive rock, new wave, new romantics, hip-hop, house, techno and ambient new age - these enigmatic German geezers dressed as lab technicians have quietly twiddled their way through the years unfettered, safely ensconced in their Du"sseldorf 'Kling-Klang' studio. The single-mindedness of their vision is, as ever, the stuff of true originality. In the interview that follows, founder-member Ralf Hu"tter talks to Mark Sinker. The transcription, exclusive to _Music Technology_, offers many fascinating insights into the mind of one of music's most elusive of heroes, the figurehead of a fanatical cult following and the mainstay of a very singular musical genre. This is the man, not the machine. - PW * * * * * What has been the most significant technological development during your career? "I think this must be the availability of the first monophonic synthesisers, because before that it used to be these big machines from Bell Laboratories or Government radio stations. Being able, as an individual musician - an independent musician - to get your hands on some of this electronic gear. I think that was the most significant change, around the late '60s. And now the next phase, the digital technology, everything becomes more modular, this is the next big step." * Did you yourself have any access to synthesisers before that? "Yes, they would give you just a three page typewritten guide, saying 'this is the oscillator, this is the filter' - and that was it. Then you would go home and fiddle around and turn knobs; there were no pre-programmed sounds in it because it was all analogue - the whole range. I don't like today's pre-programmed sounds so much; we always work on them, if we use them at all. We never really find anything that comes from other people's ears that we keep. We always turn knobs, that has been a continuing priority. We used to design our own synthesisers as well. In those days we had sequencers built, because they were very rare. Only the very big Moog modular system had sequencers. And then we would take drum boxes and re-design them with our engineers and electricians into a playable form, and adjust these with the sequencers, and those to tape, so that everything was synchronised." * Is Kling-Klang in a state of constant change? "Sure, we call it the electronic garden, because it is continually regenerating, and is now completely modular so that we can pick out certain units and replace them. And what we did was we kept all our old synthesisers from all the different phases, in storage, because they were of very little value once they were superseded, but today we have all this old analogue equipment back in place! It's really very good. Moving over to digital has in no way superseded analogue, especially as very often digital technology is only used to sample analogue sources, whether it's re-sampling old sounds off the original tapes, or from sound sources. We have always considered any sound source. It's just sound. Kling-klang is the German word for sound, so we have always had a fascination for sound." * Where do the themes of travelling and movement stem from - as in _Autobahn_ and _Trans-Europe Express_? "That came from the early days of touring in Germany. We would be continually moving. We live in this big industrial area on the Rhine-Ruhr, and we would be going to the next city to play there and coming back at night, travelling through that landscape at night. From this came the idea of doing a song, and so we would tune the synthesisers to sound like motor horns. Also on the artwork we would have road symbols, or a Volkswagen. So it was personal experiences, worked into the music." * Apart from movement, much of the imagery you employ, especially on the video screens on stage, shows a vision of the future from the past - from the '40s and '50s, not a contemporary futurism... "Well, what we were very much considering was the simultaneity of past, present and future today. I think visions and memories synchronise together, and I think certain things from a little way back look more towards the future than things which are pseudo-modern today. The real modernism may be somewhere else, a different way to what we think is modern." * Did you have any early training in improvisation? "No, we were trained in classical music, but we left that behind and got into the whole situation in post-war Germany, asking 'what is our music, what is the sound of post-war Germany?' That was the question. Then I met Florian at some improvisational courses in the late '60s, at a very open time when people would meet on University music courses and quickly get into improvising. From there we set up our Kling-Klang studio in 1970, to have a base, with a little Revox machine and echo loops - very simplistic equipment. "That was a time, in the late '60s, when everything came into question, especially in Du"sseldorf. We would see people like Fluxus and Josef Beuys on the art scene, and we were fascinated by Happenings and especially the music involved with them. So we worked with a couple of independent artists who wanted sounds, creating sound patterns. It was a very open scene, with nothing really decided. We took it from there. "There was no big music industry, like today, no structure and so there was nobody to tell you which way to go." * A lot of the British 'progressive' bands of the time were interested in new sounds, but didn't seem to know exactly what to do with them... "I think that was the situation here; there was already too much marketing and merchandising put into a structure through the music business. There was nothing like that in Du"sseldorf, it was non-existent. It was a completely anarchic situation. And as you probably know, we did it in the Du"sseldorf area, while in Cologne it was Can, other bands in Munich, Tangerine Dream in Berlin; it was all happening with different aspects coming from the different cities. We would meet at festivals, there was some knowledge of each other, but we came clearly from the Du"sseldorf scene." * Technology has come to a point where it's not only creating sounds, but also a kind of space - a virtual space... "Sure, when I read about this a couple of years ago, it was like a big development in the visual arts - but we have been doing it for 20 years, and especially when you see the show, you'll see that it's a virtual reality. We are real, but with the images we create other realities. There are no actual cars involved, but you can see them, hear them, maybe you can smell them, or trains or whatever. So music is a virtual reality, it comes to you and you actually enter a different space. "Just walking around wearing a Walkman completely transforms your reality. That's where musical developments were very much ahead of the optical. Music is in advance on this level because you don't have things across your eyes. you are still alert to your environment. That's also why music is so important in today's society, over the last 20 or 30 years its importance has been enormous - maybe even over-important, although it's hard for me to say that! Maybe music should just be one part of life." * It was, perhaps before the gramophone, and even after it, while it was still a limited luxury - but now everybody hears the music all the time, everywhere... "That's why when someone asks me about my top ten records, I always include silence - turn off the record player and that is one of the most important sounds. And I hate all this zombie-like tranquiliser music, conditioning people in stores and in lifts and in all kinds of places, it's just pollution. We always call it pollution music, and it has to go, because we want to hear the real sounds - I want to hear the sound of the escalator, I want to hear the sound of the 'plane, the sound of the train. Good-sounding trains, for themselves, they are musical instruments. That muzak, that uninteresting music from uninteresting people, we have to stop it. Whenever we can, in America, we have these little wire clippers, so we can clip the cables wherever we seem them... We want to make people aware of reality, by bringing out in our compositions the sounds of cars and trains, and ideas of the beauty of the sounds themselves." * There is a real sense of three dimension on _Electric Cafe'_, for example... "You can make it three-dimensional with your imagination, and electronics are just perfect for this because of the sounds they propose. Rather than coming from a traditional instrument, which is always located in one place, you can place them in the mix and have them moving, and when that happens things like spatial alterations occur in your head. There is panning and there is also reverb for depth. You establish dimensions, something like a short reverb to sound very close, and something like a cathedral reverb to 'fool' yourself that it is very far away. "Stockhausen has built this round building with speakers, where the audience sits in the middle and there is sound all around. There has always been panning and other devices in Musique Concrete, also." * The sounds themselves seem to have changed over the years, somehow becoming less 'noisy'... "We've always used noise - music is organized noise - we haven't changed our attitude towards noise, but maybe with today's computer-generated noise and things like that, it's getting more 'bleepy', whereas before it was more physically concrete. But this is not intentional, it has just happened and it could change back... People always responded well to the 'noises' we used from the beginning, we always created an interest, whether locally or in the next city. So that was never a problem. In those days, I think the time was ready, people wanted to hear new sounds. Everybody was interested; we couldn't even do all of the things people wanted to hear, it was such an open-minded time. We definitely could have done more than we did." * What are the significant differences between tape-splicing and digital editings, apart from the new technology being faster? "It's not necessarily faster. But you make final decisions when splicing, you cut the tape and that's it. When editing on the computer you can always go back. And with tapes you have so many splices and bits of tape you can't always remember where your piece of music is! It gets over-complicated. With computer programs it's all in the memory, and the machine lets you recall instantly. It's like an expansion of your own memory, whereas tape is an expansion of your memory but you can't always remember where your memory is! Philosophically that's very interesting, I think." * Everyone has the idea that you spend all your time working in the studio, but your actual output is not that prolific... "No, only when it's finished, when we actually want to make new steps or developments. We'll put something out only when it's possibly relevant for us or other people. _The Mix_, for example, was old material but it was working to digital for the first time. The last album was from the mid-'80s and was half and half - still recorded on analogue tape with a couple of pieces of digital equipment involved. And now the recording is completely digital, with the studio set up for a modular console and re-programming, and putting all our sounds onto digital media. "Everything was working OK, and we thought 'let's do 'Autobahn' - right, how does it go?!' And we listened to the record, which we hadn't heard for a while, and we said, 'no, let's do it differently'. So we mixed it around, digitised the recordings - the original tracks - and as a documentation of this part of the work in the studio we put out _The Mix_. It's a mix of our developments - then and now - with a lot of literal studio mixing involved - channels, sequencers, tracks. "That's how we remember the music, also - we never write anything down. We can read music, but not very well, and we don't really care because you can't write down our music anyway. Notation is a restriction on music. It's for the museum. I was always bored when I had to read these notes; it's nothing, it's just paper. Notes on paper. The sound is what interests me. And how we do it. Very rarely we would make a little motif, to denote a certain sound, but that's it. Just so that we would not forget, not for others to read. And sometimes we forget anyway, which I think is also very important, because if it comes back to you from the different stages of memory, if it reminds you of itself, then maybe it's something very strong." * On stage, how much is pre-recorded, to the extent of being unalterable? "It's not pre-recorded, it's in digital storage. There's no tapes, it's all run from the computer. Effectively we can change as much as we like, cut off tracks, add tracks, mute, double. That's what we do - complete access. We can make any track longer, according to the gig. Certain things are written, but certain compositions can have a start point and be totally open-ended, with the programming running into a loop function. It can be however we want it. "The only thing that's really written from start to finish is 'The Robots', with output from the computer to synchronise the actual robots on stage, so that their movements are all computer-controlled and they are always identical - very robotic. All the other compositions are just written as basic sequences. There is something similar to jazz in that regard, I think, like where they play any song, whether Miles Davis playing Cindy Lauper, or in the old days any silly Broadway song, and just take it as a 'flying carpet' for improvisation." * It's interesting that improvisational music really grew in significance as recorded music became a available... "At the same time as the magnetophone, yes, an important historical coincidence, perhaps, as the dependency on written music receded." * The magnetophone was invented in Germany before the war, yet not really used for music until after, and I've always been amused by the fact that it was Bing Crosby who introduced that technology to America, paying for these Telefunken models to be taken over there and put into research studios to see what could be done with them - effectively starting the modern recording industry... "Probably his greatest achievement. Much better than his singing." * Has the wide availability of recorded music helped to make it less policed, more politically subversive? "Well, it's not allowed in all areas, and not allowed in all countries, despite the technology. For example, we were not allowed in East Germany, and I can only assume it was because we were using their technology in a different way - because they had the technology, they had tapes, radio, cameras, but they used them for state security. They had to secure the state from their own people. A very strange concept, very Orwellian. We haven't played there yet, hopefully this year. But we played Poland, for _Solidarity_, and in the end it does show the subversive character of electronics - it's uncontrollable." * Instead of there being one central broadcasting station transmitting to every citizen, it's kind of the other way round, with several stations for each person... or at least that's the potential. "Yes, in the first place it's a possibility, so let's use it. But if they all play the Top 40 then it's the same situation again - although I don't think that's going to be the case." * Was it a surprise to you that your music was so successful in, for example, Chicago and Detroit? "Yes, but we always had a strongly favourable reaction from black audiences in America, even before house and techno. I remember somebody took me to a club in about '76 or '77, when _Trans-Europe Express_ was out, and it was some loft club in New York, after hours, just as the DJ culture was starting, when the DJs began making their own records, their own grooves. And they took sections from 'Metal On Metal' on _Trans-Europe Express_, and when I went in it was going 'boom-crash - boom-crash', so I thought 'oh, they're playing the new album'. But it went on for ten minutes! And I thought what's happening?! That track is only something like two or three minutes! And later I went to ask the DJ and he had two copies of the record and he was mixing the two, and of course it could go on as long as people were dancing... "This was a real development, because in those days you fixed a certain time on the record, under twenty minutes a side in order to get the print onto vinyl. It was a technological decision to say how long the song would last. We always used to play different timings live, but there we were in this after hours club, and it was ten minutes, twenty minutes of the recording, because the vibe was there." * Do you consciously go from one 'concept' to the next with each album? "Not really; we sometimes have several concepts, loose ideas to work on, but we never have very much unreleased material, just a couple of test tapes maybe; not really like somebody sitting on a song collection. It's only recently that we've realised that we have a catalogue; we would just go into a concept very deeply and then put it out. They're done over quite a short period of time. The rest of the time we work on the studio, or in visuals, getting things together. We're now involved in the multi-media aspects of music, very much. We've always 'seen' our music, but in those days we couldn't do anything about it. Now we can put words on a screen, create images - like on 'Autobahn', just a simple signpost - any way to illustrate the music." * You were in the right place at the right time, but is it harder now for bands to get into a position like yours, where so much is available to you? "I think we predicted that electronic music was going to be the next phase in popular music - _volksmusik_ - and people said it was very crazy, very elitist, intellectual, and we had to say no, this was everyday music, cars, noises, microphones picking up music for everybody. In those days everybody had tape recorders for parties, to record your own sounds from the radio. But with today's technology you can do more, with little drum machines, synthesisers, basic computer programs. At Kling-Klang we have a lot of equipment because we have developed over a long period. But starting today on the technological side would be easier, I think. but it's still down to ideas, to deciding what are we going to play, what are we going to do with this stuff?" * And what are you going to do next with this stuff? "What we're doing now is on diskettes, the music is not even fixed. We send it over to here, or to friends in New York, and what we are doing is also music from different places at the same time, by hooking in and syncing up by modem. Data transferring between computer workstations - when this really happens the music will come pouring out, I'm sure." * * * * Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Andrew Slegt, Ian Calder and Paul Wilkinson for their help in the preparation of this feature. An excellent Kraftwerk fanzine entitled Activita"t is available from Ian Calder at 108 Cummings Park Crescent, Northfield, Aberdeen AB2 7AR, where you can also send ideas and information about the band. A special Kraftwerk convention is planned for Blackpool on 21st February 1993: details from Paul Wilkenson, 80 Poulton Old Road, Layton, Blackpool FY3 7LJ. * * * * Text boxes: Text box 1 -- "Recommended listening" Albums as ORGANISATION Tone Float (RCA, 1970) as KRAFTWERK Kraftwerk (Vertigo, 1972) Ralf & Florian (Vertigo, 1973) Autobahn (Vertigo, 1974) Radio-Activity (Capitol, 1975) Trans-Europe Express (Capitol, 1977) The Man Machine (Capitol, 1978) Computer World (EMI, 1981) Electric Cafe' (EMI, 1986) The Mix (EMI, 1991) Singles Autobahn (highlights) (1974) Radio-Activity (1975) Trans-Europe Express (1977) The Robots (1978) Neon Lights (1978) Pocket Calculator (1981) Computer Love/The Model (1981) Showroom Dummies (1982) Tour De France (1983) Musique Non-Stop (1986) The Telephone Call (1987) The Robots (remix) (1991) Radio-Activity (remix) (1991) Text box 2 -- "Re-organisation" Following a few changes in the Kraftwerk orbit, long-time band members Wolfgang Flu"r and Karl Bartos left to form Electric Music with other former collaborators. Still based in Du"sseldorf, Electric Music are rumoured to be working with OMD's Andy McLuskey, and have already completed an EP with Sheffield's LFO to be released on Warp Records. There is also an album with Information Society on Tommy Boy Records, and a remix of Afrika Bambaataa's 'Planet Rock'. With collaborations also suggested with 808 State and William Orbit, it seems that Electric Music are set to carry the Kraftwerk tradition into wider areas, and an album is promised for Spring 1993. Meanwhile Hu"tter and Schneider were joined on last year's tour - to promote _The Mix_ - by Fritz Hilpert and Fernando Albrantes, although Albrantes was replaced by Henning Schmitz for three UK dates this year, at The University Of East Anglia, Norwich; Leicester Polytechnic Arena; and Manchester's G-Mex Centre. The latter was a Greenpeace anti-Sellafield campaign benefit gig, also featuring B.A.D.II, Public Enemy and U2, for which Norwich and Leicester were low-key warm-ups. This flurry of activity raised hopes of a new Kraftwerk album, but there has been no news to date. * * * * Photos: The article includes 5 photographs (including the magazine's cover photo), all apparently taken at the same event. Only one photo has a caption. Cover photo: This shows Hu"tter standing at a keyboard with some other electronic paraphernalia behind him. The huge wall screen behind him is displaying a freeway scene. One would assume the band is performing 'Autobahn'. :) The photo is in false colour. Photo 1: ... shows Hu"tter silhouetted against the wall screen, which now displays the universal "freeway" sign. Still 'Autobahn'. Photo 2: Another close-up of Hu"tter. The back of the keyboard is clearly visible, but don't ask me to identify it, I'm no gearhead. :) The wall screen behind him is displaying the word "Computerworld". Photo 3: This is a side-on photo of the four band members, all dressed in black. They're all standing in a row facing the audience, each with a different keyboard in front of him. Behind them are massive banks of electronic paraphernalia, and behind these the wall screens (apparently blank here.) This photo has a caption, which reads: "On stage at Leicester Polytechnic Arena, 18th June 1992. Left to right: Ralf Hu"tter, Henning Schmitz, Fritz Hilpert, Florian Schneider." Photo 4: This shows three of the group members with their backs to the audience, bent over those electronic gadgets which were behind them. Schneider and (I think) Hu"tter are recognisable. If anybody is *really* interested, I can try and get my hands on a scanner and scan in these photos. * * * * Phew... Anybody know a cure for sore finger joints? -*:) - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #5 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #6 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, 10 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (David Igra) Date: Tue, 9 Aug 94 23:33:50 +0100 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk hypermedia area >> Really-From: (Anders Wilhelm) >> >> Kraftwerk on the Infobahn >> >> Has been re-organized a bit the last week, so >> why not visit Sweden at your next click... >> >> >What is all this? Can you explain? >Jose Are we to belive that there is something wrong with Sweden?! Certainly NOT! Join six million other tourists with us during the Water Festival in Stockholm! right NOW! There is a roumor that says that Kraftwerk will not be playing here. - --SINDBAD Information, Public dial up mail & news service, Sweden ------------------------------ From: (J Huhtala) Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 07:54:43 +0300 Subject: Kraftwerk S3M HI ! > If you want a good Kraftwerk S3M sound file, check out the file "CAFEMIX" > in the alt.binaries section (under sound, or'll find it) in the > USENET mail area. It is fairly huge, and none of my S3M players can fit it > all in memory. I'm the author of this module. In fact I have posted a notice about the release of this S3M to this list in March. The module is also available via FTP at music archives under kraftwer/misc. But I haven't been there for ages, so I don't know for sure if it is there anymore. About the players. In the CAFEMIX.ZIP at there is Future Crew's MDP-player which plays S3Ms. All you need is enough EMS memory. Then there is player DMP which also plays S3Ms with same restrictions as MDP. This player (DMP) supports _VERY_ wide range of playing devices: from Gravis Ultrasound to home made parallel port DAC. Then there is of course Scream Tracker 3.01. This is the program which I used to create this module. With this you can listen samples separetly edit song etc......enogh EMS memory needed of course. All these players are found (I think) at msdos directory: Moduleplayers or something like that. Search for DMPXXXX.ZIP and SCRMT301.ZIP. MDP is included in every Future Crew music disk. Hope this helps, Jouko Huhtala E-mail: Oops, forgot one thing. All this is about MS-DOS machines. I don't know about players in Amiga, Mac, Atari, OS/2 etc.....sorry..... ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #6 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #7 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Thursday, 11 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ( Jorge Punaro) Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 09:05:41 GMT-0600 Subject: Trans Slovenia Express Finally the KW tribute by ex-yugoslavian bands will be release on August 22th. Burguesia, Stalnifoff (sp?) and Laibach (calling themselves Kraftbach) appears on the album. Sounds very interesting. Enjoy it! Jorge ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 13:57:32 EDT Subject: Kraftwerk Box Set! Hello all, I received this message from Cleopatra records. Joel ___________Begin Forwarded Message_____________ In response to popular demand... CLEOPATRA RECORDS is pround to announce... "Kraftwerk: The Capitol Years" A Kaftwerk Boxed set that will contain three Compact Discs.... The Man Machine Trans-Europe Express Radio Activity a 44 page book detailing the bands career written by Alternative Press mainstay DAVE THOMPSON also included in the boxed set will be a poster and sticker Suggested retail list price: $44.98 Street Date is set for Tuesday October 18, 1994 We're expecting quite a bit of demand for this and the initial quanities are limited...Interested parties should ask about pre-order info. where you buy records.... send all inquires/complaints to: "this reel video taping...thought you'd like to know" - P.F. 1979 - -- The CyberDen - Worldwide Alternative Music & Entertainment Network 415-472-5527 - Labels, Zines, Multimedia, Bands, Artists, Cultures - Telnet and anonymous FTP -> Info: ------------------------------ From: (Lazlo Nibble) Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 19:55:25 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Kraftwerk Box Set! I can't imagine anyone actually being *excited* about this set -- it's just the same old cheaply-repackaged material that (one would hope) all of us already have. Cleopatra *sucks*. - -- Lazlo ( ------------------------------ From: (J. Eric Townsend) Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 19:21:10 -0700 Subject: Kraftwerk Box Set! kraftwerk mailing list writes: > I can't imagine anyone actually being *excited* about this set -- it's > just the same old cheaply-repackaged material that (one would hope) all > of us already have. I'd sort of like to see the book. > Cleopatra *sucks*. Well, maybe as far as Kraftwerk is concerned, but they do a nice job otherwise. They're selling videos of their bands at cost since MTV refuses to play them ( a major wouldn't do that). To me, that's *good*. ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 23:09:15 -0800 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk Box Set! >Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > >I can't imagine anyone actually being *excited* about this set -- it's >just the same old cheaply-repackaged material that (one would hope) all >of us already have. > >Cleopatra *sucks*. > >-- >Lazlo ( Their ads , which i've seen in Streetsound, are hideous, yuck. richard ps- does anyone have a 12" version, vinyl, or Numbers they would like to sell me? thanks bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #7 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #8 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Friday, 12 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Freeman, Lon C." Date: 11 Aug 1994 10:42:16 -0500 Subject: RE: Kraftwerk Box Set! >Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) >I can't imagine anyone actually being *excited* about this set -- it's >just the same old cheaply-repackaged material that (one would hope) all >of us already have. >Cleopatra *sucks*. >Lazlo ( Well, at least we can all be thankful to Cleopatra for being involved in issuing some of the older Kraftwerk albums onto CD. I know I am. Lon ------------------------------ From: Richard Karty Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 12:43:00 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Cleopatra I don't want to sound cranky but Cleopatra really annoys me - or more specifically the hideous cover art of their Kraftwerk releases. It's bizarre how a band that has had such tight control of their output could end up with reissues like those, the T-shirt that came with the compilation, and now a booklet written by someone from *Alternative Press*? Next they'll probably reissue Kraftwerk albums with Frank Sinatra vocals dubbed in.. I'd recant all this if Cleopatra would release a Kraftwerk video. And monkeys might fly etc. etc... Richard P.S. Thanks to the guy who typed in the interview. That was just about the most informative one I've seen. Really gave a sense of how long their career has been. ------------------------------ From: "C. David Holloway" Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 16:39:49 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: kraftwerk-digest V2 #7 Refering to the (3cd) Boxed set: Why in the F*** did Kraftwerk come out with more "OLD" stuff. If they want to come out with something old AND good...rerelease the album Techno Pop (1984). I can't find a bootleg of that, much less the real thing.... Dave ...or you can call him Dave the Rave, Technodave, or DJDave... ...but don't call him discodave!!! The NFL: are you ready for some football? Geaux Saints!!!!!! ------------------------------ From: Christopher Robin Zimmerman Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 16:58:43 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Kraftwerk Box Set! > Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." > Well, at least we can all be thankful to Cleopatra for being involved in > issuing some of the older Kraftwerk albums onto CD. I know I am. Well, I'm not. It's not like they weren't out on CD before. What they did was take the perfectly good Capitol releases and make 'em unfit for KMart (if KMart were to sell Kraftwerk discs in the first place.) And let's not forget that 'new' disc, "The Model." Grumble grumble grumble... And of course, all those 'new' singles...and I'm pissed again. I'm pissed every time I see something with CEMA written on it. They have not released a SINGLE thing worth having since they took over the Capitol stuff (as I had "Les Mannequins" on CD thanks to the Capitol Gold Series, which was almost as shady but I forgave. Is this what I have left to expect from the giant music conglomerates? I think Lazlo said it best: > >Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > >Cleopatra *sucks*. I still blame CEMA, but amen! And the last thing I'll rant and rave about (for now) is: If this box set does spectacular business, can an Elektra box set be far behind? At least THEY could probably stick "Tour de France" on there somewhere... Christopher Robin Zimmerman A regular at the Electric Cafe ------------------------------ From: PYLESTE@CGC.COM Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 17:24:01 -0700 Subject: Re: kraftwerk-digest V2 #7 - Reply ok, discodave! ------------------------------ From: (Lazlo Nibble) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 19:14:28 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: Kraftwerk Box Set! > And let's not forget that 'new' disc, "The Model." Which they keep changing the cover on, presumably in hopes that some poor bastard will think it's something new and buy it again! > And of course, all those 'new' singles...and I'm pissed again. Yeah, $10 for a five-track single with two album tracks on it...give me a fucking break. - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: (ORDER & method) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 22:37:54 -0400 Subject: Cleopatra's response Hell(o) I inquired to them in regards to the box set. Actually, it was a very cynical e-mail I sent -- nothing too different from what has been said. These are the two replies: Reply 1: - --------- Ok somebody is a little bit cranky today so I'll answere point by point.... 1) Popular Demand... That's as in email inquires for a boxed set as well as snail mail inquires via mail order customers and long time fans alike... 2) First TIme in USA on CD I think they may have been availble on CD by Captitol but for such a short period of time and in such limited quantities these might as well have been the first, I'll talk to Dave though... [this is in my comment that the liner notes for the re-issues says that they are available for the first time in the US on CD...which is bullshit] 2a) Capitol EMI Cleopatra records is in NO way shape or form owned, controlled or in partnership with Capitol Records or IT's parent company EMI... The Kraftwerk titles like some of our other releases are simply licensed from Capitol becuase they don't feel the titles would sell enough for them to put them out... 3) Unboxed set? Sorry the boxed set is a complete package and will not be seperated. If you want to trade in your used CD's to get the boxed set we encourage that. There are plenty of stores who now accept used CD's towards store credit. We actually wanted to get exclusive remixes but it just wasn't possible... That would have been the icing on the cake... Thanks for you inquiry... - --------------------------- In my reply to the above, the only thing worth noting was that the exclusive stuff should had been the cake and other material from Elektra would had been the icing on the cake. Since all they have is a licencing from Capitol, why not get one from Elektra. Here is the second reply: - ------------------------- I appreciate your responce and in a perfect world would love to accomodate you... As a fan myself I agree weith almost all of your points... One note: The individual Kraftwerk titles in the boxed set have not perfomed well for us, so I would have to say that you are most liekly an excepetion having purchased all three. THe Model, the best of was a bad move for us becuase as soon as we put it out the catlog stopped moving and we're sitting on them... Now... We've got to sell these they're already pressed and paid for... I know this doesn't change anything but I hope you understand our position. We really did want at least an EP to include with new and or unreleased material but we just couldn't pull it off - -------------------------- So there you go. have a feast. later, fernando - ---- "ORDER & method" for information on & Also the Trees :: e-mail to fernando at ------------------------------ From: (Edy Braun) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 00:40:12 -0400 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M >I'm the author of this module. In fact I have posted a notice about >the release of this S3M to this list in March. The module is also >available via FTP at music archives under kraftwer/misc. >But I haven't been there for ages, so I don't know for sure if it is >there anymore. > I want to compliment you on the wonderful job you've done. I think the MOD is "way excellent dude... real cool". It has perfect instrumentation, it is beautifully accurate and really nice sounding! My compliments on a job well done! Can you please let me know where I can find more incredible KraftWerk MODs (or Tangerine Dream, etc.) ? Thanks. - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #8 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #9 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 13 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (J Huhtala) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 94 10:45:12 +0300 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M > Can you please let me know where I can find more incredible KraftWerk > MODs (or Tangerine Dream, etc.) ? Unfortunately I don't know any other KW (or TD) modules, exept _VERY_ old version of The Model. I will search my hard disk for it and if you (or somebody else) want, I'll post it to alt.binaries.mod. Currently I'm working on remix of Tour de France, but it will take at least a couple of months to finish -- other things with higher priority to do also..:-(. I'll post a message when it's ready and where you can d-load it. By the way, does anybody know how many people is currently on this list? Bye, Jouko Huhtala E-Mail: ------------------------------ From: (Jose Garcia) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 09:52:26 +0000 Subject: kraftwerk box set! Hello, I am founder of the Kraftwerk Mailing List,, that was started in Jan. 93. I've read an info about a Kraftwerk box set that you intend to release. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< In response to popular demand... CLEOPATRA RECORDS is pround to announce... "Kraftwerk: The Capitol Years" A Kaftwerk Boxed set that will contain three Compact Discs.... The Man Machine Trans-Europe Express Radio Activity <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< All these CDs have been, and are, available. You did a release of all of them with variations to the original sleeves. I can't see many people buying the box set as, if they like kraftwerk, they will already have the three albums! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< a 44 page book detailing the bands career written by Alternative Press mainstay DAVE THOMPSON also included in the boxed set will be a poster and sticker <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< These items would be the icing on the cake, but there is not such cake. Furthermore, there's an excellent book on Kraftwerk, "man, machine and music" which fans will already have. I can't see the interest of this box set that you intend to release. One suggestion: The IDEAL box set for me and for many kraftwerk fans worlwide would be probably: kraftwerk (first LP) kraftwerk 2 (second LP) ralf & florian (third LP) These are difficult to obtain these days, specially in good condition, and expensive also. They have never been officially released on CD. Some weeks ago, the first two appeared as bootleg CDs. I think you should try to obtain permission to release them. Maybe the band is now inclined to their release, after seeing the bottleggers are making a profit from these. Even better would be to add to the original tracks, any interesting left-overs from the original sessions. The icing on the cake would be: tour de france: a tour to all the versions (including original versions from the 12", version in German, and the remixes by Kevorkian released in 1984) As you must know, tour de france is very much in demand these days, as it is very difficult to find the vinyl records, and they have never been released on CD (except for the remix 84, 7" version, that appeared recently on a "best DJ" compilation of several bands, released in Germany only. Hoping you will consider these suggestions (wich I'm not sure are only mine but from worlwide fans also), Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: (Jose Garcia) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 11:00:58 +0000 Subject: Kraftwerk come out with more "OLD" stuff > Really-From: "C. David Holloway" > > Refering to the (3cd) Boxed set: > > Why in the F*** did Kraftwerk come out with more "OLD" stuff. If they > want to come out with something old AND good...rerelease the album Techno > Pop (1984). I can't find a bootleg of that, much less the real thing.... Dave, it is NOT kraftwerk that relese this OLD stuff. It is CLEOPATRA!!! Techno Pop: there are only two tracks available, each on a separate bootleg CD. The real thing? Do you have money in excess ??? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: (Jose Garcia) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 11:04:35 +0000 Subject: people on the list > Really-From: (J Huhtala) > > By the way, does anybody know how many people is currently on this list? > Only the administrator, David Datta, can know. We reached a point in which we were in excess of 100. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: David Datta Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 08:00:00 -0500 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M In article <32fa1e$> you wrote: : Really-From: (J Huhtala) : By the way, does anybody know how many people is currently on this list? 204 ------------------------------ From: Adam J Weitzman Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 08:56:17 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Cleopatra's response After reading Cleopatra's letter to Fernando, I have a couple of comments. I'm cc-ing this to Cleopatra because they have a lot of explaining to do. > 2) First TIme in USA on CD > I think they may have been availble on CD by Captitol but for such a short > period of time and in such limited quantities these might as well have been > the first, I'll talk to Dave though... Hey, they should either be doing their homework before making such a claim, or they just don't care whether it turns out they're lying or not. It's an image thing. If you want to be seen as reputable, you shouldn't make claims you can't back up. A quick check of the Internet discography would have showed them that they were wrong. And they were available on Capitol for a good period of time (at least three or four years), so the premise of that statement is false to begin with. > One note: The individual Kraftwerk titles in the boxed set have not perfomed > well for us, so I would have to say that you are most liekly an excepetion > having purchased all three. THe Model, the best of was a bad move for us > becuase as soon as we put it out the catlog stopped moving and we're sitting > on them... This is patently false, because _The_Model_ was in fact the *first* Cleopatra release of Kraftwerk material. You can't say that the product stopped moving after the release of _The_Model_, because there was no other Cleopatra Kraftwerk material released before it. This is a blatant and pathetic untruth. I'll be honest; I have purchased a good amount of Cleopatra product and I'm reasonably happy with them. This only thing I really have a problem with is that they make no effort to get the original artwork for their reissues. How hard can that be? Even if they put it on the inside (the way MCA did with their Hendrix reissues), that would be alright with me. And the fact that they are (1) lying to the public and (2) trying to *justify* spreading misinformation ("They were in such limited quantities that these might as well have been the first") really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I would like to think that Cleopatra is trying really hard to do good by its constituency, and the quality of their product (both in terms of artist selection and audio) is pretty decent. They're putting out lots of stuff that other companies have tossed aside, and that's to our benefit. Once the Capitol Kraftwerk releases were off the shelves, they were not so easy to find (because they don't show up in the used bins all that often, at least not around here). So I want to know what the deal is with the misinformation. It's easy enough to say, "We can't get rid of all these excess Kraftwerk CDs, so we're packaging them up in the hopes that they will sell that way. We tried to get some bonus material, but we couldn't." Why all the extra bologna? - Adam J Weitzman INDIVIDUAL, Inc. ------------------------------ From: (Jose Garcia) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 16:10:12 +0000 Subject: Re: Cleopatra's response > Really-From: Adam J Weitzman > I would like to think that Cleopatra is trying really hard to do good by > its constituency, and the quality of their product (both in terms of > artist selection and audio) is pretty decent. This is not true at all as far as KW releases go: The model: lots of cracks. I'd swear they have used vinyl as the master! The man machine: it lacks of definition and has more noise than the original Capitol release. the rest: I haven't bothered to compare the quality of them with other versions I have on CD, but if I did that, I'd probably find out it's pretty bad. After sending to Cleopatra a message suggesting them a good box set (which of course will be impossible for them to release) maybe we should suggest them to release the standard albums, *but* remastered from the original tapes and with the best possible quality. This is also dreaming, as the masters must be somewhere at Kling Klang, AND record cos. don't bother about the quality of their product, BUT about sales. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: (Jose Garcia) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 16:25:27 +0000 Subject: addresses of Elektra/EMI/EMI Electrola??? With all this debate about boxed sets, Cleopatra, etc, we could try and contact with the rest of cos. that can license/release KW produkt: Elektra (US) EMI (Europe, except Germany ???) EMI Electrola (Germany) Some nice CDs, boxed or not, would be: -one with ALL the mixes of Tour de France -one with ALL remixes released on single since Computer World (the fist album from which OFFICIAL remixes were done) Anyone know E-mail/snail mail addresses of these cos.? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 08:46:30 -0800 Subject: Re: addresses of Elektra/EMI/EMI Electrola??? >With all this debate about boxed sets, Cleopatra, etc, we could try and >contact with the rest of cos. that can license/release KW produkt: > Elektra (US) > EMI (Europe, except Germany ???) > EMI Electrola (Germany) > >Some nice CDs, boxed or not, would be: > > -one with ALL the mixes of Tour de France > -one with ALL remixes released on single since Computer World > (the fist album from which OFFICIAL remixes were done) > Jose this is an excellent idea. richard bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ From: (Lazlo Nibble) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 10:27:38 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Cleopatra's response Cleopatra writes: > 1) Popular Demand... > That's as in email inquires for a boxed set as well as snail mail inquires > via mail order customers and long time fans alike... Yeah, well, when most people ask for a box set they mean "please release a reasonably comprehensive survey of this band's career, and maybe remaster it and put a few rarities in there". They don't mean "shrinkwrap together a few spare copies of the lousy-sounding already-released CDs that you can't seem to get out of your warehouse because of the lousy job you did reissuing them". > 2) First TIme in USA on CD > I think they may have been availble on CD by Captitol but for such a short > period of time and in such limited quantities these might as well have been > the first... Your claim is wrong, pure and simple -- stop waffling. CEMA did a low-end repressing of Radio-Activity on CD as recently as two years ago. > One note: The individual Kraftwerk titles in the boxed set have not perfomed > well for us No big surprise, since you screwed up the packaging and mastering so badly that many people (myself included) actively avoided buying them. > THe Model, the best of was a bad move for us becuase as soon as we put > it out the catlog stopped moving and we're sitting on them... More lies. The Model came out well before you reissued the three catalog discs. - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: (Jose Garcia) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 18:36:06 +0000 Subject: Re: addresses of Elektra/EMI/EMI Electrola??? > Really-From: > >Some nice CDs, boxed or not, would be: > .... > Jose > this is an excellent idea. Not original, though. All the newcomers to this list and to the Aktivitaet 'zine always make the same questions: is Tour de France available on CD? and where can I get it? Jose Garcia "Camarades et amitie', Tour de France, Tour de France" ------------------------------ From: Richard Ingram Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 17:58:47 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Cleopatra's response Hi ! All I can say is after The Model I hope they manage to use a record deck without fluff on the needle ! I mean I played the first few tracks of The Model and could take no more, I have never played it since as I have most of the tracks on the origionals. I need Tour de France please ! Rich. +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ---- --- | The Crows Maintain, A Single Crow Could Destroy | | / / / | Heaven, That Is Doubtless, But Doesn't Move Heaven, | | / ANGERINE /__/ REAM | For, Heaven Implies Precisely: Impossibility Of Crows | | | +----------------+------------------------+ | To Dream Is To Live | Franz Kafka | Richard Ingram | | +----------------------+-------------+----------------+------------------------+ ------------------------------ From: (J. Eric Townsend) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 11:46:07 -0700 Subject: Cleopatra's response kraftwerk mailing list writes: > Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) Geeze, Laz, do they owe you money or something? I'd like to remind all the Cleopatra-bashers of a couple of things: They are a small, indie label, which means they don't have lots of $$$. (note that they have an account on Cyberden as opposed to their own namespace). They probably don't have the legal staff to deal with issues like clearing rights to obscure works in non-English speaking countries. They're going for the low-hanging fruit (as my boss likes to say). That means you probably won't see a Cleopatra release of 'Exeller8' any time soon. Cleopatra might not have access to the "true" masters given the above. Granted, Cleopatra made a small mistake with 'The Model'. Hopefully they'll move enough merchandise in other venues (I suspect the Kraftwerk stuff is being funded by goth/industrial sales :-) to be able to do something like a KW1/2 reissue. Maybe instead of flaming them into the ground, we should try helping? Anyone have a 'secret contact' they could yank on? Anyone speak fluent business German and willing to help out with writing some letters? How about bankrolling some legwork to find out the legal status of KW1/2? How about not buying cheap boots (if you won't buy the Model, you shouldn't buy a bad boot) and instead bugging Cleopatra to clear the rights and do a proper release? Eric the Peacemaker ("play nice or I'll bash your skulls in") - -- -- J. Eric Townsend -- '92 R100R: "CLACKER" wanted: back issues of the comic 'Tank Girl', Mark Stewart on lp or cd ------------------------------ From: Richard Karty Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 12:28:48 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Cleopatra I expect most people on this list will have the same reactions to the replies from Cleopatra that were posted so I won't duplicate - but I'd like to add - Since Capitol or whoever is willing to license Kraftwerk material to any old music-industry pimp that slithers in their door, why don't we on the list get together and get a license for (a) the really old material and (b) Tour de France, TelephoneCall remixes, Dentaku and other miscellaneous singles. Get a small-business loan for the up-front money; have just a couple of thousand pressed on CD, sell them for price of manufacturing + license fees + a little something for whoever does all the legwork. Bang! It's the Kraftwerk Collectors Society Extra-Special Limited Edition (TM) (not affiliated with the Franklin Mint). I'm not kidding. ... Anybody know a good entertainment industry lawyer? Richard ------------------------------ From: Gabriel Yedid Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 17:54:21 -500 (EDT) Subject: Re: Kraftwerk come out with more "OLD" stuff On Fri, 12 Aug 1994, kraftwerk mailing list wrote: > > Techno Pop: there are only two tracks available, each on a separate bootleg > CD. The real thing? Do you have money in excess ??? > > Jose Garcia what are these? i'm assuming neither of them is "tdf". what are their titles, and what boots can they be found on? Gabe ------------------------------ From: (Lazlo Nibble) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 16:07:05 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: Cleopatra > Since Capitol or whoever is willing to license Kraftwerk material to any > old music-industry pimp that slithers in their door, why don't we on the > list get together and get a license for (a) the really old material and > (b) Tour de France, TelephoneCall remixes, Dentaku and other miscellaneous > singles. Well, Capitol doesn't control any of that material. The ancient stuff was released through Vertigo and Philips; the more recent material was on Warner Bros. in the US. It's a good idea, but I seriously doubt the major labels would license it out for this kind of project. (You never know, though -- the New Order list apparently put together a rarities CD with the full blessing of the band.) - -- Lazlo ( ------------------------------ From: (Lazlo Nibble) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 16:20:45 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Cleopatra's response > I'd like to remind all the Cleopatra-bashers of a couple of things: > They are a small, indie label, which means they don't have lots of $$$. That's no excuse for issuing shoddy product. There are plenty of indie labels -- some of them much smaller than Cleopatra -- that have done very nice things with licensed material. (Oglio Records comes to mind.) Cleopatra just saw the Capitol-era KW catalog as a way to get a "name" artist onto their roster and make a quick buck. > They probably don't have the legal staff to deal with issues like > clearing rights to obscure works in non-English speaking countries. I don't fault them for not issuing obscure material, I fault them for doing an absolutely rotten job with the material they *did* issue. > Cleopatra might not have access to the "true" masters given the above. If they couldn't get decent masters, they shouldn't have reissued the discs. > Granted, Cleopatra made a small mistake with 'The Model'. Hopefully > they'll move enough merchandise in other venues (I suspect the > Kraftwerk stuff is being funded by goth/industrial sales :-) to be > able to do something like a KW1/2 reissue. Oh please, God, *no*. Don't let Cleopatra sic their staff of geeks with Macs and scanners loose on anyone else's cover designs. God willing, their attempts to plunder KW's back catalog bombed badly enough that they won't fool with it anymore. > How about not buying cheap boots (if you won't buy the Model, you > shouldn't buy a bad boot) and instead bugging Cleopatra to clear the > rights and do a proper release? I would rather see the money go to a bootlegger than to the fuckups at Cleo. At least the bootleggers are *honest* about the fact that profit, rather than quality, is their primary concern. I *never* *ever* want to see Cleopatra do another release by a band I give a damn about. - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: (ORDER & method) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 18:22:22 -0400 Subject: Re: Cleopatra >Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) >Well, Capitol doesn't control any of that material. The ancient stuff was >released through Vertigo and Philips; the more recent material was on Warner >Bros. in the US. It's a good idea, but I seriously doubt the major labels >would license it out for this kind of project. (You never know, though -- >the New Order list apparently put together a rarities CD with the full >blessing of the band.) (somewhat related, but to shed some light on a point) I think more importantly, although the band approved it, the US management OK'ed it too. However, the CD is not pressed yet and the results are to be determined. Furthermore, the material is not from the source, but from the available format (records/tapes/CDs). I would suspect that with the selling potential of KW for the WB material, that they would not relinquish it to someone else. I think the same reason as for 'banning' imports may be given: 'we may want to release them some day and we can let others dry up the market with imports (or reissues in this case)'. Sad. later, fernando - ---- "ORDER & method" for information on & Also the Trees :: e-mail to fernando at ------------------------------ From: (J. Eric Townsend) Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 16:11:25 -0700 Subject: Cleopatra's response kraftwerk mailing list writes: > Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > > Really-From: > > I'd like to remind all the Cleopatra-bashers of a couple of things: > > They are a small, indie label, which means they don't have lots of $$$. > > That's no excuse for issuing shoddy product. There are plenty of indie I never said it was, and cleopatra does a good job of releasing quality stuff on the whole. What I am saying is "stop calling names and try and help fix the situation." > Cleopatra just saw the Capitol-era KW catalog as a way to get a "name" > artist onto their roster and make a quick buck. Innuendo, unless you were there when the decision was made. As a matter of fact, I remember that Cleopatra was doing quite well before they ever touched KW. > I would rather see the money go to a bootlegger than to the fuckups at > Cleo. At least the bootleggers are *honest* about the fact that profit, > rather than quality, is their primary concern. I *never* *ever* want to > see Cleopatra do another release by a band I give a damn about. As a fan of many bands on the Cleopatra label, I think you're grossly misrepresenting their overall quality. Hell, even *I* didn't buy 'The Model'. But if their issues of the Industrial Revolution disks, Penal Colony, et al were all of the highest quality. (The Eno 'Third Uncle' track on IR2 sounds as good as it does on my EG disk. :-) - --eric ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #9 ***************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #10 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Sunday, 14 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 09:14:25 -0800 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk Box Set! Ok, i complained once about the box set. Just for a moment - we are living in a kinda perfect world, and rekkid companies know what is going on - this is the Kraftwerk Box set in this almost perfect world: The album *Techno Pop*, and all the singles, remixes, etc. Included is a concert video (cause they rarely tour). The box set comes with excellent information and a complete discography. It is available in all formats, LP, CD, Cassette. I know most of you would like to add to this, so feel free. After all, we are living in a kinda perfect world, and rekkid companies know what is going on. richard bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ From: Aaron Grier Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 11:59:35 -700 (PDT) Subject: Kling Klang's address How about writing directly to Kling Klang? I know the studio is still around... I wonder if a bunch of us wrote to them if we would get some sort of response? The Finn / VLA / EGG music disk contributor ------------------------------ From: (J. Eric Townsend) Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 12:35:17 -0700 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk Box Set! kraftwerk mailing list writes: > The album *Techno Pop*, and all the singles, remixes, etc. Included is a > concert video (cause they rarely tour). The box set comes with excellent Including 'stop radioactivity' from the Stop Sellafield video, which was *hacked* to bits by the folks putting together the video... ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #10 ****************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #11 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Monday, 15 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 011 1st 3 LPs 4 sale Cleopatra's response Elektra Address Cleopatra's response Re: 1st 3 LPs 4 sale ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 00:53:02 -0800 Subject: 1st 3 LPs 4 sale I thought i'd drop this here before posting it elsewhere. Kraftwerk 1 and 2. The Vertigo pressing (usa) with the gatefold sleeve. 2 rekkids. *Rolf & Florian* Also on Vertigo. They are in very good condition. I'd like to sell 'em as a set, but if i cant.... Here is the deal...I live in Portland, Oregon, u.s.a. I'll mail 'em 1st class to your address for $25.00 (us) if you live in the u.s. *Overseas* will cost more (of course). thanks richard bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ From: (Lazlo Nibble) Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 12:40:12 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Cleopatra's response >> At least the bootleggers are *honest* about the fact that profit, >> rather than quality, is their primary concern. I *never* *ever* want >> to see Cleopatra do another release by a band I give a damn about. > > As a fan of many bands on the Cleopatra label, I think you're grossly > misrepresenting their overall quality. I don't think so. The main problem I have with Cleopatra -- their utterly *pathetic* design sense, and their insistence on enforcing it on everything that appears on the label, reissue or new release -- applies to just about everything I see in their catalog. The mastering problems with the KW releases obviously are only directly relevant to the KW releases, but the attitude that allowed them to be released in that state (and that sparked the release of ripoffs like the "Showroom Dummies" single) reflects badly on the label as a while. I'm quite secure in my condemnation of Cleo, especially in light of the snotty responses I've gotten to (non-flame) email to them about this stuff in the past. - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: (Richard Joly) Date: Sun, 14 Aug 94 18:10:53 EDT Subject: Elektra Address Hi, someone was inquiring about contacting Elektra US. Here's contact info I got some time ago on ************************************************** James Barnett Email me for info Elektra Records about the soon-to-exist Elektra Records mailing list! ************************************************** Richard Joly ------------------------------ From: (J. Eric Townsend) Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 21:47:45 -0700 Subject: Cleopatra's response kraftwerk mailing list writes: > *pathetic* design sense, and their insistence on enforcing it on > everything that appears on the label, reissue or new release -- applies to I'm not sure what album art/design has to do with the quality of the music, especially on reissues, but Cleopatra doesn't have a 'style' across the board. The two Cleopatra releases I have on my desk (Penal Colony, Idustrial Revolution II) look nothing like each other or any of the KW releases. (The KW releases, however, all look alike, IMHO). I think it's silly to condemn an entire label based on their handling of reissues of a specific band. By that logic, I should hate many of the reissues I have since they don't include original inner-sleve/gatefold art. (Ryko's Bowie catalog, on the other hand, sets the standard for *ALL* reissues.) - --jet ------------------------------ From: Aaron Grier Date: Sun, 14 Aug 1994 22:02:50 -700 (PDT) Subject: Re: 1st 3 LPs 4 sale On Sun, 14 Aug 1994, kraftwerk mailing list wrote: > Really-From: > > I thought i'd drop this here before posting it elsewhere. > > Kraftwerk 1 and 2. The Vertigo pressing (usa) with the gatefold sleeve. 2 > rekkids. > > *Rolf & Florian* Also on Vertigo. > They are in very good condition. > I'd like to sell 'em as a set, but if i cant.... > Here is the deal...I live in Portland, Oregon, u.s.a. I'll mail 'em 1st > class to your address for $25.00 (us) if you live in the u.s. *Overseas* > will cost more (of course). Hmm... I am going to school in Portland (Reed College to be exact) and will be there on the 22nd. I'll give you $20 for them and pick them up in person. :) (PLEASE! I've got the other KW albums, and would love to have these to listen to.) The Finn / VLA / EGG music disk contributor ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #11 ****************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #12 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 16 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 012 test, please ignore! Another test (sorry about this)... Subject Change! Cleopatra's response Cleopatra's response Cleopatra / perfect reissues Die Dominas, Kraftwerk area... Cleopatra's response ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 10:41:28 +0200 (DFT) Subject: test, please ignore! Just testing my Kraftwerk-area automatic Kraftwerk-list-mail-extracter-> html-database-program. /anders - -- *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: * "I program my Home-computer, * * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* feel myself into the future" * * Sweden * * -Florian Schneider, 1981 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 13:11:08 +0200 (DFT) Subject: Another test (sorry about this)... Ok, let's see if this works. test-site foggle-glarp 1 2 3 4 eins zwaaa drei vier uno duo tres quattro... /anders - -- *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: * "I program my Home-computer, * * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* feel myself into the future" * * Sweden * * -Florian Schneider, 1981 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: "Freeman, Lon C." Date: 15 Aug 1994 08:44:53 -0500 Subject: Subject Change! OK, looks like Cleopatra records has their work cut out for them to improve their Kraftwerk related releases. Hey, How about the Music! Anybody have any news/updates on upcoming Kraftwerk or Electric Music releases? I'm getting real itchy! Lon ------------------------------ From: (Lazlo Nibble) Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 10:13:04 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Cleopatra's response > I'm not sure what album art/design has to do with the quality of the > music... I'm not sure where you think I implied that it did. > but Cleopatra doesn't have a 'style' across the board. Like hell they don't. I've got their catalog, which includes cover shots of all their releases. Somewhere in their art department is a Mac with a copy of Kai's Power Tools on it, and some geek who thinks he's a real slick operator with it. > I think it's silly to condemn an entire label based on their handling > of reissues of a specific band. Why? - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: (J. Eric Townsend) Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 12:29:32 -0700 Subject: Cleopatra's response kraftwerk mailing list writes: > > jet wrote: > > I'm not sure what album art/design has to do with the quality of the > > music... > laz wrote: > I'm not sure where you think I implied that it did. Uh, the fact that you're slagging Cleopatra based mostly upon your dislike of their graphics? They're a music label, not a style house. > > but Cleopatra doesn't have a 'style' across the board. > Like hell they don't. I've got their catalog, which includes cover shots Well, then we have a difference of opinion of what "like" means. :-) > Somewhere in their art department is a Mac with > a copy of Kai's Power Tools on it, and some geek who thinks he's a > real slick operator with it. So? What if that's the case? Big deal. They're an indie label! Would you rather they sell out to Warner, Sony, or someone so that they could afford a 'professional' art dept? > > I think it's silly to condemn an entire label based on their handling > > of reissues of a specific band. > Why? Because it suggest an inability to look beyond a simple issue to see the whole. If I decided that Cleopatra was horrid based on their handling of 'The Model', I'd have never bought several of their discs of bands that I ended up liking quite a bit. It's sort of like saying "God, 'Pocket Calculator' is a stupid song, Kraftwerk is a horrid band." (I know someone who said that, actually... I tricked them into listening to 'Autobahn' and they changed their mind.) - --jet ------------------------------ From: Richard Karty Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 12:52:18 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Cleopatra / perfect reissues Why do I have this feeling that if someone (miraculously) just phoned up Hutter and Schneider and said, "there's loads of dedicated listeneres who are desperate to hear this old material" , they'd say something all postmodern like " We reject the fetishization of our music. We'd prefer people listen to the computer music all around us: fax machines, pagers, scanners, etc." Anyway, didn't someone on this list - perhaps they were quoting from the book oabout Kraftwerk - post a message quoting K.'s lawyer in New Yor (talking about a tour or the Techno Pop album?? - I can't remember). Anyway, it could be interesting to write to him. I don't know if it would accomplish much but maybe he could shed some light on the status of the back catalogue and the various owners' plans... And if the firm can't be bothered, we could always claimthat we want to report some bootlegging... just to get their attention :-) Richard ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 21:39:55 +0200 (DFT) Subject: Die Dominas, Kraftwerk area... Has anyone (Jose?) got a copy of the 10" LP by Die Dominas? It contains the songs Ich bin a Domina, Herr Ralfi und Herr Karl, Die Wespendomina. I would love to get a tape copy of the album. - --- The Kraftwerk area has been extended with new material, I'm right now putting in old material from the mailing-list. So, why not visit Kling-Klang on /anders - I press the key, and watch TV. - -- *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: * "Guten abend Meine Damen und * * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* und Herzlich wilkommen" * * Sweden * * -Barbara Grau, Sat 1, 1991* *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: (Lazlo Nibble) Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 14:35:39 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Cleopatra's response >>> I'm not sure what album art/design has to do with the quality of the >>> music... >> >> I'm not sure where you think I implied that it did. > > Uh, the fact that you're slagging Cleopatra based mostly upon your > dislike of their graphics? Where does that imply that I'm saying anything about the quality of the music? > Would you rather they sell out to Warner, Sony, or someone so that > they could afford a 'professional' art dept? I would rather they reissued Kraftwerk's albums without sticking their halfassed cheesebag Mac-wank covers on them. How hard is that? >>> I think it's silly to condemn an entire label based on their handling >>> of reissues of a specific band. >> >> Why? > > Because it suggest an inability to look beyond a simple issue to see the > whole. The issues I'm bringing up (not caring about the packaging, not caring about the mastering, shipping poorly-planned, poorly-executed, and overpriced product like "The Model" and "Showroom Dummies") aren't simple, ignorable issues -- at least not to me. I'd rather spend the money on imports than encourage Cleopatra to further abuse by buying their releases. Given their shoddy treatment of KW's catalog, I have no reason to believe they'd do any better with any other band I'd be interested in (and they proved it with the Sigue Sigue Sputnik reissue). > If I decided that Cleopatra was horrid based on their handling > of 'The Model', I'd have never bought several of their discs of bands > that I ended up liking quite a bit. You're free to spend you money how you see fit, I suppose. - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #12 ****************************** From: owner-kraftwerk-digest To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #13 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: owner-kraftwerk-digest Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, 17 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 013 Cleopatra's response ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (J. Eric Townsend) Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 03:34:12 -0700 Subject: Cleopatra's response I think laz and I agree more than we realize, so in an effort to end our little tiff... kraftwerk mailing list writes: > releases. Given their shoddy treatment of KW's catalog, I have no reason > to believe they'd do any better with any other band I'd be interested in > (and they proved it with the Sigue Sigue Sputnik reissue). I haven't checked out their SSS release (I have it on plastic). What went wrong there? Is this actually a case of cleopatra royally fucking up reissues but doing new releases right? - --eric ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #13 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #14 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Thursday, 18 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 014 Re: kraftwerk box set! Re: Die Dominas, Kraftwerk area... old kraftwerk released on CD? kraftwerk classical? Re: kraftwerk classical? Re: Re: kraftwerk box set! Re: kraftwerk classical? Re: Re: kraftwerk classical? Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: Re: Die Dominas, Kraftwerk area... Cleopatra and e-mail Re: Cleopatra and e-mail Re: kraftwerk box set! Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: kraftwerk box set! Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: kraftwerk classical? Re: Cleopatra and e-mail Just a test (I'm new here.) Re: Kraftwerk S3M ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 10:03:33 +0100 Subject: Re: kraftwerk box set! Really-From: (Jose Garcia) I got the following reply from cleopatra about "my" suggestion of the ideal boxed set. I say "my" as it's probably everybody's. - ----- Begin Included Message ----- >From Wed Aug 17 08:50:09 1994 Date: 13 Aug 1994 02:36:03 GMT From: (cleopatra) Organization: The CyberDen - 415.472.5527 Reply-To: Subject: Re: kraftwerk box set! To: Content-Length: 262 Thanks for your input..we're looking into those releases! - -- The CyberDen - Worldwide Alternative Music & Entertainment Network 415-472-5527 - Labels, Zines, Multimedia, Bands, Artists, Cultures - Telnet and anonymous FTP -> Info: - ----- End Included Message ----- Now, what you people think? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 10:10:48 +0100 Subject: Re: Die Dominas, Kraftwerk area... Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: > Has anyone (Jose?) got a copy of the 10" LP by Die Dominas? > ... > I would love to get a tape copy of the album. So would I! I don't have a copy of it. A small article will be devoted to Die Dominas in the soon-available next issue of Aktivitaet 'zine. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 10:26:25 +0100 Subject: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: (Jose Garcia) OK. Quite a few flames about Cleopatra's job on reissues. Let's try to do something useful. Ralf & Florian are bound not to be thinking of releasing their first 3 albums. The reason: These albums are something quite different to their later werk. However, this doesn't change their importance. Kraftwerk have influenced E-music from industrial to techno. These first albums are interesting. These albums are only available as second-hand vinyl. Now, the bottleggers have released KW 1 and KW 2 on CD. If they are available on bootleg CD, why not doing a proper and official release of them? So, this idea about trying to contact his lawyer in the US is not that bad. Apparently, Mute Records approached the old guys for a release on CD of "ralf & florian", without success. Maybe they should try now? We could also try to contact Mute Records to encourage them to try again the release of old albums on CD. Any thoughts? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 02:00:16 -0700 (MST) Subject: kraftwerk classical? Really-From: Zachary Woodruff The other day I was listening to National Public Radio (a news program in the U.S., in case you didn't know) and I heard a classical version of Computer Love! It sounded really good, and reminded me of what good composers Kraftwerk are, technological innovation or no. Has anybody else heard this? Does anybody have any idea who did it, and where to get a copy? ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 12:11:28 +0100 Subject: Re: kraftwerk classical? Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Zachary Woodruff > ... I heard a classical version of > Computer Love! That's by the Balanescu Quartet. The album is called "possessed" and contains, if I'm not wrong, 4 versions of KW tracks, among them "pocket calculator". A video of this one is sometimes shown on MTV, nice one too. I also ask: where can I get this? By the way, this question is a clear candidate for the FAQ file, if we ever do one. Wasn't there a volunteer? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 17 Aug 1994 10:13:37 GMT Subject: Re: Re: kraftwerk box set! Really-From: (cleopatra) We're back! Hope to get back to you with a more personal message soon. Order Cleopatra Records On-Line from: telnet/ftp available or dial direct to get a local dial up at: 408-985-8982 - -- The CyberDen - Worldwide Alternative Music & Entertainment Network 415-472-5527 - Labels, Zines, Multimedia, Bands, Artists, Cultures - Telnet and anonymous FTP -> Info: ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 17 Aug 1994 12:03:51 GMT Subject: Re: kraftwerk classical? Really-From: (cleopatra) We're back! Hope to get back to you with a more personal message soon. Order Cleopatra Records On-Line from: telnet/ftp available or dial direct to get a local dial up at: 408-985-8982 - -- The CyberDen - Worldwide Alternative Music & Entertainment Network 415-472-5527 - Labels, Zines, Multimedia, Bands, Artists, Cultures - Telnet and anonymous FTP -> Info: ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 17 Aug 1994 12:03:55 GMT Subject: Re: Re: kraftwerk classical? Really-From: (cleopatra) We're back! Hope to get back to you with a more personal message soon. Order Cleopatra Records On-Line from: telnet/ftp available or dial direct to get a local dial up at: 408-985-8982 - -- The CyberDen - Worldwide Alternative Music & Entertainment Network 415-472-5527 - Labels, Zines, Multimedia, Bands, Artists, Cultures - Telnet and anonymous FTP -> Info: ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 17 Aug 1994 12:03:46 GMT Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: (cleopatra) We're back! Hope to get back to you with a more personal message soon. Order Cleopatra Records On-Line from: telnet/ftp available or dial direct to get a local dial up at: 408-985-8982 - -- The CyberDen - Worldwide Alternative Music & Entertainment Network 415-472-5527 - Labels, Zines, Multimedia, Bands, Artists, Cultures - Telnet and anonymous FTP -> Info: ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 17 Aug 1994 12:03:41 GMT Subject: Re: Re: Die Dominas, Kraftwerk area... Really-From: (cleopatra) We're back! Hope to get back to you with a more personal message soon. Order Cleopatra Records On-Line from: telnet/ftp available or dial direct to get a local dial up at: 408-985-8982 - -- The CyberDen - Worldwide Alternative Music & Entertainment Network 415-472-5527 - Labels, Zines, Multimedia, Bands, Artists, Cultures - Telnet and anonymous FTP -> Info: ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 08:03:56 -0500 Subject: Cleopatra and e-mail Really-From: David Datta Due to the automailer Cleopatra has set up, I have made it so they cannot send mail to the list. They can read the messages but not post. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 16:34:50 +0100 Subject: Re: Cleopatra and e-mail Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: David Datta > Due to the automailer Cleopatra has set up, I have made it so they > cannot send mail to the list. They can read the messages but not post. Well done! So they have set up an automailer? Looks like they're gonna ignore every message. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 09:00:25 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: kraftwerk box set! Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > I got the following reply from cleopatra about "my" suggestion of > the ideal boxed set. > >> Thanks for your input..we're looking into those releases! > > Now, what you people think? I think they're lying to one of us, because they told *me* that they *knew* they couldn't get the rights to the first three albums. Typical. - -- Lazlo ( ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 94 17:25:11 MESZ Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: Arnulf Striepecke > Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > > > Quite a few flames about Cleopatra's job on reissues. > > Let's try to do something useful. > > Ralf & Florian are bound not to be thinking of releasing their first 3 albums. > The reason: These albums are something quite different to their later werk. > However, this doesn't change their importance. Kraftwerk have influenced > E-music from industrial to techno. These first albums are interesting. > > These albums are only available as second-hand vinyl. > Now, the bottleggers have released KW 1 and KW 2 on CD. If they are available > on bootleg CD, why not doing a proper and official release of them? > > So, this idea about trying to contact his lawyer in the US is not that bad. > > Apparently, Mute Records approached the old guys for a release on CD of > "ralf & florian", without success. Maybe they should try now? > > We could also try to contact Mute Records to encourage them to try again > the release of old albums on CD. > > Any thoughts? > > > Jose Garcia > Hi! I don't think that Kraftwerk would be really interested. I can't really explain why, but to me they don't seem to be the persons who'd dig in the dust for old stuff and putting it on a medium which is far to good for the quality of the tapes they kept. I wouldn't bother. I wouldn't buy the CD's either. Arnulf - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------- Arnulf Striepecke Institute for Geodynamics Buschstrasse 4 Nussallee 8 53113 Bonn 53115 Bonn Voice: (49) 228 221573 (49) 228 73-7449 e-mail: Germany - ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 17:45:58 +0100 Subject: Re: kraftwerk box set! Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > I think they're lying to one of us, because they told *me* that they > *knew* they couldn't get the rights to the first three albums. More likely, their reply came from the automailer. True, the rights of the first three albums are owned by Kraftwerk. The only possibility is perhaps through their lawyer in the US? or if a more important rec. co., like Mute, tries to get the rights? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 18:31:51 +0100 Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Arnulf Striepecke > I don't think that Kraftwerk would > be really interested. Probably not, that's right. But if they criticize live bootleg CDs for their bad quality of sound and the rip-off to a few fans, they should see the same point concerning their old studio stuff. > I can't really explain why, but to me they don't seem to be the > persons who'd dig in the dust for old stuff and putting > it on a medium which is far to good for the quality > of the tapes they kept. Right. I'd prefer they DO something NEW! > I wouldn't bother. Perfect! That does not necessarily mean no one else would bother! Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 18:43:36 +0100 Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: (Jose Garcia) OK, you don't bother about these old albums. What about Tour de France? You don't bother either? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 94 10:54:31 GMT-0600 Subject: Re: kraftwerk classical? Really-From: ( Jorge Punaro) >> ... I heard a classical version of >> Computer Love! > >That's by the Balanescu Quartet. The album is called "possessed" and contains, >if I'm not wrong, 4 versions of KW tracks, among them "pocket calculator". >A video of this one is sometimes shown on MTV, nice one too. > >I also ask: where can I get this? The album is really easy to find at least in Uk and Mexico, it's on Mute and cat.# is stumm111, it was relaesed on US too. Try to get it, it includes "The Model", "Pocket Calculator", "computer Love" and 2 others, and it's very good. About the video, haven't see it never. Jorge ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 11:19:20 -0700 Subject: Re: Cleopatra and e-mail Really-From: (J. Eric Townsend) kraftwerk mailing list writes: > Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > So they have set up an automailer? Looks like they're gonna ignore > every message. No, they don't ignore your email. They just have a constant flood, so the auto-reply is sort of like "music on hold". :-) I have gotten a personal reply to everything I have have ever sent to Cleopatra. (Hell, I got my mail order items back the same week I mailed the check!) - --eric ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 19:19:10 -0500 Subject: Just a test (I'm new here.) Really-From: Gregor B Rochow This is just a test (I'm new on this list.) - -gbr ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 21:14:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M Really-From: (Edy Braun) >priority to do also..:-(. I'll post a message when it's ready and >where you can d-load it. Sure. Thanks. Please let me know where I can pick it up. I'm always looking for more MODs. Say, does anyone know of any of the following: Jean-Micheal Jarre Tangerine Dream Mike Oldfield Rick Wakeman Jeff Waynes I compose music and someone who critiqued my work told me it sounded like it belonged in the same genre like these artists. - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #14 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #15 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Friday, 19 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 015 Re: Kraftwerk S3M Trans Slovenia Express - first impression Yes, FAQ IS being worked on! Re: Kraftwerk hypermedia area sorry, that was supposed to go directly to jose... Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: Kraftwerk hypermedia area old kraftwerk old kraftwerk [none] old kraftwerk The Man-Machine Recreated KW CD sound quality Re: KW CD sound quality Re: Kraftwerk S3M Re: KW CD sound quality Re: Kraftwerk S3M pirate CDs Re: The Man-Machine Recreated ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 94 10:28:20 SAST Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M Really-From: Johann Visagie > Really-From: (Edy Braun) > > Sure. Thanks. Please let me know where I can pick it up. I'm always looking for > more MODs. Say, does anyone know of any of the following: > > Jean-Micheal Jarre *Lots* of Jarre MODs around, many of them originating from a "Jarre Live" demo that used to do the rounds on the Amiga. I'll have to go through my archives to see what I have... > Jeff Waynes I have a "War of the Worlds" .cmf file... :P > I compose music and someone who critiqued my work told me it > sounded like it belonged in the same genre like these artists. If you do any MODs etc, I'd like to see 'em... :) - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 11:22:22 +0200 (DFT) Subject: Trans Slovenia Express - first impression Really-From: At last it is here and I've listened through it a couple of times. Here is a small review... TRANS SLOVENIA EXPRESS - Mute Records, CD STUMM 131 1. Laibach - Zracalo Sveta (Das Spigelglas der Welt) 2. Coptic Rain - The Robots 3. The one you love - Trans Europe Express 4. April Nine - Radioactivity 5. Beitthron - Airwaves 6. Data processed corrupted - Transistor 7. Borghesia - Ohm Sweet Ohm 8. Mitja V.S. - Neonlicht (With Enzo Fabani Quartet) 9. Z-Entropa - Antenna 10. Strelnikoff - Man Machine 11. Random Logic - Home Computer 12. Demolition Group - The Model 13. 3000000 V.K. - Kometenmelodie part 1. 14. Videosex - Spacelab 15. Kraftbach - Lie-Werk (3 October - Fleisch und Blut gemischt) - --- Well, it is different. Very different. It begins with a typical Laibach- track, without seeing the name of the song, you wouldn't be able to know which Kraftwerk song they have done but after a while you realise that the singer is actually singing the melody of Spiegelsaal, I like it! Then comes a hardcore-version of The Robots, not much too say, it begins good, but then comes the sampled guitars... I and my friends began laughing hystericly when we heard it the first time, but it's a kind of cooouul. The version of TEE is quite good, with samples from Musique non-stop. I really wanted Laibach to do this one instead, with samples from "How the West was won", but this version is interesting. Then comes a really bad version of Radioactivity, female voice, lame synthetic sounds (D50-factory presets...). Uack (remids a bit of some songs on the swedish DM-tribute album - I sometimes wish I was famous". Airwaves by Beitthron is good, speaking of the DM-tribute album, this sounds like the swedish group Cultivated Bimbo and their version of New Life. Synth-pop!!! The Transistor version by Data processed corrupted sounds like it could have come from Kraftwerk 1, or Kraftwerk 2. Processed guitar sounds. The song grows, you like it more and more. Borghesia and their rendition of Ohm Sweet Ohm is one of the best songs on the album, well, it should be as they are one of Slovenia's best bands. Here they use more synthesizers than they usually do. Sounds fresh, with samples of Numbers as a rhytmic layer. Some parts from Sex Object, and Technopop are there also. Then comes the Balanescu Qartet, no it's not, but it sounds like them in the beginning, then comes a hystericly fun version of Neonlicht, with banjo, string quartet and a singer that sounds he is from the early 1920'ies... Antenna, I really like, it is also one of the more synthetic tracks on the album, this could become a very successful single. I will play it at one of the student discoteques tomorrow night for sure. Then comes a version of Man machine with (*a lot of *) guitars, well as I don't like guitars, I do not enjoy this song. Boring. The version of Home Computer, I find the absolutly best on the album, a kind of techno-synthetic version. A longer version of this track would probably be a dance-floor hit this autumn. The drums are of course a TR-808. The Model... Well, that song kind of grows too. Imagine Nick Cave, doing The Model as an encore, then you have a clue of how it sounds... Kometenmelodie, not much to say, it is quite good, but not too close to the original. Spacelab is a cute little song with some sounds with a lot of reverb, it kind of sounds like the german group Software. A female voice do the melody at the end. Quite good. The album finishes with another Laibach song, this is one of their own songs, and I guess this song could be missunderstood of being fascistic. The have a lot of samples from "Opus Dei" - "Gibt mir ein Leitbild... Ein Fleisch, ein Blut...", I wonder what Ralf & Florian are going to think when they hear this song. Ok, it can be seen as "Heroes" in the 90'ies. I do like the music - Kraftwerkian rhythmics and sounds. I would say a perfect mix between Laibach and Kraftwerk.. Kraftbach-Liewerk... - --- I am beginning to like this album, some groups really manage to make something new of the songs, specially the Antenna and Home Computer versions are really good. So, get the album!! /anders *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: *"I press the key, and watch TV"* * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* * * Sweden * * -Karl Bartos, 1993 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 11:40:54 +0100 (BST) Subject: Yes, FAQ IS being worked on! Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" (Jose Garcia) wrote:- > By the way, this question is a clear candidate for the FAQ file, if we ever > do one. Wasn't there a volunteer? As you may recall, I had a lot of problems replacing my hard disk drive; this together with many real world obligations and Things To Do has meant that the FAQ hasn't been as high as high a priority as I would have liked. However, I have made quite a bit of progress on it now, and aim to have it ready by, say, the end of this month (i.e., a couple of weeks!). Maybe it'll be ready sooner, other commitments permitting, but I want to make a decent job of it. Since I'm ploughing through nearly all the past digests (very time-consuming), I thought I'd make this FAQ file an index to past topics as well. That way, not only are the frequently asked questions answered, but people can easily find useful (only useful!) discussions of bootlegs, concerts, Florian's hat size, whatever. ;-) This index is obviously being worked on at the same time as the FAQ proper. Trust you'll find it worth the wait! Regards to all, Kevin ( ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 13:32:55 +0200 (DFT) Subject: Re: Kraftwerk hypermedia area Really-From: > > Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > > > Really-From: (Anders Wilhelm) > > > > Kraftwerk on the Infobahn > > > > Has been re-organized a bit the last week, so > > why not visit Sweden at your next click... > > > > > > What is all this? Can you explain? > > Jose > Hello Jose! - ---------- I hope everything is allright. Well, what should I say about World Wide Web and hypermedia. It has been described as the coolest since the Beatles. I would say the coolest since Autobahn... This is how I explained it to Paul Wilkinson... Hypermedia can be described as an extension to multimedia. A hypermedia document consists of text, graphics, sounds, animations and so on. It also contains links to other hypermedia documents. On the Internet are World Wide Web servers (WWW), that processes requests from other machines for hypermedia objects, and then transmits those to the requesting machines. A hypermedia document can be built up by objects, that physicly is located on computers 10 000 km's apart from eachother. As a user you use a navigation program that sends such requests, the one which I use, and which is most widespread is called Mosaic. You can get Mosaic for X, PC-Windows and MAC via FTP, from this site: The Kraftwerk hypermedia area contains a full discography (which needs to be crosschecked by others), the discography has links to a lyrics area. It contains images, interviews and articles, an adressbook to Kraftwerkians around the globe (btw, I could enter your address right now if you want). What's more in the area, oh yes, a trade section. I also have automatic feed from the mailing-list into the area, I will probably start to build a database with information from the list. It also contains all the digests. I'm constantly adding new material to the site, reviews of concerts and album reviews are the next things that will appear. Concert and event-information will also be here as soon as possible. I am allways looking for more material to put into the area. So feel free to give information - I am catching the vibrations :-). I would really like to have some reviews of the concerts you've been to. And the address of the site is: ^ ^ ^ | | | hypertexttransfer protocol - | | machine name ------------------------/ | document name --------------------------------------/ The area has got tremendous many visits, during this summer it has been over 18, 000 visitors!!! - --- I am hopefully going to next Kraftwerk convention. Do you know more about when it is taking place? Have you heard any more about the possibility of a new album. There are A LOT of rumours right now in Sweden. Even from the daily newspapers. /anders - -- *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: * "I program my Home-computer, * * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* feel myself into the future" * * Sweden * * -Florian Schneider, 1981 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 13:41:11 +0200 (DFT) Subject: sorry, that was supposed to go directly to jose... Really-From: Sorry if I wasted some peoples bandwith, anyhow, there you have an introduction to WWW if you don't know what it is... :-) "Na svjenja do druschka, njevjo dieschnje" "I wonder what happens if I press that button" - Chief controller at Tjernobyl, 1986 :-) /anders - -- *************************************************************************** * Anders Wilhelm * em: * "I program my Home-computer, * * Umea University * url:http://wwwtdb.cs.* feel myself into the future" * * Sweden * * -Florian Schneider, 1981 * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 94 16:20:17 MESZ Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: Arnulf Striepecke > Status: RO > > Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > > OK, you don't bother about these old albums. > > What about Tour de France? You don't bother either? > > > Jose Garcia > No, that's a different thing Arnulf - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------- Arnulf Striepecke Institute for Geodynamics Buschstrasse 4 Nussallee 8 53113 Bonn 53115 Bonn Voice: (49) 228 221573 (49) 228 73-7449 e-mail: Germany - ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 16:57:10 +0000 Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Arnulf Striepecke > > Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > > > > OK, you don't bother about these old albums. > > > > What about Tour de France? You don't bother either? > No, that's a different thing I do not know if it can be any succesful, but we could try to suggest (and put pressure for) the release of one or another kraftwerk CD with stuff which is not already available on this format. Of course, a new album would be everybody's dream. Meanwhile... Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 09:31:30 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > Of course, a new album would be everybody's dream. Los Faceless Bozos del Cleopatra claimed at me that Elektra plans to release a second volume of The Mix. Of course, you can judge the veracity of that from its source . . . - -- Lazlo ( ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 94 10:24:19 GMT-0600 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk hypermedia area Really-From: ( Jorge Punaro) >Sorry if I wasted some peoples bandwith, anyhow, there you have an >introduction to WWW if you don't know what it is... Sorry for a major waste of bandwith, I just received a list of WWW Providers list, if any is interest on it, e-mail me at Saludos Jorge ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 13:51:11 -0500 Subject: old kraftwerk Really-From: Gregor B Rochow Besides giving to the general Discussion that I would be very interested in a CD release of all pre-Autobahn material and Tour de France, I wonder if y'all could may be give me a hint on the value of the following record: It's a 7" 45rpm promotional ("not for sale") release of Tour de France by Warner Bros. (U.S); side A is TdF (French Version), side B is TdF (Remix) ("mixed by KW and Francois Kevorkian"); both sides are "3:50 (Edit)"; the label has as the background a bicycle gear (grey); the whole thing is in a generic WB sleeve. $$$? Also: what do KW1, KW2, Ralf&Florian "cost" these days? - -G.Benedikt Rochow ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 13:40:46 -0600 (MDT) Subject: old kraftwerk Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > Also: what do KW1, KW2, Ralf&Florian "cost" these days? I picked up the double-album of KW1 and KW2 for $14 in San Francisco last year, and got R&F for $6 about a year before that. (I've since seen several copies of R&F for less, and can't remember ever seeing it for *more*...) - -- Lazlo ( ------------------------------ From: Date: Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 13:40:46 -0600 (MDT) Subject: old kraftwerk Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > Also: what do KW1, KW2, Ralf&Florian "cost" these days? I picked up the double-album of KW1 and KW2 for $14 in San Francisco last year, and got R&F for $6 about a year before that. (I've since seen several copies of R&F for less, and can't remember ever seeing it for *more*...) - -- Lazlo ( ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 14:31:47 +0100 (BST) Subject: The Man-Machine Recreated Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" I saw yet another Kraftwerk remix bootleg recently. Here are the details. Kraftwerk: The Man-Machine Recreated Bootleg CD CD: 19?? [I guess 1994] [Label unknown] The Robots (Space Strings-Mix) The Model (German Model-Mix) Spacelab (Shuttle Mix) Metropolis (Lost Town-Mix) Neonlights (Stratosphear Mix) The Man Machine (Forward March! Mix) Tour de France (Arrivee Mix) The cover is a reworking of the original cover of 'The Man-Machine'. Kevin ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 19 Aug 1994 08:48:33 -0500 Subject: KW CD sound quality Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." KW enthusiasts, I have the Cleopatra issues of Radioactivity, Trans Europe Express, and The Man Machine. Speaking strictly of sound quality and sonics, are the European import versions of these CDs audibly much better? If so, what label are they on over there? (it doesn't matter to me what language the lyrics are in) I'll go for the imports if they are that much better because there's a lot of sound coming from Cleopatra's issues of those particular CDs. Thanks folks, Lon ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 15:52:43 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: KW CD sound quality Really-From: Richard Ingram > > Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." > > KW enthusiasts, > > I have the Cleopatra issues of Radioactivity, Trans Europe Express, and The > Man Machine. Speaking strictly of sound quality and sonics, are the European > import versions of these CDs audibly much better? If so, what label are they > on over there? (it doesn't matter to me what language the lyrics are in) > I'll go for the imports if they are that much better because there's a lot of > sound coming from Cleopatra's issues of those particular CDs. > > Thanks folks, Yep ! Get the imports, I have German Language versions of Radioactiviy, TEE, Computer World. I think they are all EMI, though I bought them at World Of Music in Munich in '91. They had piles of these (wonder why ;-)) As KW seemed to be at No1 in the charts all over Europe that summer ! So yes do try and get the imports ! Richard. PS When is the new Eleckronic CD out, and what are these rumours flying round Scandanavia about the new KW release ???? ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 94 12:31:08 EDT Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M Really-From: what are MOD's ??????? ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 19:05:49 +0000 Subject: Re: KW CD sound quality Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Richard Ingram > > Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." > > > > KW enthusiasts, > > > > I have the Cleopatra issues of Radioactivity, Trans Europe Express, and The > > Man Machine. Speaking strictly of sound quality and sonics, are the European > > import versions of these CDs audibly much better? To be honest, I haven't compared European versions with the Cleo ones. I compared the vinyl of Die Mensch Maschine with the Cleo M.M., and also the original US CD of M.M. Guess which one was worst? Cleo. > > (it doesn't matter to me what language the lyrics are in) You'd better get the German language, as you'll have better sound AND different versions. > Yep ! Get the imports, I have German Language versions of Radioactiviy, The German version RadioAktivitaet IS EXACTLY the same as RadioActivity. Both feature lyrics mixed in both German and English. > C I bought them at World Of > Music in Munich in '91. We may have met at WOM over there! I went also to Satturn in Munich and bought piles of CDs and a few KW vinyls. Lon, if you want the best quality of sound you should go for original vinyl in mint condition, and also have good hardware to extract the maximum of info from it. I listened to C.Welt LP played on a Linn Basik turntable (75000 pesetas complete with cartridge) and it was breathtaking. Same thing with Man Machine, switching between LP and CD (played on a CD machine of twice the price of the turntable) and the sound of the LP was better defined. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 94 14:34:56 EDT Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M Really-From: can anyone explain what S3M is all about? What does it stand for? ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 15:50:05 +0000 Subject: pirate CDs Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > anyone knows where to get 'Tone Float'?!! I'm told that two more pirate CDs are available now, thus making available all the KW albums released only on LP as CD: KW: Ralf & Florian Organisation: Tone float Don't know anything about quality, etc. This only proves if R&F were not willing these to be released, they are now on the pirate market. ralf, florian: is this any better for you? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 16:55:23 +0000 Subject: Re: The Man-Machine Recreated Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" > Kraftwerk: The Man-Machine Recreated Bootleg CD Yes. I've seen this one too, and have avoided it. It has all the M.Machine tracks remixed, with TdF as bonus track (?). Ian Calder says the mixes are of dubious result and quality. A contact I have in a record shop told me this very week would be available 5 new remixes CDs (!) Jose Garcia ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #15 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #16 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 20 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 016 Re: old kraftwerk Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: The Man-Machine Recreated pirate CDs Re: The Man-Machine Recreated Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Re: old kraftwerk Re: pirate CDs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 10:01:11 +0000 Subject: Re: old kraftwerk Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Gregor B Rochow > I wonder if y'all could may be give me a hint on the value of the > following record: > > It's a 7" 45rpm promotional ("not for sale") release of Tour de France > by Warner Bros. (U.S); This is very subjective. Prices may vary a lot. In Europe you can get this kind of stuff for about $10, or even double. > Also: what do KW1, KW2, Ralf&Florian "cost" these days? Depends on the release. Prices are not only for the contents of the records but for the records themselves also. It also depends where you find them. I guess Lazlo didn't find them at a collector's shop or record fair. Besides, any record can be as worth as you're willing to pay. Examples of prices I've seen: 2LP KW 1 & 2, UK, original release swirl vertigo label: 75 UK pounds (!) any of the original German releases: 25 - 30 pounds any of the Spanish releases (these were released in 1979): varies a lot. I was offered a copy of 1 for 8000 Pts (crazy!!!) I found a copy for 3500 Pts. Of course all these prices vary depending on the condition of both record and sleeve, and on the country you buy them in fact! In Germany, KW records are the most expensive ones, according to Gunther Poecker (are you there?) An example about the price it's worth is the price you want to pay: 7" kouhoutek-kometenmelodie: I've seen copies at 60 pounds. I was told someone in UK paid 200 pounds for a copy (!!!!!) (I'd never pay this silly amount!) Jose ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 94 11:52:38 +0100 Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: (David Igra) This new Electronic Music-thing with Karl Bartos and another guy. Can anybody supply information about this ? - --SINDBAD Information, Public dial up mail & news service, Sweden ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 20:51:31 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: The Man-Machine Recreated Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" Jose Garcia wrote:- > A contact I have in a record shop told me this very week would be > available 5 new remixes CDs (!) Uggh! Who buys these monstrosities? There's obviously a big market somewhere... Kevin ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 15:50:05 +0000 Subject: pirate CDs Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > anyone knows where to get 'Tone Float'?!! I'm told that two more pirate CDs are available now, thus making available all the KW albums released only on LP as CD: KW: Ralf & Florian Organisation: Tone float Don't know anything about quality, etc. This only proves if R&F were not willing these to be released, they are now on the pirate market. ralf, florian: is this any better for you? Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 16:55:23 +0000 Subject: Re: The Man-Machine Recreated Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" > Kraftwerk: The Man-Machine Recreated Bootleg CD Yes. I've seen this one too, and have avoided it. It has all the M.Machine tracks remixed, with TdF as bonus track (?). Ian Calder says the mixes are of dubious result and quality. A contact I have in a record shop told me this very week would be available 5 new remixes CDs (!) Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 94 11:52:38 +0100 Subject: Re: old kraftwerk released on CD? Really-From: (David Igra) This new Electronic Music-thing with Karl Bartos and another guy. Can anybody supply information about this ? - --SINDBAD Information, Public dial up mail & news service, Sweden ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 10:01:11 +0000 Subject: Re: old kraftwerk Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Gregor B Rochow > I wonder if y'all could may be give me a hint on the value of the > following record: > > It's a 7" 45rpm promotional ("not for sale") release of Tour de France > by Warner Bros. (U.S); This is very subjective. Prices may vary a lot. In Europe you can get this kind of stuff for about $10, or even double. > Also: what do KW1, KW2, Ralf&Florian "cost" these days? Depends on the release. Prices are not only for the contents of the records but for the records themselves also. It also depends where you find them. I guess Lazlo didn't find them at a collector's shop or record fair. Besides, any record can be as worth as you're willing to pay. Examples of prices I've seen: 2LP KW 1 & 2, UK, original release swirl vertigo label: 75 UK pounds (!) any of the original German releases: 25 - 30 pounds any of the Spanish releases (these were released in 1979): varies a lot. I was offered a copy of 1 for 8000 Pts (crazy!!!) I found a copy for 3500 Pts. Of course all these prices vary depending on the condition of both record and sleeve, and on the country you buy them in fact! In Germany, KW records are the most expensive ones, according to Gunther Poecker (are you there?) An example about the price it's worth is the price you want to pay: 7" kouhoutek-kometenmelodie: I've seen copies at 60 pounds. I was told someone in UK paid 200 pounds for a copy (!!!!!) (I'd never pay this silly amount!) Jose ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 18:40:40 -0500 Subject: Re: pirate CDs Really-From: Gregor B Rochow Where are pirate CDs usually found? - -gbr ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #16 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #17 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 23 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 017 Re: old kraftwerk Kraftwerk Book PSB Re: kraftwerk-digest V2 #16 aktivitaet #6 RE: aktivitaet #6 Re: Kraftwerk S3M Re: Kraftwerk S3M April Nine Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... RE: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Re: Kraftwerk Book Re: Kraftwerk Book ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sat, 20 Aug 1994 15:19:25 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: old kraftwerk Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) >> Also: what do KW1, KW2, Ralf&Florian "cost" these days? > > I guess Lazlo didn't find them at a collector's shop or record fair. I'm not sure what distinguishes a "collector's shop" from a plain old store that sells used records -- if it's the prices, no I probably didn't get either at a "collector's shop," as we don't have any stores in Albuquerque that are brave enough to charge $50 for something you can get elsewhere for $5 (you have to go to Bleeker Bob's in LA or NYC for that :-). As far record fairs, I saw a nice clean copy of R&F for $3 at one last spring. - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sat, 20 Aug 1994 20:20:53 -0800 Subject: Kraftwerk Book Really-From: I've given up on finding the Kraftwerk book "Man, machine, music" (is this the correct title?) in the bookstores where i live. So I am going to order it. Could some one tell me the title, author and ISBN number. And finally, is it really worth buying? Thanks in advance. My current Kraftwerk want list: any 12" version of "Numbers." bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sun, 21 Aug 1994 12:08:16 -0400 Subject: PSB Really-From: (Bruce M. Lloyd) If anyone is interested in hearing two Pet Shob Boy's songs that are *very* Kraftwerk like, pick up the CD-Single: "Was it Worth It?", EMI , E2-56244. There are 5 tracks, two of which are very Kraftwerk-ish. "Miserabilism (Electro Mix)" sounds very much like earlier ambient Kraftwerk, from the pre-Radioactivity priod and, "Music for Boys (Part 3)" is a very The Mix-ish sounding track. You'll love them! regards, Bruce - ------------------------------------------------------------ | When cyber-sex becomes a reality it's going to make | | crack-cocaine look like Sanka. | | - Denis Miller | - ------------------------------------------------------------ | b m l @ i n t e r l o g . c o m | - ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 07:51:34 EDT Subject: Re: kraftwerk-digest V2 #16 Really-From: (Richard Paiement) Hil folks, >> Also: what do KW1, KW2, Ralf&Florian "cost" these days? >Depends on the release. Prices are not only for the contents of the records >but for the records themselves also. It also depends where you find them. >I guess Lazlo didn't find them at a collector's shop or record fair. >Besides, any record can be as worth as you're willing to pay. > >Examples of prices I've seen: > >2LP KW 1 & 2, UK, original release swirl vertigo label: 75 UK pounds (!) I'm feeling pretty good today, after purchasing a copy of the above mentioned double album Kraftwerk (compilation of KW 1 and KW 2) at a flea market yesterday, for the ridiculously low price of CDN$14 (about US$10, which is about 6 or 7 pounds, I guess). The cover is in mint condition, as are the vinyl records, except for the beginning of Kling Klang, which is a bit dirty. And yes it is the original 1972 UK gatefold release. I was surprised to find it, as I had never seen it before. I knew some of the pieces in their short form as they appear on Exceller 8, and now I'm happy to know them in their original form. Now, I just have to get my hands on a copy of the Organisation album. ....and maybe the KW 1 and KW 2 separately? Are these last two harder to find than the KW double? Richard Paiement Ottawa/Hull CANADA (Sorry if I'm making anyone jealous. I just had to share my discovery.) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 15:51:13 +0000 Subject: aktivitaet #6 Really-From: (Jose Garcia) Issue 6 of the Aktivitaet fanzine is available already, although only from the editor in Scotland at the moment. (Copies from the rest of distributors should be available soon.) It's a 50 pages a5 issue, with colour cover. Price is 2.50 pounds plus postage. (Send a5 SAE.) Copies for Spain will include a 4 pages supplement in Spanish. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 09:14:12 PDT Subject: RE: aktivitaet #6 Really-From: brady@Onramp.NET - ---------------Original Message--------------- Issue 6 of the Aktivitaet fanzine is available already, although only from the editor in Scotland at the moment. (Copies from the rest of distributors should be available soon.) It's a 50 pages a5 issue, with colour cover. Price is 2.50 pounds plus postage. (Send a5 SAE.) Jose Garcia - ----------End of Original Message---------- Jose, (or anyone who knows) -- what would be the American price? and would the editor take US currency, or pounds? Thanks kindly. -- Jim ( ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 16:45:29 SAST Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M Really-From: Johann Visagie > Really-From: > > what are MOD's ??????? *.MOD files, or modules, are a sound format which originated with the "SoundTracker" 'sequencer' program on the Commodore Amiga. They consist of four channels of 8-bit 'sequenced' samples. *.S3M files are one of the many versions of 'upgraded' multi-channel MOD-derivatives now created by SoundTracker-derivative programs on the Amiga, PC, and other computers. - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 16:45:29 SAST Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M Really-From: Johann Visagie > Really-From: > > what are MOD's ??????? *.MOD files, or modules, are a sound format which originated with the "SoundTracker" 'sequencer' program on the Commodore Amiga. They consist of four channels of 8-bit 'sequenced' samples. *.S3M files are one of the many versions of 'upgraded' multi-channel MOD-derivatives now created by SoundTracker-derivative programs on the Amiga, PC, and other computers. - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sat, 20 Aug 94 04:53:06 +0100 Subject: April Nine Really-From: I just saw a very nice cover of Kraftwerk's 'Radioactivity' on MTV's Chillout Zone. The song played by 'April Nine' was also called 'Radioactivity', the album's name is 'Trans Slovania Express'. - - Michael - __________________________________ ________________________________________ Michael van Rosmalen // "We are programmed just to do, The Netherlands, Utrecht \X/ anything you want us to" (Kraftwerk) * AmyBW v2.11 Beta * ... "Ich bin der Muzikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand." - --- Blue Wave/RA ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 15:39:36 -0400 Subject: Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Really-From: (Rajesh Prabhu) Thanks to Anders for the review ... So now the obvious question is : Has this CD been released yet ? Haven't seen it in the CD-releases list on, so will it even be released in the US ? ( on Cleopatra, maybe :-) ) One thing I noticed from the tracklist was that most (if not all) tracks covered were Autobahn and after - didn't any band want to tackle the early stuff ? - -- Rajesh ps. Last I checked, the Balanescu Quartet CD was available from CDC, so I think it's still in print ... ( I sure hope so, since I was planning to include it in my next CDC order ). ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 22 Aug 1994 17:13:17 -0500 Subject: RE: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." > So now the obvious question is : Has this CD been released yet ? I was able to order Trans Slovenia Express from a local 'Compact Disk World' store here in New Jersey. >ps. Last I checked, the Balanescu Quartet CD was available from CDC, so >I think it's still in print ... ( I sure hope so, since I was planning to >include it in my next CDC order ). I was able to order this one also. Our local CD stores have these touch screen Computers that let you look up releases by Artist, Category, etc. It gives info on Label, Cat#, Tracks, etc. I got hits on both The Balanescu Quartet CD and on the Trans Slovenia Express and the store has them on order for me. I'll let you know if there's any problem with them actually coming in. Lon ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 23:56:20 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: Re: Kraftwerk Book Really-From: bombuzal > I've given up on finding the Kraftwerk book "Man, machine, music" (is this > the correct title?) in the bookstores where i live. So I am going to order > it. > Could some one tell me the title, author and ISBN number. And finally, is > it really worth buying? I still have a few new copies for sale of this book for US$ 18 each on my saleslist. The book is very good. For me personally I think the most interesting section is the period from 1968-1975. I very well describes the old German Krautrock scene. It also contains a photo section. Please contact me on > > My current Kraftwerk want list: any 12" version of "Numbers." I don't think there exists a 12" version of Numbers Peter van Dam ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 23:26:15 EDT Subject: Re: Kraftwerk Book Really-From: haha!! I tried everywhere to get that book... I even went to the Harold Washington public library.. I had tracked down a copy there... But when I spoke to the clerk as to why the book wasnt on the shelf.. she smiled and curtly replied, "Are you kidding? If that book was on the shelf I would have stolen it!" So If you do ever get a copy of the Kraftwerk book please write with relevant info... Trance... ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #17 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #18 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, 24 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 018 Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... RE: aktivitaet #6 kw collectables numbers cleopatra box and more Re: KW CD sound quality Another TSE review Re: Kraftwerk book kraftwerk & bowie Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Re: kraftwerk & bowie Re: Trans Slovenia Express - first impression Re: KW CD sound quality Autechre? Re: Numbers 12" Re: Autechre? Re: Numbers 12" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 10:22:57 +0000 Subject: Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: (Rajesh Prabhu) Hello :=) > So now the obvious question is : Has this CD been released yet ? The official release date was 22 Aug. By the way, I'm told 3 or 4 tracks haven't finally been included on the CD. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 10:28:50 +0000 Subject: RE: aktivitaet #6 Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: brady@Onramp.NET > what would be the American price? and would the editor take US currency, or > pounds? Thanks kindly. > > -- Jim ( You should contact Fred Becker. Details of his address, and phone number too, are somewhere in one of the latest digests. Mind he may still don't know about #6 since I got the info directly from an Ian's phone call. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 10:38:26 +0000 Subject: kw collectables Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: (Richard Paiement) > >Examples of prices I've seen: > > > >2LP KW 1 & 2, UK, original release swirl vertigo label: 75 UK pounds (!) > > I'm feeling pretty good today, after purchasing a copy of the above > mentioned double album Kraftwerk (compilation of KW 1 and KW 2) > at a flea market yesterday, for the ridiculously low price of CDN$14 Very good price. That's what I said. Prices vary enormously. The cheapest prices can be found at places not specialized in Kraftwerk. Richard, there are 2 diff. versions of this double LP. One has the original Vertigo swirl label of this period (and is the original run) whereas a later release has the common space ships label, which is cheaper. > Now, I just have to get my hands on a copy of the Organisation album. Be careful. There are also two versions of this on LP. The original RCA 70, and a pirate version. The original is the most expensive KW record to obtain. The pirate copy is also difficult to track down, but much much cheaper. > ....and maybe the KW 1 and KW 2 separately? Are these last two harder > to find than the KW double? Probably. KW 1 is apparently more difficult to find than 2. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 10:44:04 +0000 Subject: numbers Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: bombuzal > > > > My current Kraftwerk want list: any 12" version of "Numbers." > I don't think there exists a 12" version of Numbers > > Peter van Dam It does exist. See Aktivitaet #5, collectors corner USA. It is a promo only 12". Nice one too. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 10:49:19 +0000 Subject: cleopatra box and more Really-From: (Jose Garcia) We should try to do something about the planned Cleo box. We can also try other labels release stuff not available on CD (I am thinking of the first LPs, Tour de France, some b-sides, etc.) Is there interest to try to do something, or just apathy? If there's interest, let's discuss about it! Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 11:00:31 +0000 Subject: Re: KW CD sound quality Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." > I have the Cleopatra issues of Radioactivity, Trans Europe Express, and The > Man Machine. Speaking strictly of sound quality and sonics, are the European > import versions of these CDs audibly much better? Lon, I have compared 3 different releases of Man Machine on CD: - capitol, US - EMI, Germany (german language) - cleo, US It is pretty evident and without any difficulty that the cleo version is the worst by far. The sound is muffled and dull. Any of the other 2 sound quite well, with a much clearer sound. It is difficult to say which one is better, really. The volume on the capitol one is higher. The other 2 cleo CDs: I haven't been able to compare thoroughly, but they're not as bad as man machine. Has anyone made comparisons on the sound quality of any CDs? Japan has a good reputation for their vinyl and also CD product. I don't know what KW CDs are available on Japan. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 08:25:21 -0400 Subject: Another TSE review Really-From: (Rajesh Prabhu) Yes, but not by me ... I don't have it yet :-( It's by Al Crawford (who's probably on this list as well) on, and by far the most disturbing news in the review is that the issue may be limited to 1000 copies .... aargh! - -- Rajesh ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 14:06:33 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Kraftwerk book Really-From: Kevin Busby In Kraftwerk Digest Volume 02 : Number 017, wrote:- > I even went to the Harold Washington public library.. I had tracked down a > copy there... But when I spoke to the clerk as to why the book wasnt on the > shelf.. she smiled and curtly replied, "Are you kidding? If that book was on > the shelf I would have stolen it!" Ordering the book through the campus bookshop here was quite interesting. The lady who took the order asked me if the this was an educational title; she assumed that "Kraftwerk" must be a child's spelling of "craftwork"... However, the assistant I dealt with when the book came in was fully aware of who Kraftwerk were, and offered me a piece of information which was new to me. She reckoned that the late Klaus Nomi once performed with Kraftwerk in Berlin, and that "That was his introduction to the scene". That's all I was told! More grist for the rumour mill, Kevin. P.S. As was pointed out in this list when the book came out, the Bussey book contains a number of inaccuracies and suppositions, but IMO it's still a very informative and enjoyable book. Required reading! - -- FAQ surrounded by traffic cones at present, men at Werk. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 16:12:38 +0000 Subject: kraftwerk & bowie Really-From: (Jose Garcia) To add something else to the rumour mill: I've been told by a fan of Bowie, who has lately added to his list of favourites none other than kraftwerk, that Bowie with the band he recently formed (jeez, don't remember the name of the band) were in a concert and among the audience were R&F. The band played then one or two KW covers. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 10:14:55 GMT-0600 Subject: Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Really-From: ( Jorge Punaro) >Thanks to Anders for the review ... >So now the obvious question is : Has this CD been released yet ? >Haven't seen it in the CD-releases list on, so will it >even be released in the US ? ( on Cleopatra, maybe :-) ) It was release yesterday (august 22) on the UK, and according to AP magazine, Mute is releasing it on the US this month. >ps. Last I checked, the Balanescu Quartet CD was available from CDC, so >I think it's still in print ... ( I sure hope so, since I was planning to >include it in my next CDC order ). Yes, it's still in print, and it's easy to get on USA Saludos Jorge ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 10:17:15 GMT-0600 Subject: Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Really-From: ( Jorge Punaro) I forgott on my last mail, but looks like it's a Limited edirtion of the "Trans-Slovenia-Express" cd. only 1000, the diference? I don't know. Please, if somebody get this Ltd. edition, let us know. Jorge ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 18:20:51 +0000 Subject: Re: kraftwerk & bowie Really-From: (Jose Garcia) Yep! Tin Machine (Bowie's band) are the ones who supposedly did the KW covers. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 10:21:58 GMT-0600 Subject: Re: Trans Slovenia Express - first impression Really-From: ( Jorge Punaro) >Thanks to Anders for the review ... >So now the obvious question is : Has this CD been released yet ? >Haven't seen it in the CD-releases list on, so will it >even be released in the US ? ( on Cleopatra, maybe :-) ) It was release yesterday (august 22) on the UK, and according to AP magazine, Mute is releasing it on the US this month. >ps. Last I checked, the Balanescu Quartet CD was available from CDC, so >I think it's still in print ... ( I sure hope so, since I was planning to >include it in my next CDC order ). Yes, it's still in print, and it's easy to get on USA Saludos Jorge ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 11:04:20 -0700 Subject: Re: KW CD sound quality Really-From: (J. Eric Townsend) kraftwerk mailing list writes: > Lon, I have compared 3 different releases of Man Machine on CD: > > - capitol, US > - EMI, Germany (german language) > - cleo, US > It is pretty evident and without any difficulty that the cleo version is > the worst by far. The sound is muffled and dull. I haven't been able to tell a marked quality (not volume) difference between my capitol and EMI Man Machine disks. I have compared an Eno track (on Cleopatra's IR#2) with an EG release, they sound the same to me (over headphones). (On the other hand, fully 1/4 of the EG disks I buy don't play correctly on my vintage 1987 CD player.) Neither sounds as crappy as some of the bits on my KLF Ultra Rare Tracks, however. :-) - --eric ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 18:19:43 -0400 Subject: Autechre? Really-From: (Edy Braun) I heard some amazing sounding stuff... I thought it was KraftWerk but when the credits came up in the video it was "Autechre" (the video I saw was titled "Bacradet"). In any case, came someone give me more info on this group? - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 17:17:24 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Numbers 12" Really-From: (Doug Terrebone) > > My current Kraftwerk want list: any 12" version of "Numbers." > I don't think there exists a 12" version of Numbers > > Peter van Dam I have Numbers on 12"! EMI Electrola 1CK062-46379 Computerwelt "Special Mix" w/ Nummern and Computerwelt 2 c1981 Kling Klang.... It's not a promo I don't think... Doug ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 18:53:43 -0800 Subject: Re: Autechre? Really-From: Edy Braun wrties >I heard some amazing sounding stuff... I thought it was KraftWerk but when >the credits came up in the video it was "Autechre" (the video I saw was >titled "Bacradet"). > >In any case, came someone give me more info on this group? The trax is called 'Basscadet.' There is an album version (on Warp in the UK, and TVT/WaxTrax in the us). I also thought i saw a bunch of remixes of it, 6 or 7, on vinyl and CD. Hope this helps. bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 23:56:29 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Numbers 12" Really-From: Christopher Robin Zimmerman > > > My current Kraftwerk want list: any 12" version of "Numbers." > > I don't think there exists a 12" version of Numbers > > > > Peter van Dam > > I have Numbers on 12"! EMI Electrola 1CK062-46379 Computerwelt "Special Mix" > w/ Nummern and Computerwelt 2 c1981 Kling Klang.... It's not a promo I don't > think... > > Doug I've got that one. "Nummern" is just the good ol' album version (well, one of them) as is "Computerwelt 2." If all you're looking for is an album version, you could just buy the album. ;-) I do like that remix, though. I like to think it's an honest-to-God rarity, myself... Christopher Robin Zimmerman A regular at the Electric Cafe ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #18 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #19 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Thursday, 25 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 019 Re: Kraftwerk S3M Stockissuenr. of Trans Slovenia Express Re: Numbers 12" RE: Autechre? Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... e-mail address of Mute? Re: e-mail address of Mute? Re: Numbers 12" Re: Numbers 12" Re: e-mail address of Mute? Re: Numbers 12" Re: Numbers 12" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Sun, 21 Aug 1994 21:15:48 -0400 Subject: Re: Kraftwerk S3M Really-From: (Edy Braun) > >what are MOD's ??????? > > As far as I understand, they are Amiga Modules (originally from some Amiga program...not sure exactly what). They contain music... they are actually sequences but with samples included so that the sequence can be played back on any machine (it is not like a WAV or VOC format which is just one long contiguous stream). Most MODs I believe can only have up to 32 samples. Please elaborate...anyone who knows... PS - Where do I find more Kraftwerk, Cabaret Voltaire, Tangerine Dream MOD files? - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 10:46:48 CST Subject: Stockissuenr. of Trans Slovenia Express Really-From: "Aart-Jan van Amerongen" Hello out there ! The recent discussions on the 'Trans Slovenia Express' album have gotten me very curious and I wonder if anyone of you could provide me with the ordernr. / label of this illusterous product. Please drop me (or the list) a line! Virtually, Aart-Jan. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 10:55:02 +0000 Subject: Re: Numbers 12" Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: (Doug Terrebone) > > I have Numbers on 12"! EMI Electrola 1CK062-46379 Computerwelt "Special Mix" > w/ Nummern and Computerwelt 2 c1981 Kling Klang.... It's not a promo I don't Doug, we were talking about releases with Numbers as the main track (a-side). The one you mention is not Numbers but Computerwelt. 12" numbers + 2 or 3 (?) , USA, promo only. I don't have full details here! Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 24 Aug 1994 09:42:42 -0500 Subject: RE: Autechre? Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." >>I heard some amazing sounding stuff... I thought it was KraftWerk but when >>the credits came up in the video it was "Autechre" (the video I saw was >>titled "Bacradet"). >> >>In any case, came someone give me more info on this group? >The trax is called 'Basscadet.' There is an album version (on Warp in the >UK, and TVT/WaxTrax in the us). I also thought i saw a bunch of remixes of >it, 6 or 7, on vinyl and CD. Hope this helps. I've got the CD single of remixes of that song. It's pretty good but a little heavier than most KraftWerk stuff. Lon ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 15:32:17 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" I saw part of a video for one of the TSE tracks on television last night, so maybe Mute has a single in mind? The programme was 'The Beat'. Is that the title, I wonder? Think so. Presented by Garry Crowley. Maybe you know it. Very indie. Anyhow. Amongst all the guitar bands there was a half-a-minute item about Trans Slovenia Express. "Surprisingly, most of it actually works. And yes, before you ask, Liabach are on here". That's what Mr Crowley said, "Li-a-bach". (Who's the expert here? The auto-cue perhaps? >:-) ). There was then a clip of an (uncredited) version of 'Radio Activity' from the album. The video was of some young woman standing on a swing, rocking backwards and forwards in slow motion. Just a few seconds worth. Probably just as well. The video looked like a 4 AD out-take, and the cover was pointless, unimaginative and twee, with weedy breathy female vocals. Horrible. No sir, I didn't like it. Still, nice to see it mentioned. :-) kV. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 10:49:09 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Trans-Slovenia Express ... Really-From: Adam J Weitzman For those of you in the US who might be looking for this release, it has a mention near the end of the "Dance Trax" section of this week's Billboard, so it will probably be getting a US release soon on Mute. - Adam J Weitzman INDIVIDUAL, Inc. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 17:11:57 +0000 Subject: e-mail address of Mute? Really-From: (Jose Garcia) I recall having read something about an e-mail address for mute records. Does anyone have this address? I guess Elektra doen't have such address. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 10:03:49 GMT-0300 Subject: Re: e-mail address of Mute? Really-From: ( Jorge Punaro) Hola Jose, Estas son las direcciones de Mute, son de Mute USA, Mute UK estara pronto en la red, pero aun no hay mas informacion. Mute NovaMute Tardan siglos en contestarte, (si tienes suerte y te contestan), de todos modos, no me quejo, me enviaron un cassette promocional de NovaMute..... Saludos Jorge ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 18:54:20 +0200 Subject: Re: Numbers 12" Really-From: Fredrik Idestam-Almquist I used to own a copy of the Numbers US 12" promo someone mentioned. I traded it for some other KW-item. Anyway, there was no 12"-version on that promo,I would not have parted with it if there had been such a version on it! No way! :) Fredrik ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 19:31:47 +0000 Subject: Re: Numbers 12" Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Fredrik Idestam-Almquist > > I used to own a copy of the Numbers US 12" promo someone mentioned. > I traded it for some other KW-item. Anyway, there was no 12"-version > on that promo,I would not have parted with it if there had > been such a version on it! No way! :) Yep! I said there exist a 12" of Numbers, but NEVER said it contains a longer version. If there's interest, we could do a list of the different mixes that are available on official records. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 12:11:22 GMT-0300 Subject: Re: e-mail address of Mute? Really-From: ( Jorge Punaro) Sorry for sending my last mail to the list, as you can see it was write for Jose. Jorge ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 20:24:32 -0800 Subject: Re: Numbers 12" Really-From: Jose Garcia sez >Yep! I said there exist a 12" of Numbers, but NEVER said it contains >a longer version. > >If there's interest, we could do a list of the different mixes that >are available on official records. > > Well, since i started this with my request, i would luv 2 find out. I've seen some discographies but have not seen whether some 12" singles are re-mixes, longer cuts, etc. I have some singles that are different from the album version, for example the 12" u.s. single of "Musique Non Stop." For me, to find a different mix of "Numbers" (and "Pocket Calculator') would be most welcome, whether it is on the A or B side. Also, to continue in my pest mode, what is the full name of the gentleman who wrote the Kraftwerk book? thanks to all richard bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 22:43:56 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: Numbers 12" Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) >> If there's interest, we could do a list of the different mixes that are >> available on official records. > > Well, since i started this with my request, i would luv 2 find out. I've > seen some discographies but have not seen whether some 12" singles are > re-mixes, longer cuts, etc. I'm happy to add *any* information to the discography that's not in there. If you've got any stuff that's not listed, let me know and I'll be sure to add it (and give you credit, natch). The discog is available at in pub/users/lazlo/kraftwerk. For what it's worth, I've got listings for the following 12"s that have "Numbers" on them. Track and mix notes would be appreciated. 12": 1981 UK (EMI 12 EMI 5272) Showroom Dummies Numbers [edit?] Pocket Calculator [extended?] 12": 1981 UK (EMI...) Dentaku Pocket Calculator Numbers 12": 1981 FR (EMI 2C 052-528882) Mini Calculateur Numbers Pocket Calculator - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #19 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #20 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Friday, 26 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 020 Bootleg soundquality die roboter '91 info sheet aktivitaet '91 info sheet About Trans-Slovenia Express Re: kraftwerk & bowie Re: Autechre? Kraftwerk book Re: Krafterk book ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 12:07:28 MEZ-1MESZ Subject: Bootleg soundquality Really-From: "GUNTHER PoeCKER" <> Hi all there, I hope I can still keep some prospective buyers awya from the Tone Float -> R&F boots. These CD's crackle more than an open fireplace in the winter! Really bad. Vinyl in this quality is for the garbage bin. About the sound quality of the Cleo. releases: I have two copies of The Model, one has timecode problems. This may be because they're manufactured at Unidisc Canada, and I have other Unidisc CD pressings that are also like this. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 16:30:01 +0000 Subject: die roboter '91 info sheet Really-From: (Jose Garcia) I've scanned and OCR'd the promo info sheet that accompanied copies of the die roboter 7" given to radio stations. I've put a B instead of the beta letter that is used on the sheet. How do you spell that one when the keyboard doesn't have it??? Of course any translation into English, Spanish, Catalan or even French would be welcome :) INTERPRETEN: TITEL: LAUFZEIT: PRODUZENTEN: KATALOG-NR.: N KRAFTWERK DIE ROBOTER 3:43 RALF H TTER & FLORIAN SCHNEIDER 2 04325-7/6/2 H "Wir laden unsere Batterie. Jetzt sind wir voller Energie. Wir sind die Roboter. Wir sind die Roboter ... Wir sind auf alles programmiert. Und was Du willst, wird ausgefuehrt. Wir sind die Roboter. Wir sind die Roboter ..." Wer erinnert sich nicht an diese sloganartigen Textzeilen, die vor dreizehn Jahren die deutsche Musikszene kraeftig durchruettelten? Sie stammen von den Technotronic-Speziali- sten KRAFTWERK und ihrem legendaeren Hit "DIE ROBOTER". 1978 belegten sie mit dieser "Hymne an das Maschinenzeitalter" Position 5 der BRD-Single-Charts und erhielten aufgrund dieser Plazierung sogar eine Einladung zu einem Auftritt in der "ZDF-Hitparade" - die sie dankend ablehnten ... Der Titel, der seinerzeit auf dem erfolgreichen KRAFTWERK- Album "Mensch-Maschine" vertreten war, laeBt die Melodie in der abgehackten Sprechweise eines Language-Computers vortra- gen. Die darunterliegende Musik ist ebenfalls betont mecha- nisch gehalten. Mit solchen Stilmitteln malen KRAFTWERK eine erschreckende und zugleich faszinierende Vision: Sie traeumen von einem Zwitter aus Mensch und Maschine. Nun wird "DIE ROBOTER" als erste Auskopplung vom aktuellen Best-of-Album "The Mix" wiederveroeffentlicht. Und es zeigt sich, daB der Song nichts von seiner damaligen Brisanz verloren hat. Er ist auch heute noch die perfekte Erken- nungsmelodie fur die zunehmende Automatisierung unserer maschinenhoerigen Welt. ELECTROLA WEITERE INFORMATIONEN: ELECTROLA PRESSE .... 5/91 I'll do the same thing with the one that accompanied the radioaktivitaet 7" months later. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 18:11:11 +0000 Subject: aktivitaet '91 info sheet Really-From: (Jose Garcia) Here's the other promo info sheet. Same thins applies to this one. INTERPRETEN: TITEL: LAUFZEIT: PRODUZENTEN: KATALOG-NR.: ELECTROLA 7 INCH KRAFTWERK RADIOAKTIVITAET 3:49 RALF HUETTER / FLORIAN SCHNEIDER / FRITZ HILPERT 204516-7/6/2 Nach einer mehrjaehrigen Vinylabstinenz haben sich KRAFTWERK unlaengst mit der Hit-Kollektion "The Mix" in der Musikszene zurueckgemeldet. Die groeBten Song-Erfolge der Duesseldorfer Elektronik-Pioniere wurden fuer diese Compilation im band- eigenen Kling-Klang-Studio digital ueberarbeitet und auf den heutigen Sound-Stand gebracht. Unter den modernisierten Titeln befindet sich auch "RADIO- AKTIVITAET". Dieser Song vom gleichnamigen Album aus dem Jahre 1975 erreichte seinerzeit weltweit vorderste Hitpara- denplaetze. In Amerika, England, Oesterreich und Deutschland belegte er hohe Chartspositionen, in unserem Nachbarland Frankreich stuermte der Track sogar an die Spitze der Verkaufslisten (sprich: bis an die Nummer eins). Nun veroeffentlicht die "rheinische Powerstation" eine Single-Neuauflage von "RADIOAKTIVITAET" mit einigen Veraende- rungen. So wurde der Erfolgstitel mit einem modernen Dance- beat unterlegt, der heutigen Tanzstroemungen Rechnung traegt. AuBerdem geht man in neuen Textzeilen auf die tragischen Reaktorunfaelle von Tschernobvl und Harrisburg ein. Die aktualisierte Version warnt (im Unterschied zum Original) vehement vor den Risiken der Atomkraft. KRAFTWERK rufen jetzt in eindeutigen Statements dazu auf, die technische Verwertung der atomaren Energie zu stoppen, "weil's um uns're Zukunft geht". 9/91. ELECTROLA Translation welcome! Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 13:40:42 -0400 Subject: About Trans-Slovenia Express Really-From: (John A Lara) Sorry, I just tuned back in to the discussion... Has Kraftwerk released a new album (great!)? jl John Lara INTERNET: COMPUSERVE: > ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 13:37:16 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: kraftwerk & bowie Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" (Jose Garcia) wrote:- >Yep! Tin Machine (Bowie's band) are the ones who supposedly did the KW covers. Tin-Machine, ein Wesen und ein Ziggy-Ding? :-| (Sorry!) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 13:43:04 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Autechre? Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" Time, space, >The trax is called 'Basscadet.' There is an album version (on Warp in the >UK, and TVT/WaxTrax in the us). I also thought i saw a bunch of remixes of >it, 6 or 7, on vinyl and CD. Hope this helps. Yes, the vinyl remixes form a boxed set of three 10" singles. Very good and varied remixes. And if you get sick of techno, you can play them at 33 rpm and they become "industrial" ;-) (If you need catalogue numbers/whatever, let me know). I think the 'Basscadet' CD contains different mixes, but might be mistaken. Personally I wouldn't mistake Autechre for Kraftwerk; IMVHO they're more in the mould of Polygon Window; but all good things spring from Kling Klang ultimately, of course. :-) BTW, there's also a Autechre track 'Lanx 3' on the compilation CD 'Volume 8', if I'm not mistaken. - -- Email to might bounce till next Wednesday; in any event, I won't be able to read it. So if there's anything you need me to see, email and be patient. Thanks. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 13:47:55 +0100 (BST) Subject: Kraftwerk book Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" wrote:- > most welcome, whether it is on the A or B side. Also, to continue in my > pest mode, what is the full name of the gentleman who wrote the Kraftwerk > book? Pacal Bussy - 'Man, Machine and Music' ISBN 0 946719 09 8 SAF Publishing Ltd., 12 Conway Gardens, Wembley, Middx., HA9 8TR, England. Tel/fax: 081 904 6263 1993. \pounds 11.95. Good stuff, with a small number of excellent photos. - -- Email to might bounce till next Wednesday; in any event, I won't be able to read it. So if there's anything you need me to see, email and be patient. Thanks. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 13:52:53 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Krafterk book Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" Sorry, make that *Pascal* Bussy! Hastily yours, Kevin "Busy" Busby. :-/ ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #20 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #21 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Saturday, 27 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 021 Re: About Trans-Slovenia Express official remixes Re: official remixes Re: official remixes Re: official remixes official remixes ABZUG-song or not? telephone call only on vinyl Re: official remixes Re: official remixes Re: ABZUG-song or not? RE: ABZUG-song or not? Re: Autechre? Re: Autechre? Re: Autechre? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 11:07:37 +0000 Subject: Re: About Trans-Slovenia Express Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: (John A Lara) > > Has Kraftwerk released a new album (great!)? Sorry to disappoint you: it's only a covers album by several bands. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 11:18:03 +0000 Subject: official remixes Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > > The discog is available at > in pub/users/lazlo/kraftwerk. An updated version should be available at, shouldn't it? > For what it's worth, I've got listings for the following 12"s that have > "Numbers" on them. Track and mix notes would be appreciated. > > 12": 1981 UK (EMI 12 EMI 5272) > Showroom Dummies > Numbers [edit?] > Pocket Calculator [extended?] Yeah, this one contains two remixes. Sh Dummies and Numbers are *slightly* remixed. The 7" version of this single contains also these two remixes, I think with same playing time. If you're looking for good remixes, get 12" telephone call. It has a loooong remix of, and the excellent rewerk of the same song titled housephone. Of course there's the equivalent 12" telefon anruf, featuring lyrics in German. There exist more official remixes... Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 04:30:11 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: official remixes Really-From: (Doug Terrebone) > If you're looking for good remixes, get 12" telephone call. It has > a loooong remix of, and the excellent rewerk of the same song > titled housephone. > > Of course there's the equivalent 12" telefon anruf, featuring lyrics > in German. > I really like the Radioactivity Remixes 12" from 1991... It features two excellent remixes by William Orbit and a cool one from Francois Kevorkian... Doug ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 15:50:51 SAST Subject: Re: official remixes Really-From: Johann Visagie > Really-From: (Doug Terrebone) > > I really like the Radioactivity Remixes 12" from 1991... It features two > excellent remixes by William Orbit and a cool one from Francois Kevorkian... Have you heard the Dolby Stereo (?) effects on the William Orbit remix? At times it sounds as if some of the sounds are spinning around your head. Really cool... *grin* Unfortunately I've got both Radioactivity and Telephone Call only on 12" vinyl. At least Radioactivity is out on maxi CD, I think...(?) - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 15:53:04 +0000 Subject: Re: official remixes Really-From: (Jose Garcia) Yes, I also like R.Activity 91 remixes, better than the robots ones. More remixes: 12" computerwelt, germany, has a remix of the title track. It is only available in this record as far as I know. An excellent remix to look for is the 12" tour de france released in 1984 (notice the correct date of release, Lazlo!) It has a couple of remixes and one of the original versions from 1983. This one's remixed by "le croissant" Kevorkian, as it was the telephone call. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 08:42:23 -0600 (MDT) Subject: official remixes Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) >> The discog is available at in pub/users/lazlo/kraftwerk. > > An updated version should be available at, shouldn't it? Mmmmm, for some definition of "should", maybe. I don't know whether I sent a copy to Dave or not. The most current publicly available versions of the discographies I maintain are *always* up at xmission, though. - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 26 Aug 1994 10:49:00 -0500 Subject: ABZUG-song or not? Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." Does Kraftwerk consider Abzug on 'The Mix' CD an actual song or did they just name an extension of 'Metal on Metal'? I can't figure out why they would name that section of the song's mix. There doesn't seem to be enough there to have it's own identity. Just my opinion though, it's the artist's prerogative. Is there any rare track called Abzug that was recorded by itself anywhere? Lon ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 17:25:59 +0000 Subject: telephone call only on vinyl Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Johann Visagie > Unfortunately I've got both Radioactivity and Telephone Call only on 12" > vinyl. Why is not released a CD containing all the various mixes available on vinyl only? That's the topic I brought very recently to the list, but no one seems to be interested... Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 08:41:55 -0800 Subject: Re: official remixes Really-From: >From my small collection 12" single "Music NonStop" Side one - Mix by Kraftwerk, Francois Kevorkian, Ron St. Germain - 6:15 - excellent use of vocoder and Q tips in the production. Great remix Side two - 7" version - 4:08 above 45RPM, Warner Brothers (0-20549) 1986 7" single "Pocket Calculator" note; no sides marked - i.e. no side a or b "Dentaku" sung in Japanese! 4:35 "Pocket Calculator" 3:55 Sounds like an edit of the LP version. The single comes in a clear cover with profiles of Kraftwerk. A hand is keying a calculator. The vinyl is bright yellow. Warner Brothers - WBS 49723 - 1981 bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 17:30:54 +0000 Subject: Re: official remixes Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Johann Visagie > Radioactivity is out on maxi CD, I think...(?) This has been asked plenty of times on the list. (Kevin FAQman Busby. Are you there?) The CD single is a European release only, and does not feature the W.Orbit hardcore remix. Another candidate for a nice CD of official mixes. Boycott the cleopatra box! Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 18:35:45 +0000 Subject: Re: ABZUG-song or not? Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." > > Does Kraftwerk consider Abzug on 'The Mix' CD an actual song or did they just > name an extension of 'Metal on Metal'? I can't figure out why they would > name that section of the song's mix. > > Is there any rare track called Abzug that was recorded by itself anywhere? The original Trans Europa Express LP (notice I've spelled Europe with an a), released in Germany with lyrics in German, contained such track on the credits, although there's no credit for it on the English versions. Why this was never credited on the English versions? I don't know. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: 26 Aug 1994 14:34:28 -0500 Subject: RE: ABZUG-song or not? Really-From: "Freeman, Lon C." >The original Trans Europa Express LP (notice I've spelled Europe with an a), >released in Germany with lyrics in German, contained such track on the >credits, although there's no credit for it on the English versions. >Why this was never credited on the English versions? I don't know. >Jose Garcia Oh well, I guess Abzug is to TEE what Computer World Part 2 is to 'Computer World'. They just gave a unique name to the closing sections of those songs. Lon ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 14:59:10 -0400 Subject: Re: Autechre? Really-From: (Edy Braun) >33 rpm and they become "industrial" ;-) (If you need catalogue >numbers/whatever, let me know). I think the 'Basscadet' CD contains >different mixes, but might be mistaken. Personally I wouldn't mistake Autechre >for Kraftwerk; IMVHO they're more in the mould of Polygon Window; but all >good things spring from Kling Klang ultimately, of course. :-) BTW, there's >also a Autechre track 'Lanx 3' on the compilation CD 'Volume 8', if I'm >not mistaken. I haven't bought much music in this genre... is a tape available which may have 10 or so AUTECHRE tracks so that I can get a taste for the group instead of hearing the same song remixed 10 times? Similarily with the earlier Kraftwerk stuff... before remixes came out of each track. For example, I'd like Basscadet (the version used in the video looks good), Shatter (I think thats one of their tracks), and several more of their tracks... all different... on the same compilation without having to buy 10 or so different singles, each with a few remixes on them. Is such a thing available? How about Kraftwerk stuff? I've got Electric Cafe, and a single of Radioactivity and Robots, but nothing else. Can I still find a tape featuring the original Kraftwerk versions of tracks I don't yet have (non-Electric Cafe) but featuring maybe 10 or so tracks on the same tape? Or does everything sold now consist of several remixes of the same song on the tape? I'm not a DJ so remixes annoy me. - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 21:16:53 -0800 Subject: Re: Autechre? Really-From: (Edy Braun) asks: > I haven't bought much music in this genre... is a tape available which > may have 10 or so AUTECHRE tracks so that I can get a taste for the group > instead of hearing the same song remixed 10 times? > Autechre's album is called "Incunabula," in the u.s. it is available on TVT/WaxTrax, in the UK it is on Warp records. Hope this helps. richard bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 21:16:53 -0800 Subject: Re: Autechre? Really-From: (Edy Braun) asks: > I haven't bought much music in this genre... is a tape available which > may have 10 or so AUTECHRE tracks so that I can get a taste for the group > instead of hearing the same song remixed 10 times? > Autechre's album is called "Incunabula," in the u.s. it is available on TVT/WaxTrax, in the UK it is on Warp records. Hope this helps. richard bleep...bleep...(what is that noize!) ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #21 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #22 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Monday, 29 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 022 Re: Autechre? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 00:02:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Autechre? Really-From: (Edy Braun) >Autechre's album is called "Incunabula," in the u.s. it is available on >TVT/WaxTrax, in the UK it is on Warp records. Hope this helps. Thank you. It helps... I'll drop by a local store and see if they have it. Do you know if it is cheaper to order this type of music by catalog or to buy it in a store? I know the volume sold is pretty low, even in those speciality stores that carry this stuff... so would ordering directly from TVT/WaxTrax or Cleopatra (for example) usually be the better deal? All good things come from Kling Klang... what exactly is Kling Klang? - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #22 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #23 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 30 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 023 Re: Kling Klang Bartoff Early Kraftwerk Boots, _Technopop_ Re: telephone call only on vinyl Giving a FAQ Re: Autechre Giving a FAQ Bartoff technopop Re: official remixes Various replies Bartoff ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 03:40:40 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Kling Klang Really-From: "L. \"Futplex\" McCarthy" In KW Digest V2#22, Edy Braun writes: $ All good things come from Kling Klang... what exactly is Kling Klang? KW's custom-built (by them) recording studios, presumably named onomatopoeically after their, ahem, Metal on Metal `industrial' sound. I wish I were playing Scrabble at this moment :] - -Mckibo * Clinton/Gore `96 * ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 12:13:07 +0000 Subject: Bartoff Really-From: (Jose Garcia) I finally got the Balanescu Quartet CD, with covers of KW songs. I quite like it! Anyone noticed they credit the songs to Hutter, Bartoff, Schneider? I suppose it refers to the fact that Bartos if off the band. I like all the covers, but Autobahn lacks probably some sounds to emulate the percussion parts in the middle. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 94 12:28:20 BST Subject: Early Kraftwerk Boots, _Technopop_ Really-From: Al Crawford 'Lo folks. Having hit a local record fair yesterday, I came away with a number of Kraftwerk items. Being a typical record fair, none of these items were from, erm, recognised sources. So, a few comments and a few questions... The bulk of my haul consisted of the CD boots of _Kraftwerk_, _Kraftwerk 2_ and _Ralf & Florian_ (I wasn't particularly interested in _Tone-Float_, so I didn't look too hard for that). I'm impressed. While these aren't the best quality boots I've ever heard, and some evidence of the from-vinyl mastering is noticeable (crackles, a little hiss here and there, occasional slight distortion), the impression I get from these is that they're *not* your average, hastily thrown together boots. The sound quality is acceptable (here your mileage may vary - those of you in possession of mint vinyl of these will probably find these discs less palatable) for something that's been mastered from vinyl, and the packaging is nicely done, reproducing the original cover art nicely, right down to the Emil Schult cartoons that accompanied the original release of _Ralf & Florian_ (which are in a separate little booklet). I can't help but feel that whoever did these wasn't just out to make a fast buck but was a Kraftwerk fan themselves. There's definitely been some care put into these. So for those of us who aren't really equipped for vinyl these days, or who can't find the original vinyl in acceptable condition, you could do worse than pick up these. Mine were very reasonably priced, at 25DM a shot. Perhaps the best thing about these high-quality boots, though, is that they might, just might, be enough to persuade Ralf & Florian to do something about re-releasing the albums on CD. If there's going to be CDs of the first three available, I'm sure they'd rather that they were official releases, taken from the original masters and with the proceeds going at least partly back into Klingklang rather than to some bootlegger. Since it's not unknown for albums to become officially available on CD only in response to a popular bootleg (off the top of my head, I can think of this happening with Clan Of Xymox and Front Line Assembly in the past year or two) maybe these releases will be the thing that prompts an official release. I certainly wouldn't hesitate to replace these boots with the real thing should it become available. The other item I picked up was one of the mass of _The Kling-Klang-Trans-Europe-Autobahn-Man-Machine-Computer-Model-Mix_ remix boots that are available at the moment. The disc, _The Remix_, sounds good enough but is fairly unessential (if you've heard one Razormaid remix, you've heard 'em all). Nice to have, but that's all. However, this disc includes two tracks that I found of particular interest - "Sex Object (Technopop Version)" and "Technopop (Demo Version)". The former sounds much as I had expected it to sound - similar to the _Electric Cafe_ version but closer in sound to _Computer World_ in some ways due to a slightly cheesier (and, IMO, more enjoyable) synth sound. The one that really blew me away, though, was the "Technopop (Demo Version)". Now I've doubts as to whether this was a demo - it's similar in feel to the version of "Sex Object" from _Technopop_. Can anyone who's heard both this track and something claiming to be the _Technopop_ version of "Technopop" verify if they're the same? Now where was I? Oh, yeah, why it blew me away. I have to admit to being completely stumped by the changes made to the track between this version and _Electric Cafe_. Despite the rather primitive sound, this track wipes the floor (only IMHO, of course) with the _Electric Cafe_ version. The two have a lot in common, of course, but this version has a wonderful, ethereal synth line that's absent from the later version and says "Classic Kraftwerk" in big neon letters in a way that nothing else on _Electric Cafe_ even comes close to. Cheers, Al - -- Al Crawford - Department Of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh Rm 1410, JCMB, Kings Buildings, Mayfield Rd, EDINBURGH, EH9 3JZ, Scotland Tel: +44 (0) 31 650 5165 Fax: +44 (0) 31 667 7209 ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 94 16:39:48 SAST Subject: Re: telephone call only on vinyl Really-From: Johann Visagie > Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > > > Really-From: Johann Visagie > > > Unfortunately I've got both Radioactivity and Telephone Call only on 12" > > vinyl. > > Why is not released a CD containing all the various mixes available on > vinyl only? > > That's the topic I brought very recently to the list, but no one seems > to be interested... Well, according to the back of the cover of Radioactivity 12" it, at least, is available on Maxi-CD. But I, for one, would be *very* interested in a CD with all the different mixes. - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 18:28:39 +0100 (BST) Subject: Giving a FAQ Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" (Jose Garcia) wrote:- > > Radioactivity is out on maxi CD, I think...(?) > > This has been asked plenty of times on the list. > > (Kevin FAQman Busby. Are you there?) Jose, you slavedriver! :-) I've finished the first draft of the FAQ; I'll be able to upload it to this site from floppy disk soon, and will mail it to Jose and others who have expressed an interest. After incorporating any revisions etc. I'll mail it to this list for general comments and er, edification. kV. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 18:30:41 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Autechre Really-From: "Kevin G Busby" (Edy Braun) wrote:- > I haven't bought much music in this genre... is a tape available which > may have 10 or so AUTECHRE tracks so that I can get a taste for the group > instead of hearing the same song remixed 10 times? You can get a free sample from via Mosaic/lynx:- and get the file: basscadet.wav Alternatively, ftp, change to directory /music/artists/autechre/samples/ and get the file that way. Disclaimers:- (1) Haven't heard it myself yet. (2) If anyone has trouble with Mosaic or FTP, please ask your local system administrator or computer whizzkid! > All good things come from Kling Klang... what exactly is Kling Klang? Kraftwerk's studio. Regards, kevinb ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 12:44:20 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Giving a FAQ Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) > Radioactivity is out on maxi CD, I think...(?) CD5: 1991 GE (EMI 1c 560-2 04516 2) 4:12 Radioactivitaet (francois kevorkian 7" remix) 7:27 Radioactivitaet (francois kevorkian 12" remix) 7:23 Radioactivitaet (william orbit 12" remix) CD5: 1991 UK (EMI CDEM 201) (Int: 204 552-2) 4:12 Radioactivity (francois kevorkian 7" remix) 7:27 Radioactivity (francois kevorkian 12" remix) 7:23 Radioactivity (william orbit 12" remix) I assume these are genuinely-different mixes (in English vs auf Deutsch); if someone knows differently please say so. - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 12:33:55 -0700 Subject: Bartoff Really-From: (J. Eric Townsend) kraftwerk mailing list writes: > I finally got the Balanescu Quartet CD, with covers of KW songs. could you post all the pertinent data? (label, stock #, official title, etc) thx... ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 21:49:12 +0200 Subject: technopop Really-From: Gustav Holmberg Hi! Al Crawford told us about some bootlegs he bought. One of them contains what seems to be two tracks from the never-released _Technopop_ album. That reminds me of an interview with Ralf in the Swedish synth-magazine Release, made before Kraftwerk's concert in Lund in 1991 (the concert was _great_). Asking Ralf about rumours that it was possible to obtain bootlegs of _Technopop_, he replied that it was never recorded. Now, I wonder, how many more have heard such bootlegs? Who recorded the music on Al's CD? Regards Gustav Holmberg History of science and ideas Lund university, Sweden e-mail: (This is a subject that certainly has been discussed before, but I'm new to the llist. Where's the FAQ?) ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 18:43:26 -0400 Subject: Re: official remixes Really-From: (Bruce M. Lloyd) >Really-From: Johann Visagie > >> Really-From: (Doug Terrebone) >> >> I really like the Radioactivity Remixes 12" from 1991... It features two >> excellent remixes by William Orbit and a cool one from Francois Kevorkian... > >Have you heard the Dolby Stereo (?) effects on the William Orbit remix? >At times it sounds as if some of the sounds are spinning around your head. >Really cool... *grin* > I am fortunate enough to have Dolby Surround Sound and let me tell you, the mix you're speaking of, and the entire Mix CD is absolutely fabulous in Dolby. If you position the rear-speakers back far enough and put enough delay on them, the sounds go back, forth, circle, reverse circle, and ricochet back and forth ... *way cool*... bml - ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Peace. | - ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 16:01:30 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Various replies Really-From: Christopher Robin Zimmerman Yeah, I could send two different pieces of mail, but that would be so ANNOYING... Lazlo writes: (Radioactivity remix CDs) CD5: 1991 GE (EMI 1c 560-2 04516 2) 4:12 Radioactivitaet (francois kevorkian 7" remix) 7:27 Radioactivitaet (francois kevorkian 12" remix) 7:23 Radioactivitaet (william orbit 12" remix) CD5: 1991 UK (EMI CDEM 201) (Int: 204 552-2) 4:12 Radioactivity (francois kevorkian 7" remix) 7:27 Radioactivity (francois kevorkian 12" remix) 7:23 Radioactivity (william orbit 12" remix) Hmmmm. Here's what mine looks like: CD5: 1991 ?? (EMI 1C 560-2 04516 2) 4:08 Radioaktivita(e)t (Francois Kevoirkian Remix) 7:26 Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian Remix) 7:23 Radioactivity (William Orbit Remix) I thought mine was German, but the way the titles are shuffled around, I'm not sure. I do know that a friend of mine also has a CD5, but his disc has a picture of the radioactivity sign on this disc as opposed to my vanilla titles, words, etc. So I guess the question is: which country's disc has the picture instead of the generic disc stuff? My disc does have "MADE IN HOLLAND" on it, though. Who knows. As far as I remember, the sleeves are the same (so are the mixes, if you take the "official" listed times with a grain of salt). Matrix nuts: EMI 2 04516 2 01$ Stamped on later: 1-1-2-NL Turning now to the two "Technopop" (or are they) demos...I too have the "Remix" CD, and while the demos didn't blow the "final" versions out of the water, they're also nice to have. I don't prefer one version over the other...they're just different. Well, "Sex Object" isn't all THAT different... ;-) I'll (as always) be happy to dub anything I've mentioned (or anything I haven't) for anyone who'll send me a blank tape and a dollar...I might as well remind those searching that I'll still dub the first three albums, too...and I love trading for Elektric Music dubs... Christopher Robin Zimmerman A regular at the Electric Cafe ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 18:50:15 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Bartoff Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) >> I finally got the Balanescu Quartet CD, with covers of KW songs. > > could you post all the pertinent data? (label, stock #, official > title, etc) [The Balanescu Quartet: Posessed] CD: 1992 US (Mute 61421-2) 8:39 Robots 3:42 Model 6:18 Autobahn 6:16 Computer Love 3:45 Pocket Calculator [+4 non-Kraftwerk tracks] - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #23 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #24 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Tuesday, 30 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 024 radioactivity 91 mixes Re: technopop AKTIVITAET #6 technopop Re: Another TSE review Re: Another TSE review Re: Autechre Re: Autechre Re: Autechre on-line catalogs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 10:51:39 +0000 Subject: radioactivity 91 mixes Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Christopher Robin Zimmerman > Hmmmm. Here's what mine looks like: > > CD5: 1991 ?? (EMI 1C 560-2 04516 2) > 4:08 Radioaktivita(e)t (Francois Kevoirkian Remix) > 7:26 Radioactivity (Francois Kevorkian Remix) > 7:23 Radioactivity (William Orbit Remix) Although this CD is "made in Holland", this is the German release. Only the first track is not available on the equivalent UK release. AND, as I, and probably other people too, have posted a hundred times: radioactivity (w. orbit hardcore mix) ONLY AVAILABLE ON 12" USA. NO CD VERSION RELEASED OF ****THIS ONE**** 12" (the one released in USA, of course). Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 10:58:47 +0000 Subject: Re: technopop Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Gustav Holmberg > Asking Ralf about rumours that > it was possible to obtain bootlegs of _Technopop_, he replied that > it was never recorded. A typical answer from Ralf: he avoids and refuses to answer questions that are considered as kling klang secrets. > Now, I wonder, how many more have heard such > bootlegs? Who recorded the music on Al's CD? Well, in fact there are no bootlegs available of this album, only two tracks have appeared on bootleg CDs, presumably from _technopop_. > (This is a subject that certainly has been discussed before, but I'm > new to the llist. Where's the FAQ?) Hopefully coming soon. Kevin Busby has digged the usual FAQ from all the back issues of the digest. By the way, Luke says there are over 100 back issues missing from I should have copies of at least some. I'll see if I have them. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 11:14:02 +0000 Subject: AKTIVITAET #6 Really-From: (Jose Garcia) Just received issue 6 of the unofficial kraftwerk and elektric music fanzine. Geez, this one's packed with info. The busiest one that I remember. Contents: activity tv appearances and videos interview with karl bartos (a long one and looks like a very interesting one, exclusive for the fanzine) feedback small ads vorsprung duerch technik? (also looks very interesting, info on various new devices and instruments on which kw have had some involvement) the 1994 kw and em convention virtual summer 1994 (em scandinavian tour) the mysterious dominas the tour 1981 pressespiegel (kw articles available in the german press) forum collector's corner france outro kw musical tree A total of 50 pages packed with info and some nice pics. The cover is a cool one, in full colour. Front shows a small pic of kw live in 1981, while back cover has an excellent pic of em live. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 11:30:18 +0000 Subject: technopop Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: Al Crawford About the first albums on bootleg: > Perhaps the best thing about these high-quality boots, though, is that they > might, just might, be enough to persuade Ralf & Florian to do something > about re-releasing the albums on CD. Completely agree. It's the only positive thing. Meanwhile, I'll stick to vinyl. Technopop: > includes two tracks that I found of particular interest - "Sex Object > (Technopop Version)" and "Technopop (Demo Version)". The former sounds much > as I had expected it to sound - similar to the _Electric Cafe_ version To me, it sounds like a rough demo version, unfinished. > The one that really blew me away, > though, was the "Technopop (Demo Version)". Yeah, it has a very nice synth melody. I'd say this one is from the aborted technopop album. > Can anyone who's heard both this track and something claiming > to be the _Technopop_ version of "Technopop" verify if they're the same? No one can confirm. It is rumoured that there might exist some copies of this album on acetate, promo or just tape. > > Now where was I? Oh, yeah, why it blew me away. I have to admit to being > completely stumped by the changes made to the track between this version > and _Electric Cafe_. That explains the big gap between the original date of release for technopop, summer - autumn 1983, and the final date of release of electric cafe: nov. 1986 > Despite the rather primitive sound, this track wipes > the floor (only IMHO, of course) with the _Electric Cafe_ version. They're feeling is quite different. Both are very good. The version on electric cafe has a more industrial feeling, and is a much more complex song. A piece of innovative sound: a kraftwerk trademark. All the latest kw albums have been pieces of innovative sound. New sounds, new techniques. (Maybe all their albums in fact!) Jose Garcia ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 94 15:15:17 BST Subject: Re: Another TSE review Really-From: Al Crawford Since Rajesh mentioned my review recently (at the time I wasn't subscribed to the list but I've joined since) I guess I should post it here for those who don't have access to Basically it doesn't say anything that Anders Wilhelm's review a few weeks back didn't, but it's always nice to have a second opinion... In the week or so since I reviewed the disc my opinion of it has fluctuated a bit. After a few days it was apparent that the disc was a *lot* better than I'd initially thought, but at the moment I've kinda overdosed on it. One or two of the guesses I made in the review have since been confirmed and it's apparent that Laibach's NSK parent has a *lot* of influence here, with half a dozen or so having some sort of NSK connection. Anyway, here's the review. Apologies to those who've already had it inflicted on them elsewhere. - ---- Various Artists Trans Slovenia Express Mute CD STUMM 131 [UK] Total Running Time: 71 min 34 sec 1. Laibach Zrcalo Sveta (Das Spiegelglas 6:00 Der Welt) 2. Coptic Rain The Robots 4:11 3. The One You Love Trans Europe Express 5:20 4. April Nine Radioactivity 4:53 5. Beitthron Airwaves 4:37 6. Data Processed Corrupted Transistor 2:38 7. Borghesia Ohm Sweet Ohm 4:35 8. Mitja V.S. Neonlicht 5:50 9. Z-Entropa Antenna 4:43 10. Strelnikoff Man Machine 5:22 11. Random Logic Home Computer 4:15 12. Demolition Group The Model 4:59 13. 300 000 V.K. Kometenmelodie Part 1 4:18 14. Videosex Spacelab 3:58 15. Kraftbach Lie-werk 5:29 When I first heard of this project late last year (under its original title of _Kraftwerk In The Mirror_ or _Kraftwerk In The Looking Glass_) I was rather intrigued by the idea of a selection of Slovenian bands (both unknown and less obscure) covering Kraftwerk songs. The inevitable involvement of Laibach in the project made it still more fascinating, given what they've done to the work of other artists in the past. The disc that's eventually seen the light of day doesn't seem to be quite the same thing as _Kraftwerk In The Looking Glass_ was originally. Many of the advance reviews of that disc made mention of a veritable plethora of versions of "Radioactivity" on the album which, given that there's only one here, seems to indicate a change in the track listing to give a more varied selection of covers. This might also explain the huge delay between those first reviews and the disc eventually appearing. The end result is by turns fascinating and annoying. Fascinating because some of the treatments given to Kraftwerk tracks here are highly original and entertaining, annoying because I have difficulty believing that one or two of the groups involved actually took part out of some desire to pay tribute to Kraftwerk rather than because it because it gave them the opportunity to get a track on a compilation. First up is probably the best known band to come out of Slovenia, Laibach. The desperately dark and ominous "Zrcalo Sveta" is identifiable as a Kraftwerk cover only with extreme difficulty, and mixes Slovenian lyrics by their original vocalist Tomaz Hostnik (who committed suicide back in 1982) with the German lyrics to "Hall Of Mirrors" (or to be more precise, the German original, "Spiegelsaal"), all intoned in a typically sepulchral voice over a backdrop of tolling bells and leaden percussion. Interesting and strangely appealing, but not exactly a bundle of laughs unless your idea of a fun time is attending a Slovenian funeral. Coptic Rain's cover of "The Robots" also takes Kraftwerk's material in new directions with its mixture of fast, thrashy sampled guitars, synths, samples and harsh female vocals. I can imagine hardened Kraftwerk fans will turn a very funny colour on first hearing this (actually, this could be said about most of the tracks on this album) but after a few listens it does grow on you. It may also conjure up some very interesting images for those who saw Kraftwerk's robots "performing" this track live during their last tour. Limbs flying everywhere as they try to keep up, thrashing on air-guitars... "Trans Europe Express" gets a more typically electronic treatment from The One You Love. While it retains a more Kraftwerkian feel than the previous tracks it's considerably darker in feel than the original, with interesting percussion that manages to convey a feeling of relentless motion in the same way as the original did without actually sounding the same. Add to that some odd little samples, interesting synth work and a multi-lingual approach to the lyrics, and what you get is a very enjoyable cover version indeed. The cover of "Radioactivity" by April Nine is another that retains a largely electronic feel, but it's considerably less inspired than the previous track. It lacks both the fragility and beauty of the original and the drive of the version from _The Mix_, favouring a passable but unexceptional lightweight synth pop interpretation of the track with female vocals. Given that the original version of this release apparently included several interpretations of this track, it's a shame that this rather lacklustre rendition was the one chosen. Beitthron's version of "Airwaves" is rather appealing, and manages to fuse the ethereal melody of the original with an up-tempo contemporary synth-pop approach to the tracks. A lot of the subtlety of the original is lost (this is true of almost all the covers from the _Radio-Activity_ album here) but it's still an enjoyable track. Data Processed Corrupted give "Transistor" a very distinctive and enjoyable treatment with a mixture of electronics and variously distorted or processed guitars. It's a shame that it's so short. Contending with Laibach for the title of best known Slovenian band here are Borghesia, who've taken "Ohm Sweet Ohm" and infused samples of several other Kraftwerk tracks (a rhythm track that sounds as though it's based on "Numbers", the "Yes" and "No" snippets from "Sex Object", bits of "Technopop" and so forth). It's a rather nice track, although the samples of later Kraftwerk (and modern instrumentation) tend to swamp the original track. Mitja V.S. give "Neonlicht" ("Neon Lights" in its English version) an unusual and quirky treatment that, due largely to the presence of the Enzo Fabiani quartet, is initially very reminiscent of the cover versions on the Balanescu Quartet's _Possessed_. This fascinating track combines the string quartet with odd percussion that includes sloshing watery noises, what sounds like a banjo and distant tinny vocals that suggests the vocals were recorded not just in Slovenia, but in Slovenia circa 1925. Hell, they even through in a "Boing Boom Tschak" or two, just for fun. A good, fun cover version. "Antenna" by Z-Entropa is very enjoyable, and features low, strongly accented vocals over a solid synth backdrop and samples of the original track. Strelnikoff's "Man Machine" is somewhat odd. The intro is very reminiscent of the original, but then metamorphoses into a loud, thrashy guitar-based track with distorted, screamed vocals. It's...OK, I guess, but it's certainly not my favourite track here. After a brief foray into heavy guitars, it's back to synth territory with Random Logic's "Home Computer". Fairly faithful to the original (*too* faithful to the original perhaps, there's a lot of samples here) it gives the track a contemporary techno sheen. Perhaps this is how _The Mix_ might have sounded had it been recorded in 1993 rather than 1991? Demolition Group's "The Model" (which is only on the CD of this release) takes us back into non-synth territory, with a guitar and sax based rendition that grows on you in time. The verses are almost unidentifiable - screeching guitar and squalling synth with only the (heavily accented) lyrics being familiar, but the hook of the chorus suits the punk guitar treatment well and the "la la la"-ed bridge is hilarious. 300000 V.K. do equally interesting things to "Kometenmelodie Part 1", contemporarising (is there even such a word?) this rather fragile track in a surprisingly effective fashion. There's samples (about comets!), a thumping dance beat, and all the usual features of a contemporary club sound, yet the original sparkling melody still manages to fight its way through in places. Pretty original. Pretty *and* original. Videosex's appropriately tinkly, spacy cover of "Spacelab" is rather odd, since it never really gets anywhere and the female vocalist's voice is *extremely* reminiscent of that of the vocalist of April Nine. More on this phenomenon later. I'd been rather looking forward to Kraftbach's "Lie-Werk", since its title so obviously suggested Laibach imitating Kraftwerk, but the actual track is a bit disappointing, since it's just a chopped down version of Laibach's "Geburt Einer Nation (October 3 1990 Remix)", a track that's available elsewhere. There's nothing new added, all that appears to have happened is they've cut the track down from over eight minutes to under six. Like the original it sounds *very* Kraftwerk-like but it'll be of little interest to anyone who is already familiar with the original Laibach track. So is Laibach's contribution really limited to just one track and a rehashed-though-Kraftwerkian cover of Queen's "One Vision"? I'm not so sure. I can't help but make a link between some of the bizarre covers, Laibach's distinctively deadpan sense of humour, the graveyard vocals on several tracks and the sparsity of many of the credits here. I'd not be at all surprised to discover that Laibach were behind *several* of the acts on this compilation (and I'm also tempted to try and compare the vocals on the April Nine and Videosex tracks with Laibach's female cohorts on the likes of "Across The Universe" (*)). Of course, these similarities might all be due to the influence Laibach themselves have had on the Slovenian music scene, but you have to wonder..any Slovenians out there care to confirm the existence of all these bands? Overall, I'm impressed. If you can ignore Biba Kopf's usual pretentious and cliched muso-drivel on the back of the booklet and throw away any preconceptions about what a Kraftwerk cover *should* sound like, the end result is highly enjoyable. There's a few duds - the Strelnikoff track doesn't do much for me, likewise the April Nine track, but many of the covers here are excellent, whether they're done in a Kraftwerk-like style or have twisted off in some other direction. Hardened Kraftwerk fans might want to try to give this disc a listen before buying though. I like Kraftwerk a great deal but stop short of outright hero worship. Those who place the group on an unassailable pedestal may have difficulty getting into some of the covers here. Anybody who plans to buy this should try to find it *soon* though - it seems to be a limited edition of just 1000 CDs. Erland Rating: +2 - ---- (*) Since I wrote the review I've had confirmation from someone in Slovenia that Anja Rupel, who does the vocals on this track, is also a member of Germania, who did the vocals on Kraftwerk's "Across The Universe". A flashy WWW-ed version of this review can be found at: - -- Al Crawford - Department Of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh Rm 1410, JCMB, Kings Buildings, Mayfield Rd, EDINBURGH, EH9 3JZ, Scotland Tel: +44 (0) 31 650 5165 Fax: +44 (0) 31 667 7209 ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 94 15:15:17 BST Subject: Re: Another TSE review Really-From: Al Crawford Since Rajesh mentioned my review recently (at the time I wasn't subscribed to the list but I've joined since) I guess I should post it here for those who don't have access to Basically it doesn't say anything that Anders Wilhelm's review a few weeks back didn't, but it's always nice to have a second opinion... In the week or so since I reviewed the disc my opinion of it has fluctuated a bit. After a few days it was apparent that the disc was a *lot* better than I'd initially thought, but at the moment I've kinda overdosed on it. One or two of the guesses I made in the review have since been confirmed and it's apparent that Laibach's NSK parent has a *lot* of influence here, with half a dozen or so having some sort of NSK connection. Anyway, here's the review. Apologies to those who've already had it inflicted on them elsewhere. - ---- Various Artists Trans Slovenia Express Mute CD STUMM 131 [UK] Total Running Time: 71 min 34 sec 1. Laibach Zrcalo Sveta (Das Spiegelglas 6:00 Der Welt) 2. Coptic Rain The Robots 4:11 3. The One You Love Trans Europe Express 5:20 4. April Nine Radioactivity 4:53 5. Beitthron Airwaves 4:37 6. Data Processed Corrupted Transistor 2:38 7. Borghesia Ohm Sweet Ohm 4:35 8. Mitja V.S. Neonlicht 5:50 9. Z-Entropa Antenna 4:43 10. Strelnikoff Man Machine 5:22 11. Random Logic Home Computer 4:15 12. Demolition Group The Model 4:59 13. 300 000 V.K. Kometenmelodie Part 1 4:18 14. Videosex Spacelab 3:58 15. Kraftbach Lie-werk 5:29 When I first heard of this project late last year (under its original title of _Kraftwerk In The Mirror_ or _Kraftwerk In The Looking Glass_) I was rather intrigued by the idea of a selection of Slovenian bands (both unknown and less obscure) covering Kraftwerk songs. The inevitable involvement of Laibach in the project made it still more fascinating, given what they've done to the work of other artists in the past. The disc that's eventually seen the light of day doesn't seem to be quite the same thing as _Kraftwerk In The Looking Glass_ was originally. Many of the advance reviews of that disc made mention of a veritable plethora of versions of "Radioactivity" on the album which, given that there's only one here, seems to indicate a change in the track listing to give a more varied selection of covers. This might also explain the huge delay between those first reviews and the disc eventually appearing. The end result is by turns fascinating and annoying. Fascinating because some of the treatments given to Kraftwerk tracks here are highly original and entertaining, annoying because I have difficulty believing that one or two of the groups involved actually took part out of some desire to pay tribute to Kraftwerk rather than because it because it gave them the opportunity to get a track on a compilation. First up is probably the best known band to come out of Slovenia, Laibach. The desperately dark and ominous "Zrcalo Sveta" is identifiable as a Kraftwerk cover only with extreme difficulty, and mixes Slovenian lyrics by their original vocalist Tomaz Hostnik (who committed suicide back in 1982) with the German lyrics to "Hall Of Mirrors" (or to be more precise, the German original, "Spiegelsaal"), all intoned in a typically sepulchral voice over a backdrop of tolling bells and leaden percussion. Interesting and strangely appealing, but not exactly a bundle of laughs unless your idea of a fun time is attending a Slovenian funeral. Coptic Rain's cover of "The Robots" also takes Kraftwerk's material in new directions with its mixture of fast, thrashy sampled guitars, synths, samples and harsh female vocals. I can imagine hardened Kraftwerk fans will turn a very funny colour on first hearing this (actually, this could be said about most of the tracks on this album) but after a few listens it does grow on you. It may also conjure up some very interesting images for those who saw Kraftwerk's robots "performing" this track live during their last tour. Limbs flying everywhere as they try to keep up, thrashing on air-guitars... "Trans Europe Express" gets a more typically electronic treatment from The One You Love. While it retains a more Kraftwerkian feel than the previous tracks it's considerably darker in feel than the original, with interesting percussion that manages to convey a feeling of relentless motion in the same way as the original did without actually sounding the same. Add to that some odd little samples, interesting synth work and a multi-lingual approach to the lyrics, and what you get is a very enjoyable cover version indeed. The cover of "Radioactivity" by April Nine is another that retains a largely electronic feel, but it's considerably less inspired than the previous track. It lacks both the fragility and beauty of the original and the drive of the version from _The Mix_, favouring a passable but unexceptional lightweight synth pop interpretation of the track with female vocals. Given that the original version of this release apparently included several interpretations of this track, it's a shame that this rather lacklustre rendition was the one chosen. Beitthron's version of "Airwaves" is rather appealing, and manages to fuse the ethereal melody of the original with an up-tempo contemporary synth-pop approach to the tracks. A lot of the subtlety of the original is lost (this is true of almost all the covers from the _Radio-Activity_ album here) but it's still an enjoyable track. Data Processed Corrupted give "Transistor" a very distinctive and enjoyable treatment with a mixture of electronics and variously distorted or processed guitars. It's a shame that it's so short. Contending with Laibach for the title of best known Slovenian band here are Borghesia, who've taken "Ohm Sweet Ohm" and infused samples of several other Kraftwerk tracks (a rhythm track that sounds as though it's based on "Numbers", the "Yes" and "No" snippets from "Sex Object", bits of "Technopop" and so forth). It's a rather nice track, although the samples of later Kraftwerk (and modern instrumentation) tend to swamp the original track. Mitja V.S. give "Neonlicht" ("Neon Lights" in its English version) an unusual and quirky treatment that, due largely to the presence of the Enzo Fabiani quartet, is initially very reminiscent of the cover versions on the Balanescu Quartet's _Possessed_. This fascinating track combines the string quartet with odd percussion that includes sloshing watery noises, what sounds like a banjo and distant tinny vocals that suggests the vocals were recorded not just in Slovenia, but in Slovenia circa 1925. Hell, they even through in a "Boing Boom Tschak" or two, just for fun. A good, fun cover version. "Antenna" by Z-Entropa is very enjoyable, and features low, strongly accented vocals over a solid synth backdrop and samples of the original track. Strelnikoff's "Man Machine" is somewhat odd. The intro is very reminiscent of the original, but then metamorphoses into a loud, thrashy guitar-based track with distorted, screamed vocals. It's...OK, I guess, but it's certainly not my favourite track here. After a brief foray into heavy guitars, it's back to synth territory with Random Logic's "Home Computer". Fairly faithful to the original (*too* faithful to the original perhaps, there's a lot of samples here) it gives the track a contemporary techno sheen. Perhaps this is how _The Mix_ might have sounded had it been recorded in 1993 rather than 1991? Demolition Group's "The Model" (which is only on the CD of this release) takes us back into non-synth territory, with a guitar and sax based rendition that grows on you in time. The verses are almost unidentifiable - screeching guitar and squalling synth with only the (heavily accented) lyrics being familiar, but the hook of the chorus suits the punk guitar treatment well and the "la la la"-ed bridge is hilarious. 300000 V.K. do equally interesting things to "Kometenmelodie Part 1", contemporarising (is there even such a word?) this rather fragile track in a surprisingly effective fashion. There's samples (about comets!), a thumping dance beat, and all the usual features of a contemporary club sound, yet the original sparkling melody still manages to fight its way through in places. Pretty original. Pretty *and* original. Videosex's appropriately tinkly, spacy cover of "Spacelab" is rather odd, since it never really gets anywhere and the female vocalist's voice is *extremely* reminiscent of that of the vocalist of April Nine. More on this phenomenon later. I'd been rather looking forward to Kraftbach's "Lie-Werk", since its title so obviously suggested Laibach imitating Kraftwerk, but the actual track is a bit disappointing, since it's just a chopped down version of Laibach's "Geburt Einer Nation (October 3 1990 Remix)", a track that's available elsewhere. There's nothing new added, all that appears to have happened is they've cut the track down from over eight minutes to under six. Like the original it sounds *very* Kraftwerk-like but it'll be of little interest to anyone who is already familiar with the original Laibach track. So is Laibach's contribution really limited to just one track and a rehashed-though-Kraftwerkian cover of Queen's "One Vision"? I'm not so sure. I can't help but make a link between some of the bizarre covers, Laibach's distinctively deadpan sense of humour, the graveyard vocals on several tracks and the sparsity of many of the credits here. I'd not be at all surprised to discover that Laibach were behind *several* of the acts on this compilation (and I'm also tempted to try and compare the vocals on the April Nine and Videosex tracks with Laibach's female cohorts on the likes of "Across The Universe" (*)). Of course, these similarities might all be due to the influence Laibach themselves have had on the Slovenian music scene, but you have to wonder..any Slovenians out there care to confirm the existence of all these bands? Overall, I'm impressed. If you can ignore Biba Kopf's usual pretentious and cliched muso-drivel on the back of the booklet and throw away any preconceptions about what a Kraftwerk cover *should* sound like, the end result is highly enjoyable. There's a few duds - the Strelnikoff track doesn't do much for me, likewise the April Nine track, but many of the covers here are excellent, whether they're done in a Kraftwerk-like style or have twisted off in some other direction. Hardened Kraftwerk fans might want to try to give this disc a listen before buying though. I like Kraftwerk a great deal but stop short of outright hero worship. Those who place the group on an unassailable pedestal may have difficulty getting into some of the covers here. Anybody who plans to buy this should try to find it *soon* though - it seems to be a limited edition of just 1000 CDs. Erland Rating: +2 - ---- (*) Since I wrote the review I've had confirmation from someone in Slovenia that Anja Rupel, who does the vocals on this track, is also a member of Germania, who did the vocals on Kraftwerk's "Across The Universe". A flashy WWW-ed version of this review can be found at: - -- Al Crawford - Department Of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh Rm 1410, JCMB, Kings Buildings, Mayfield Rd, EDINBURGH, EH9 3JZ, Scotland Tel: +44 (0) 31 650 5165 Fax: +44 (0) 31 667 7209 ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 10:36:28 -0400 Subject: Re: Autechre Really-From: (Edy Braun) >Alternatively, ftp, change to directory >/music/artists/autechre/samples/ and get the file that way. > Thank you very much! I'll check out the site as soon as I can. I've downloaded stuff from other groups before (brief samples) and I found it really helped me choose what to buy. I wish that more on-line catalogs of samples existed... it would probably increase record sales... and allow users to discover new groups that usually don't get much air time on radio or TV. Hey, I wonder if anyone has looked into this? Discuss! - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 94 17:03:39 SAST Subject: Re: Autechre Really-From: Johann Visagie > Really-From: (Edy Braun) > > Thank you very much! I'll check out the site as soon as I can. I've > downloaded stuff from other groups before (brief samples) and I found it > really helped me choose what to buy. I wish that more on-line catalogs > of samples existed... it would probably increase record sales... and allow > users to discover new groups that usually don't get much air time on radio > or TV. > > Hey, I wonder if anyone has looked into this? Discuss! Well, the Vangelis WWW site has .au files of the tracks of just about all his albums (for the information of those not on the Vangelis list as well). - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 16:21:37 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Autechre Really-From: Richard Ingram > Well, the Vangelis WWW site has .au files of the tracks of just about all > his albums (for the information of those not on the Vangelis list as > well). What is the address of this WWW site ?? Thanks, Rich. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 17:29:02 +0000 Subject: on-line catalogs Really-From: (Jose Garcia) > Really-From: (Edy Braun) > I've > downloaded stuff from other groups before (brief samples) and I found it > really helped me choose what to buy. I wish that more on-line catalogs > of samples existed... So do I. To tell the truth, I know of very few modern electronic music bands, and it is due to the fact that I don't buy records if don't know in advance I'm going to like them (sort of). As I don't know of radio music programs playing such kind of music, the only way to know about new bands is by buying their records. Quite a risky way of spending the scarce money! > it would probably increase record sales... and allow > users to discover new groups that usually don't get much air time on radio > or TV. Definitely. People could check samples of albums and find out which ones are good candidates for the list of purchases. Jose Garcia ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #24 ****************************** From: kraftwerk To: Subject: kraftwerk-digest V2 #25 Reply-To: kraftwerk Errors-To: kraftwerk Precedence: bulk kraftwerk-digest Wednesday, 31 August 1994 Volume 02 : Number 025 Wups! Re: Autechre Re: technopop Re: Autechre Re: discography Re: Kraftwerk boots Re: Autechre The Balanescu Quartet does KW The Balanescu Quartet does KW ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 94 16:41:13 BST Subject: Wups! Really-From: Al Crawford Sorry folks, that review shouldn't have gone out twice. It's due to an occasional local glitch whereby my workstation (for some as yet unknown reason) spits out the same mail message twice in rapid succession. Al - -- Al Crawford - Department Of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh Rm 1410, JCMB, Kings Buildings, Mayfield Rd, EDINBURGH, EH9 3JZ, Scotland Tel: +44 (0) 31 650 5165 Fax: +44 (0) 31 667 7209 ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 94 17:45:45 SAST Subject: Re: Autechre Really-From: Johann Visagie > Really-From: Richard Ingram > > > Well, the Vangelis WWW site has .au files of the tracks of just about all > > his albums (for the information of those not on the Vangelis list as > > well). > > What is the address of this WWW site ?? And, if anybody not on the tadream list wants to know, the Tangerine Dream site is: There, together with the Kraftwerk site, you now have all the music sites in my hotlist... :) - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 09:51:27 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: technopop Really-From: (Lazlo Nibble) >> Asking Ralf about rumours that it was possible to obtain bootlegs of >> _Technopop_, he replied that it was never recorded. > > A typical answer from Ralf: he avoids and refuses to answer questions > that are considered as kling klang secrets. Also a pretty obvious lie; record labels are not in the habit of labeling singles as being "From the forthcoming album..." unless the forthcoming album is reasonably close to being ready for release. (Cf. "Tour de France".) - -- Lazlo ( "Techno techno bloody *techno*, darling!" ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 11:54:10 -0400 Subject: Re: Autechre Really-From: (Edy Braun) >> Well, the Vangelis WWW site has .au files of the tracks of just about all >> his albums (for the information of those not on the Vangelis list as >> well). How do I play .au files on my PC? What program allows me to do it and where do I get it? I've got a few MOD players (Inertia, DMP) and also Soundtracker... but I don't think any of them support .au files. By the way... I have only the PC speaker so the program should allow to play on speaker... or at least convert it to a WAV file for Windows. Thanks in advance. - -- _ _ |_ _| |_),_ _ ._ |_ (_[ (_) |_)| `(_[|_|| | PhANtAsMaGoRiA CyBeRpUnK yO[Ed] _/ Text-ASCII art courtesy XERF ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 94 20:13 BST Subject: Re: discography Really-From: (Kevin G Busby) (Lazlo Nibble) wrote:- >>> The discog is available at in pub/users/lazlo/kraftwerk. >> >> An updated version should be available at, shouldn't it? > >Mmmmm, for some definition of "should", maybe. I don't know whether I sent >a copy to Dave or not. The most current publicly available versions of the >discographies I maintain are *always* up at xmission, though. Fair enough, though IMHO ought to be kept up to date too, since for many people that's "the" place to look for discographies. BTW, thanks to Lazlo for working on the discography, and I hope those who are able to are sending in additions and corrections; there's a fair bit to add. ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 94 20:14 BST Subject: Re: Kraftwerk boots Really-From: (Kevin G Busby) >Subject: Early Kraftwerk Boots, _Technopop_ >Really-From: Al Crawford >'Lo folks. Welcome back to the list! >Having hit a local record fair yesterday, I came away with a number of >Kraftwerk items. Being a typical record fair, none of these items were >from, erm, recognised sources. So, a few comments and a few questions... > >The bulk of my haul consisted of the CD boots of _Kraftwerk_, _Kraftwerk 2_ >and _Ralf & Florian_ (I wasn't particularly interested in _Tone-Float_, so >I didn't look too hard for that). I'm impressed. While these aren't the I went to a local record fair on Monday also; and it was 'Tone Float' that I was particularly interested in! Having read a negative comment about sound quality on these bootlegs on the list, I was pleasantly surprised by the recording quality. It's not perfect by any means, but I didn't find the crackling too obtrusive; it's mainly noticeable at the start and end of the tracks. I suppose it depends how keen you are to hear 'Tone Float'; I was very keen and prepared to put up with a little noise! Certainly Kraftwerk fans should hear 'Kraftwerk 1' and 'Kraftwerk 2' first. Only if they like those should they seek out the Organisation CD, which is even less like the sound of Kraftwerk which developed. On first hearing I would describe the music as being a sort of jazz-tinged experimental light progressive rock. Some of the studio trickery is reminiscent of Kraftwerk 1 and Kraftwerk 2, but there are also flute improvisations by Florian and strange bobitty organ chops courtesy of Ralf. :-) Bongos and other percussion are quite prominent in a laid-back hippy student sort of way, one track, 'Silver Forest', even sounding a little bit like Tangerine Dream's 'Wahn' (from their early LP 'Atem'). I'm very pleased to have found a copy of this release. Don't be misled into thinking you're buying a Kraftwerk album (as the CD cover indicates); Ralf & Florian are only 2/5ths of the group. However I personally _would_ recommend this release to Kraftwerk obsessives who are otherwise unable to obtain this interesting early recording. Most of the music is well worth hearing in its own right, it's an interesting precursor to 'Kraftwerk 1' and you get to hear some very nice electric violin playing from Florian...! Kevin PS I saw the 'Kraftwerk 1', 'Kraftwerk 2' and 'Ralf & Florian' bootlegs too. I must say 'Kraftwerk 1' is very nicely packaged. PS2 I agree that The Remix is worth getting hold of for the 'Techno Pop' demo and 'Sex Object' tracks, if you don't mind the expense of having to pay for the needless remixes on the album too. 'Sex Object' sounds warmer than the album version, though it's rougher of course. I get the impression that the big change from 'Technopop' to 'Electric Cafe' was a sudden infatuation with string samples??! ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 94 22:28:22 SAST Subject: Re: Autechre Really-From: Johann Visagie > Really-From: (Edy Braun) > > How do I play .au files on my PC? What program allows me to do it and > where do I get it? I've got a few MOD players (Inertia, DMP) and also > Soundtracker... but I don't think any of them support .au files. By > the way... I have only the PC speaker so the program should allow to > play on speaker... or at least convert it to a WAV file for Windows. Your best bet would probably be to search around on the net for some utility which can convert .au to .voc or .wav. If you're using WinMosaic to access the Web, then you should just be able to click on the sound clips to play them (if your Windows multimedia sound drivers are installed correctly). - -- Johann W J Visagie (Mr_V@IRC) _____..---========+*+==========---.._____ ______________________ __,-='=====____ =================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) - _-=_/ `---------=+=--------' / /__...---===='---+---_' Tel: +27 21 887 6220 [campus - a/h] '------'---.___ - _ = _.-' Tel: +27 21 52 2776 [home - w/e] `--------' Email: [ Note: My campus number will be unavailable until further notice ] ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 15:01:25 -0700 (PDT) Subject: The Balanescu Quartet does KW Really-From: Luther Welsh Jr Geschwister: Jose wrote: > Anyone noticed they credit the songs to Hutter, Bartoff, Schneider? ^^ > I suppose it refers to the fact that Bartos if off the band. Furthermore, they credit some character named "Shultz". They are refering to, perhaps, John Banner? My sister-in-law is a violinist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. She abhors electronic music. Her birthday is coming up and I know exactly what I'm going to give her. Yes, I also like it. Quite a bit, in fact. Buy it, it's refreshing. "I'mk opurrator vit pawkit callkulator". -- Alexander Balanescu +--------------------+ .-. .- -.. .. --- .- -.-. - .. ...- .. - -.-- + | Luke Welsh | "Ich bin Ihr Diener und Ihr Herr zugleich" | | | <"I am both your servant and your master"> | | | Kraftwerk, The Voice Of Energy | +--------------------+... --- ... ... --- ... ... --- ... ... --- ...+ ------------------------------ From: kraftwerk (kraftwerk mailing list) Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1994 15:01:25 -0700 (PDT) Subject: The Balanescu Quartet does KW Really-From: Luther Welsh Jr Geschwister: Jose wrote: > Anyone noticed they credit the songs to Hutter, Bartoff, Schneider? ^^ > I suppose it refers to the fact that Bartos if off the band. Furthermore, they credit some character named "Shultz". They are refering to, perhaps, John Banner? My sister-in-law is a violinist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. She abhors electronic music. Her birthday is coming up and I know exactly what I'm going to give her. Yes, I also like it. Quite a bit, in fact. Buy it, it's refreshing. "I'mk opurrator vit pawkit callkulator". -- Alexander Balanescu +--------------------+ .-. .- -.. .. --- .- -.-. - .. ...- .. - -.-- + | Luke Welsh | "Ich bin Ihr Diener und Ihr Herr zugleich" | | | <"I am both your servant and your master"> | | | Kraftwerk, The Voice Of Energy | +--------------------+... --- ... ... --- ... ... --- ... ... --- ...+ ------------------------------ End of kraftwerk-digest V2 #25 ******************************