oooooo _ _ _ I like this CRAZY music ! :-D ''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''' artist: Rudy Schwartz Project title: G=FCnther packs a stiffy origin: USA type: CD label: Seeland 502 (home release) price: $15 distribution: Joe Newman, PO Box 4542, Austin, TX 78765-4542, USA year: 1995 genre: strange kind of novelty duration: 59:50 track list: The Bacon For Tomorrow's Breakfast ''''''''''''' Enhanced Florence Henderson What's Up (4 Non-Blondes) Pre-game Hormonal Transients Waldo's Demurral The Dallas Cowboys, Jesus And Me Frank Miracles Sextet-Lucia de Lammermoor (Donizetti) Yodelin' Satan Foodplay Theme From Sweet Movie Would You FIB To The FBI? Dance Theme From TISCWSLABMUZ Tennessee Ball Hey Darling, Can I Buy you a Taco? Miss Jane Albuquerque Ball Chunk and Puff Air Ho Daddy OK, so I like it. But why? And how am I going to describe this CD to you, because, jee, it really doesn't fit into any category. But it's great. Above, I called it a "strange kind of novelty", just because it was Dr. Demento who pointed me to this CD; but you could also say it's a funny kind of strange and adventurous pop. Dr. Demento said that this Rudy Schwartz Project is very influenced by Zappa. That's true, but why do I like this CD, while I don't dig Zappa at all? I guess, this music by Joe Newman is easier than Zappa, and his songs surely are shorter. Besides Zappa, I'm hearing a lot of other influences here: Can, The Residents, Spike Jones, Monty Python, Barnes & Barnes, The Butthole Surfers (in his cover of "What's Up"), Sky, and a few seconds J.J. Perrey. And then off course TV: commercials, cartoons, Sport comments... None of these 20 songs sound identical, so it's variation galore! If you're lookig for some nice, quiet, decent music, buy the new Enya. However, if you like surprising, funny, cynical and deranged yet accessible stuff, you may like this a lot. (when buying this goodie, please mention where you read about it - thanx) (Joe, if you're reading this, please contactme, because I want to hear more!= :) Greatings from Johan (home: Wivina 15, 1702, Belgium)